
Stand like an Airman

  • Published
  • By Master Sgt P. Jason Acre
  • Air University first sergeant
Are you a paper Airman? Airmanship isn't about what someone writes in your enlisted performance report or what is written in your most recent decoration. Airmanship is about what you are doing to help the Air Force complete the mission.

The Air Force's mission is still to "Fly, Fight and Win" and whether you are flying the aircraft, maintaining the aircraft or supporting those that fly and maintain the aircraft we all are chartered with doing our part. During Air Force Chief of Staff, General Mark Welsh's appointment 10 Aug., his opening remarks provided the roadmap to success in the Air Force. He stated, "Take care of the "Fly, Fight, and Win" part...and I'll ensure that "Integrity, Service, and Excellence" aren't just buzz words I use in speeches."

I challenge every Airman to embody and personify our Air Force Core Values and demonstrate them daily. Make a Stand today!

Stand like an Airman

If met with a task that requires Excellence in All We Do,stand like an Airman!

If Service before Self is required to execute the your part of the Air Force mission, stand like an Airman!

Integrity is the cornerstone of Airmanship, if you are tested and your Integrity is challenged, stand like an Airman!