

Air University & Maxwell AFB News

  • Intramural sports adds Ultimate Frisbee

    The Maxwell-Gunter Fitness and Sports Center is including Ultimate Frisbee for the first time as an intramural sport. The Frisbee season begins Oct. 20. Deadline for team entry is no later than Oct. 9, according to Yancey Atchley, director of intramural sports. Squadrons can enter a team by

  • Organizational success requires each of us to jump on board

    When I think about leadership and organizational success, trains come to mind as a useful analogy. Just as all of a train's components are essential and must work in concert with one another for it to reach its final destination, all Airmen play an important and integral role in helping the Air

  • 42nd Medical Group colonel earns Air Medal as flight surgeon

    For Col. (Dr.) James W. Walter, service is a family tradition, so it is no surprise that his distinguished service has earned applause from his superiors. The type of award he earned, however, is rarely given to medical officers. Colonel Walter received an Air Medal from Lt. Gen. Gary L. North,

  • Green Knights rally emphasizes safety

    Members of the Green Knights Motorcycle Club, local Chapter 10, held their first annual motorcycle rally Aug. 28 at Maxwell with motorcycle safety the primary theme of the event. The rally began with a group-ride from Montgomery's Overlook Park to Maxwell's Officer Training School running track.

  • Maxwell Clinic announces plan for influenza

    The 42nd Medical Group is prepared to take care of patients with Influenza-Like Illness, or ILI. Symptoms of influenza include fever greater than 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit with at least one of the following additional symptoms: cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, body aches, headache, chills,

  • Federally Employed Women award luncheon focuses on ‘Keys to Success’

    Award nominees and their supporters embraced the "Keys to Success" at an Aug. 27 awards luncheon sponsored by the Federal Women's Program Committee and Federally Employed Women. The event, which helped mark August as Federal Woman's Month at Maxwell, honored the 22 nominees and five winners of