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2024 AU LREC Symposium



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 Who can attend the event?
  • Open to all interested in Language, Regional Expertise, and Culture.
 Do I need to register to attend the Symposium?
  • Yes. You must register to attend the Symposium and to present.
 Is there a virtual option?
  • No, in person only.
 What is the cost to attend?
  • There is a “landing fee” of $40, to cover hospitality items and an evening social. This must be paid in cash at check-in. 

 How is this trip funded?
  • Unit-funded TDY
 What is the schedule for the Symposium?
  • The schedule, presenter information, directions, and more will be available on the Symposium tab in AFCLC’s Culture Guide App. (TBA) Search “AFCLC” in App Store or Google Play to download the app (or update to the latest version if you already have the app).
 AFCLC AU LREC Symposium - Presentation Info
  • Information on presentation themes and submitting proposals can be found here.
 When will presentation proposals be due?

August 15th, 2024

 When will I be notified if my proposal is accepted?
  • August 30th, 2024
 Do I still need to register if I am a presenter and/or if my proposal topic was accepted?
  • Yes. You must register to present at the Symposium. We will contact you for presentation protocol and expectations.
 Where can I find more information about the Symposium and the AFCLC and its activities?
  • Much more information can be found here:
    • AFCLC Website
    • AFCLC Facebook
    • AFCLC Twitter
    • AFCLC LinkedIn
    • Search the hashtag #AULREC on all social media platforms to keep up with the latest Symposium news!
 What is the policy on non-attribution and academic freedom for the Symposium?
  • This is the Air University Non-Attribution Policy:
    All Symposium participants must adhere to academic freedom and non-attribution policies as described in Air University Instruction 36-2608, Academic Freedom. Presentations may include candid lectures and articles from senior U.S. Government leaders and the civilian sector. These presenters consent to distribute their presentations because they are assured their comments will be shared only among participants and faculty. Participants must respect and protect the confidentiality of all speakers’ presentations. Participants are not allowed to attribute any materials from the Symposium to persons other than the speaker / author without permission from that individual.
    Similarly, participants shall respect the contributions of other participants who participate in Symposium sessions.

    Below are some explanatory notes on AU’s academic freedom policy:
    1. Academic freedom allows students, guest speakers, contributing authors, and participants in established classes (and symposia) to state opinions openly and to support or challenge ideas without concern their remarks will be attributed to them.
    2. Non-attribution facilitates the free expression of opinions and ideas and allows for professional disagreements within the context of an academically stimulating environment. Essentially, non-attribution means not associating specific comments, ideas, opinions, or conversations with specific individuals.
    3. Although individuals may debate relevant issues, academic freedom must be tempered by good judgment to refrain from making offensive remarks, unfounded opinions, or irresponsible statements either verbally or in writing. Offensive remarks or irresponsible statements include comments disparaging any person’s race, color, national origin, ethnic group, religion, or sex. Offensive remarks or irresponsible statements – whether oral or written – will not be tolerated. Individuals who violate the academic freedom policy are subject to adverse administrative and/or disciplinary actions as described in AUI 36-2608, Academic Freedom.
 Where can I find reporting information?

Jones Auditorium, 0700 on November 13th, at the Air War College on Maxwell AFB

For more information about the Symposium, email us at


AFCLC emblem. Air Force Culture and Language Center. Air Force's Global Classroom.

551 E. Maxwell Blvd, Bldg 500, Maxwell AFB, AL 36112


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Please take a look at programs from our previous Symposia.

2023 Program

2022 Program

2021 Program

2020 Program

 2019 Program

 2018 Program

 2017 Program

 2016 Program