
'Excellent' inspection for Team Maxwell-Gunter

  • Published
  • Air University Public Affairs
After 10 days of close scrutiny by the Air Education and Training Command inspector general and his team of more than 120 inspectors, Team Maxwell-Gunter received an "excellent" on the overall assessment.

Air University received excellent ratings across the board, with each center scoring the same high marks, and the 42nd Air Base Wing also ranked excellent overall as well.

The AETC inspector general congratulated the men and women of Team Maxwell-Gunter on behalf of Gen. Stephen Lorenz, the commander of the major command, prior to the results announcement.

"Usually we can tell when we go into an organization if they are well prepared that they are going to do well and you were very well prepared," Col. Monty Brock said. "We could tell when we got off the airplane and there was a contingent there to meet us; it was evident when we got into our workstation, which by the way was the best work center the team has ever had; it was evident when we got to our billeting and the rooms were pristine; the dining facility was fabulous; and it was evident in the fitness center, the statics looked great; and the facilities were beautiful. The visit was just great for the IG team."

Lt. Gen. Allen Peck, Air University commadner, pointed out that, in light of a recent reorganization at Air University and the change of command at the wing only six weeks ago, the scores were "almost beyond our dreams."

"We continue to educate; this machine continues to produce 50,000 in-residence students every year and 100,000 by distance learning and while we are doing that, we excel during an inspection," he said.