Nov. 6, 2019 Air University continues dialogue about suicide prevention with new summit The Air Force is currently battling an enemy right here on the home front; an enemy that has claimed 78 of our Airmen during this year alone.The Air Force is experiencing an all-time high in suicide rates and Air University is doing their part to ensure this topic does not go unnoticed with their
Sept. 3, 2019 Air University Library digitizes research, products for remote Air Force, DOD access The Air University Library is currently digitizing and cataloging 2,500 linear feet of analog resources to make the entire collection of unclassified AU research and products readily available to the larger Air Force and DOD communities.
Aug. 19, 2019 Air University orientation gives wing commanders new tools for their tool box Air University has been hosting wing commanders from across the Air Force monthly since January, to highlight how the commanders can leverage the university’s capabilities to benefit their Airmen and the Air Force.
June 10, 2019 Air University phases out Blackboard with new learning management system The Air University Communications Directorate has been hard at work over the past 21 months implementing the Canvas learning management system into all Air University schools to improve student and teacher workflows and the gradual phasing out of its old LMS, Blackboard.
June 4, 2019 Aviation legends visit AU for 38th annual Gathering of Eagles The annual ACSC capstone event invites aviation legends to AU to engage in community outreach opportunities and make military heritage come alive for ACSC students and faculty.
May 3, 2019 Airey NCOA moves to Maxwell awaiting Tyndall reconstruction In late 2018, Tyndall Air Force Base sustained severe damage from Hurricane Michael, affecting nearly every building and mission on the installation. Among those impacted by the storm, the Airey Noncommissioned Officer Academy faced the loss of their learning environment.
April 15, 2019 Changes coming to a Medical Group near you The medical field is an ever-changing, ever-growing area. Whether this change is from methods of care, shiny and new equipment or even streamlining the administrative side, the goal is always the same: providing for the needs of the patients.
April 15, 2019 Troy University, AU host second round of discussions on education options Local military, community and educational leaders around the River Region gathered this week at Troy University’s Montgomery campus to continue discussing the future of education in the greater Montgomery area. Air University co-hosted the event with Troy University.
March 6, 2019 Air University kicks off President’s Distinguished Speaker Series The goal of the Distinguished Speaker Series is to invite non-military experts in three different categories: leadership, industry/innovation, and thought leaders, to speak at an Air University-wide forum.
March 1, 2019 Breaking the AFIT paradigm with the School of Strategic Force Studies The School of Strategic Force Studies was established at the Air Force Institute of Technology in 2016 through a realignment of two existing Air University units: The Air Force Nuclear College, located at Kirtland AFB, NM and The National Security Space Institute, located at Peterson AFB, CO.