Thomas "Dutch" Miller Award

The Miller Award is presented to the individual who has researched, written, and published on the most immediately relevant and important Air Force counter-WMD or nuclear enterprise issue during the year. This award is limited to students at the Air Command and Staff College. 

Colonel Thomas "Dutch" Miller served in the Air Force for over 26 years. His last assignment was as the Division Chief of National Security Policy on the Air Staff (AF/XON) where he oversaw the development of Air Force policy on counterproliferation and arms control negotiations. During this time, Col Miller focused his personal efforts on establishing the AF Counterproliferation Program. He also sponsored the stand-up of the USAF Counterproliferation Center at Maxwell Air Force Base in 1998. Col Miller lectured at the Air War College, Harvard's Kenney School of Government, the Defense Threat Reduction Agency's annual conferences, National Defense University, and the United Kingdom's Wilton Park conference series. 
Prior assignments include an extensive operational career as a B-52 Radar Navigator and Instructor/Evaluator to include assignment to Headquarters Strategic Air Command (SAC) as the B-52/B-1 Command Radar Navigator/OSO. Later, as the SAC Policy and Doctrine Division Chief, he led SAC's participation in the joint doctrine program and drafted the first Joint Nuclear Operations Doctrine and as the SAC's Strategy and Concepts Division Chief was both the lead planner for the creation of U.S. Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM) and the Chief of the USSTRATCOM transition team. As Chief, Strategy and Concepts following USSTRATCOM stand-up, Col Miller formulated concepts and strategies for offense/defense integration and developed and implemented a plan consolidating all nuclear planning at USSTRATCOM. As the first Chief of the USSTRATCOM Theater Planning Support Division, Col Miller directed a joint organization preparing war plans to counter weapons of mass destruction (WMD). This included target development, weaponeering, mission planning, threat analysis, consequences of execution and the integration of DoD-directed special access programs.

Miller Award Recipients


Gen. Charles A. Horner Award

The Horner Award is presented to the individual who has researched, written, and published the most original contribution to the understanding of Air Force counter-WMD or nuclear enterprise issues during the year. This award is limited to students at the Air War College.

General Charles "Chuck" Horner served in the Air Force for 36 years, retiring in 1994 as a four-star general officer. His last assignment was as the Commander, North American Aerospace Command and U.S. Space Command; and Commander, Air Force Space Command, Peterson Air Force Base. He was responsible for the aerospace defense of the United States and Canada, and the exploitation and control of space for national purposes through a far-flung network of satelites and ground stations throughout the world.

General Horner, an Iowa native, entered the Air Force through the Reserve Officer Training Corps program and was awarded pilot wings in November 1959. He has commanded a tactical training wing, a fighter wing, two air divisions and a numbered Air Force. While Commander of 9th Air Force, he also commanded U.S. Central Command Air Forces, in command of all U.S. and allied air assets during operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm.

Prior assignments included Deputy Chief of Plans for Tactical Air Command; Commander, Air Defense Weapons Center; and command of a tactical training wing, a fighter wing, and two air divisions. He was a command pilot with more than 5,300 flying hours in a variety of fighter aircraft. During the Vietnam conflict he flew 41 combat missions over North Vietnam in the F-105 during a tour. He later flew more than 70 combat missions as an F-105 Wild Weasel pilot, deliberately drawing anti-aircraft fire to identify and destroy North Vietnamese defenses.





Horner Award Recipients

CSDS Crest
125 Chennault Circle Maxwell AFB, AL 36112