Dr. Robert S. Hinck is an Assistant Professor of Leadership and Director of Research at the Leadership and Innovation Institute. He also serves as Deputy Director of Air University’s Quality Enhancement Plan. He graduated with a B.A. in Public Policy from the University of Michigan, a M.A. in Communication Studies from Central Michigan University, and a PhD from Texas A&M University in Communication. He teaches courses at AWC, ACSC, and the Ira C Eaker Center. He is lead author of two books, the most recent entitled “The Future of Global Competition: Ontological Security Narratives Chinese, Iranian, Russian, and Venezuelan Media.” His teaching and research have been recognized for excellence at multiple institutions; most recently being awarded the Ira. C. Eaker Center’s Educator of the Year.
Research Interests/Expertise: leadership development, ethics, international communication, political debates and argumentation, strategic narratives, organizational rhetoric.
Courses Taught: Leadership Development Course for Squadron Command, International Security 1, International Security 2, Propaganda, and Strategic Narrative