Russia Research Task Force

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Russia Research Task Force Articles

  • Sanctions on Russia when China is Involved

    Maj Patrick McGetrick: Global sanctions on Russia are meant to apply economic pressure long enough to force them to stop their invasion of Ukraine. Russia survived sanctions before following its invasion of Crimea. New sanctions on Russia are meant to impose even greater costs on their economy.

  • Russia’s Way of War

    Maj Maggie Ballard:As Russian forces drawback from Northern Ukraine, they leave behind evidence of their way of war. Prior to the Russian retreat, as reports surfaced of Ukrainian hospitals and theaters serving as shelters being hit by Russian artillery, the West was concerned but accustomed to the

  • Kremlin’s Concept for Using Chemical & Biological Weapons

    Maj Maggie Ballard:The Kremlin’s concept of using chemical and biological weapons given the current conflict in Ukraine is that these weapons are a tool that provides an asymmetric advantage and may be used covertly or overtly as required to achieve political objectives. The west’s

  • Russian Escalation Management in Ukraine Crisis, 2022

    Maj Frank Perry:Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February of 2022 provided a significant data point regarding Russian forces’ readiness, tactics, techniques and procedures, and escalation management. What was once conceptual and only captured in Russian doctrine has now seen “first

  • Battening Down the Hatches

    Maj Frank Perry:Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February of 2022 was met with international criticism and outrage throughout the globe. The Kremlin is acting swiftly to shield the Russian public from dissenting voices, both inside and outside of the country. The censoring of social media, news

  • Russia’s Concept of Escalation Management

    LCDR Ryan A. Fisher:The Russian Federation’s concept of escalation management during the current securitysituation in Ukraine can be roughly divided into periods of demonstration, adequate damageinfliction, and retaliation.1 In November 2021, satellite imagery showcased

  • Vladimir Putin: How the West Was Duped

    Major Melissa Jamison: Vladimir Putin is undoubtedly described in the most gratuitous terms today, some complimentary and most scathing. This spectrum points to the ironic success of Putin's foreign policy as it has evolved from the day Yeltsin stepped down, opening the floodgate for his

  • Russian Counterspace Defense Initiative

    Maj David “Cookie” Anderson: Russia’s counterspace weapon initiatives provide a comparative advantage for conflicts with the West near Russian territory. Over the past several years, Russia has developed an arsenal of kinetic and non-kinetic counterspace weapons capable of