
The War Next Time: Countering Rogue States and Terrorist Armed with Chemical and Biological Weapons, 2004

  • Published
  • By Schneider, Dr. Barry R. and Davis, Dr. Jim A.
  • USAF Counterproliferation Center, Air University, Maxwell AFB, AL

The War Next Time: Countering Rogue States and Terrorist Armed with Chemical and Biological Weapons, 2004

The War Next Time: Countering Rogue States and Terrorist Armed with Chemical and Biological Weapons, 2004
Edited by Dr. Barry R. Schneider and Dr. Jim A. Davis, USAF Counterproliferation Center, Air University, Maxwell AFB, AL 

The ten chapters in this book were developed prior to the initiation of Operation Iraqi Freedom, but most were updated to reflect that experience. Issues addressed include a discussion of asymmetric rivals and transnational terrorism, South Africa's CB weapons, U.S. retaliatory policy, identifying BW programs, the future bio-cruise threat, a review of the Army's CANE exercises, prophylaxis for biological weapons, bioterrorism's economic impact, and the "85%" solution to the CBW threat.