Air University Press


Lights, Camera, Action: Getting Back to the Basics

  • Published
  • By Leslie Bramlett
  • Air University Press, Maxwell AFB, AL

SMSgt Leslie Bramlett offers a call to the USAF enlisted corps to return to the basics of leadership, traditions, and discipline that are taught in basic military training (BMT). He delineates how the Air Force’s senior corps of noncommissioned officers recognizes discipline problems among the enlisted Airmen which have caused degradation in mission support and adherence to standards. SMSgt Bramlett identifies how failure to maintain the attitudes and behaviors learned in BMT have contributed to these problems. He argues that Airmen leave basic training and then enter the “real” Air Force and find a culture which does not reinforce the lessons taught in BMT. In this exposition, the author constructs a case for reinvigorating these lessons to help remedy this situation. [SMSgt Leslie Bramlett, USAF / 2009 / 60 pages/ ISBN 978-1-58566-191-6 / B-116]

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