2013 Research Papers Published March 1, 2017 USAF Center for Strategy and Technology, Air University, Maxwell AFB, AL Building a Competitive Edge with Additive Manufacturing, by Bennett and Pettus, 2013 The Third Nuclear Age: How I Learned to Start Worrying About the Clean Bomb, by Denton, 2013 Sacred Cows and Stubborn Mules: the Imperative to Reform the US Code, by Lehew, Feb 2013 A National Solution: Rethinking the Employment of Air National Guard Title 32 Status Citizen-Airmen to Defend the Nation's Cyberspace Infrastructure, by McKinney, Feb 2013 The Brain Computer Interface Future: Time for a Strategy, by Moore, 2013 Leveraging U.S. Geo-Strategic Positional Adantage to Prevail in a Mercantile World, by Turner, 2013 The Opening of the Arctic: Establishing a New Security Perimeter for the United States, by Umstead, 2013