
Airmen exercise readiness in Beverly Morning 19-01

  • Published
  • By Senior Airman Juan Torres
  • 374th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

Yokota Air Base members participated in the week-long readiness exercise Beverly Morning 19-01, May 13-17.

The full-scale exercise, which happens multiple times a year, is designed to enhance base readiness through training and practicing skillsets, ensuring the base is ready to respond to potential real-world contingencies.

“This exercise serves as an important reminder of why we’re here and what we’re capable of accomplishing as a team,” said Col. Otis C. Jones, 374th Airlift Wing commander. “This was about our resiliency as a wing in response to very realistic conflict scenarios.”

Over the week, Yokota Airmen accomplished a variety of mock emergency response operations across the base to include Rapid Airfield Damage Repair (RADR), an active shooter scenario, and a simulated deployment.

Also included in the exercise was a mass casualty scenario where the 374th Medical Group personnel got a chance to practice assessing an emergency situation and how to best give medical treatment to the more than 20 simulated victims.

“It’s important to make sure our medics are trained in all types of environments to be able to respond and save patients,” said Senior Master Sgt. Claire Eyler, 374th Dental Squadron Superintendent and BM 19-01 WIT Chief.

Overall, the unique exercise was a successful test of Yokota's ability to provide effective and immediate response to any possible future contingency situations.

“Our Airmen overcame multiple challenges and showed that we can overcome and accomplish our mission of agile airlift operations and maintain peace in the Indo-Pacific region," said Jones.