DoD Attendee - Register Here
Non-DoD Attendees - Register Here
This is the Air University Non-Attribution Policy: All Symposium participants must adhere to academic freedom and non-attribution policies as described in Air University Instruction 36-2608, Academic Freedom. Presentations may include candid lectures and articles from senior U.S. Government leaders and the civilian sector. These presenters consent to distribute their presentations because they are assured their comments will be shared only among participants and faculty. Participants must respect and protect the confidentiality of all speakers’ presentations. Participants are not allowed to attribute any materials from the Symposium to persons other than the speaker / author without permission from that individual. Similarly, participants shall respect the contributions of other participants who participate in Symposium sessions. Below are some explanatory notes on AU’s academic freedom policy:
551 E. Maxwell Blvd, Bldg 500, Maxwell AFB, AL 36112