Air University Press

Air University Press Books and Papers Available for Reference by Subject Areas

 A Need to Know More than a tool of policy makers to gather intelligence, Air Force reconnaissance efforts shaped early Cold War doctrine and war planning. Dr. Farquhar argues that a lack of information on Soviet strategic capabilities dominated the organization, operational planning, and equipment of the postwar Air Force. To support his assertion, Farquhar traces the development of aerial reconnaissance from the first balloon ascents through World War II as a prelude. He then examines early Cold War peripheral reconnaissance and overflights of the Soviet Union. He explains the evolution of intelligence-gathering technology, bureaucratic growth, and a relative lack of attention paid to electronic warfare before the Korean War. Based primarily on archival sources, the book serves as an excellent reference for air doctrine, intelligence, and electronic warfare in the formative years of the Cold War. [John T. Farquhar / 2004 / 233 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-124-4 / Cost: $21 / AU Press Code: B-34]
 A War of Their Own Captain Rodman, an instructor weapon-systems officer at Dyess AFB, Texas, examines the distinctive nature of Fifth Air Force's role in the air war over the Southwest Pacific Area during World War II. Especially notable is Gen George Kenney's innovative use of light attack aircraft as well as both medium and heavy bombardment aircraft, characterized by theater-specific tactics, ordnance, and structural modifications. A War of Their Own also considers the free exchange of aircraft and missions in the Southwest Pacific—a hallmark of that theater—in terms of the conflict between doctrine and tactics that underlay Fifth Air Force's relationship to the prewar Army Air Corps and the postwar Air Force. The author also notes the relevance of the Fifth's experiences to airpower. [Matthew K. Rodman / 2005 / 184 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-135-X / Cost: $14 / AU Press Code: B-96]
 A-10s over Kosovo The NATO-led Operation Allied Force was fought in 1999 to stop Serb atrocities against ethnic Albanians in Kosovo. This war, as noted by the distinguished military historian John Keegan, “marked a real turning point . . . and proved that a war can be won by airpower alone.” Colonels Haave and Haun have organized firsthand accounts of some of the people who provided that airpower—the members of the 40th Expeditionary Operations Group. Their descriptions—a new wingman’s first combat sortie, a support officer's view of a fighter squadron relocation during combat, and a Sandy’s leadership in finding and rescuing a downed F-117 pilot—provide the reader with a legitimate insight into an air war at the tactical level and the airpower that helped convince the Serbian president, Slobodan Milosevic, to capitulate. [Christopher E. Haave and Phil M. Haun / 2003 / 367 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-122-8 / Cost: $33 / AU Press Code: B-90]
 Aerospace Power in the Twenty-First Century In Aerospace Power in the Twenty-First Century: A Basic Primer, Dr. Clayton K. S. Chun exposes readers to relevant aerospace capabilities, theories, uses, elements of operational planning, and key issues. After introducing basic definitions and concepts, Dr. Chun uses case studies of both successful and unsuccessful applications of aerospace power to illustrate its functions and abilities. Designed primarily for readers new to the subject, Aerospace Power in the Twenty-First Century also serves as a useful source of information about the strengths and weaknesses of air and space forces. [Clayton K. S. Chun / 2001 / 356 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-091-4 / Cost: $29 / AU Press Code: B-80]
 Aerospace Power: The Case for Indivisible Application Major Myers offers a serious alternative to "aerospace folklore." He proposes an indivisible airpower concept and argues that it would result in a far more flexible aerospace force structure—one that gets the most from our increasingly expensive and limited assets and applies the right force at the right place at the right time. [Grover E. Myers / 1986 / 96 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-013-2 / Cost $4.75 / AU Press Code: B-15]
 Air Warfare Since this study was published initially in 1926, designers, engineers, pilots, and students of aviation have had an opportunity to discern its merits and to analyze its shortcomings. Still, in that historic year, with the public reeling from the outcome of the Scopes Monkey Trial, Charles Lindbergh's solo transcontinental flight, and the Billy Mitchell trail and verdict, William C. Sherman advanced a need for aerial navigation and cogently told us of the merits of flying. Coming at a time when flying was in its infancy, the book ushered in a new era in airpower historiography. Sherman relied on an assortment of illustrations to buttress his contention that aerial navigation will play a large role in the future of air tactics. Readers may not be pleased with the paucity of citations and the absence of a bibliography, but Sherman makes it clear that Air Warfare was based on his notes while he was an instructor at the Air Service Tactical School and at the Command and General Staff School. Air Warfare advances our understanding of aerial navigation so much so that Sherman can take credit for being the inspiration behind some of the technology currently used in military operations. [William C. Sherman / 2002 / 306 pages / ISBN: 978-1-58566-104-6 / Cost: $27 / AU Press Code: B-86]
 Airhead Operations Colonel Cirafici reviews airhead activity in contingencies during World War II and in operations Urgent Fury, Just Cause, Desert Shield/Storm and Restore Hope. He examines the newly activated Air Mobility Command (AMC) structure within the theater and discusses the Somali civil war to illustrate how airhead's air mobility forces fit into the overall scheme of force deployment, reassembly, employment, and sustainment. Colonel Cirafici identifies some problems and needed improvements and recommends that AMC look beyond past successes and provide greater effort toward training and exercises to promote jointness at all operational levels. [John L. Cirafici / 1995 / 109 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-057-4 / Cost: $6.5 / AU Press Code: B-60]
 Airlift Doctrine Colonel Miller shows how the worldwide orientation of American foreign policy, the numerous threats to free-world interests, and the speed and complexity of modern warfare have combined with political and resource constraints to produce today's airlift doctrine and force structure. [Charles E. Miller / 1998 / 447 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-019-1 / Cost: $17 / AU Press Code: B-21]
 Airpower and Ground Armies These four independent essays provide a perspective on airpower doctrine development that varies somewhat from the usual view. Essay 1 describes the organization, doctrine, operational practices, and personality of the air forces in the western desert from 1940 to 1943. Essay 2 describes and analyzes the events in northwest Africa during Operation Torch while the third analyzes the machination in policy development in Washington. Essay 4 analyzes the great tactical aviation exercise in northwest Europe, emphasizing the famous cooperation between George S. Patton and Otto P. Weyland. [Daniel R. Mortensen, ed. / 1998 / 224 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-047-7 / Cost: $13 / AU Press Code: B-50]
 Airpower and Maneuver Warfare The authors identify and discuss the fundamental concepts and principles of maneuver warfare, compare and contrast it to attrition-style warfare, and trace its origins and history. They examine the role of airpower in enhancing maneuver during the early German campaigns of World War II, in Germany's 1941 Russian campaigns, and in the Soviet version of maneuver warfare in World War II. They analyze the importance of airpower in maneuver warfare employed by Israel in the 1967 and 1973 wars and by coalition forces in the Gulf War. Dr. van Creveld forecasts what the role of airpower will be in warfare during the coming years. The book includes a response to the authors by the air doctrine analysts at Air University. [Martin van Creveld, Kenneth S. Brower, and Steven L. Canby / 1994 / 284 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-050-7 / Cost: $17 / AU Press Code: B-53]
 Airpower and the Environment With insightful and innovative chapters written by experts in various disciplines, this book chronicles and analyzes the effects of airpower on the environment. It also highlights the fact that military forces now take far more care of the environment than ever before and that many militaries, even in less developed regions such as central Africa, have developed strategies to minimize all harm and even to do environmentally beneficial activities. This book reveals that some military forces, utilizing the speed, reach, and intelligence-gathering capabilities of air assets, are providing highly positive contributions to conservation efforts and the maintenance and protection of ecological protection zones. This is a positive story and it brings richness and variety to this seminal collection of essays. The Library Journal put Airpower and the Environment on its 2013 Notable Government Documents list! [2013 / 542 pages / ISBN: 978-1-58566-223-4 / Cost: $0 / AU Press Code: B-131]
 Airpower for Strategic Effect Airpower for Strategic Effect is intended to contribute to the understanding of airpower—what it is, what it does, why it does it, and what the consequences are. This is the plot: airpower generates strategic effect. Airpower’s product is strategic effect on the course of strategic history. Everything about military airpower is instrumental to the purpose of securing strategic effect. [Colin S. Gray/ 2012 / 367 pages / ISBN: 978-1-58566-218-0 / Cost: $45 / AU Press Code: B-122]
 Airpower in Three Wars This publication is a reprint of General Momyer's book originally published in 1978. The book offers the general's observations, many from personal experience, of airpower in World War II, Korea, and Vietnam. It is an account of the evolution of practical airpower through strategies and campaigns. The book examines strategy, command and control of airpower prior to and during the Vietnam conflict, air superiority, interdiction in all three wars, airpower and the ground battle, and experiences in blunting an attack using airpower. [William W. Momyer / 2003 / 426 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-116-3 Cost: $34 / AU Press Code: B-89]
 Airpower Myths and Facts Ever since the US Army bought its first “aeroplane” in 1909, debates have raged over the utility, effectiveness, efficiency, legality, and even the morality of airpower and strategic bombing. Unfortunately, much of this controversy has been colored by accusations, misconceptions, inaccuracies, myths, and simple untruths. If airpower needs criticizing—and certainly there are times when criticism is appropriate—it must be based on accurate information. In Airpower: Myths and Facts, Col Phillip S. Meilinger, USAF, retired, raises points and counterpoints that attempt to clear away some of the detritus that obscures the subject, thus allowing more informed debate on the real issues concerning airpower and strategic bombing and giving our political and military leaders a better basis on which to form decisions in future conflicts. [Phillip S. Meilinger / 2003 / 147 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-124-6 / Cost: $5 / AU Press Code: B-91]
 Beyond Horizons In this book, the author embarks on a study of the Air Force’s long involvement in initiating, developing, and applying the technology of space-based systems in support of the nation’s security. His analysis ranges from America's space and missile efforts prior to the launch of the Soviet sputniks in 1957, right up to the coming of age of military space employment in the Persian Gulf War of 1991. The author offers an assessment of the Air Force's leadership position in the ongoing debate over service roles and missions and its vision for the nation's space program entering the new century. This book is a slightly revised edition of a book originally published by Air Force Space Command in 1997. [David N. Spires; George W. Bradley III, sr. ed.; Rick W. Sturdevant and Richard S. Eckert / 1998 / 406 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-060-4 / Cost: $26 / AU Press Code: B-63]
 Biplanes and Bombsights Colonel Williams presents a comprehensive study of British bombing efforts in the Great War. He contends that the official version of costs and results underplays the costs while overplaying the results. Supported by postwar findings of both US and British evaluation teams, he argues that British bombing efforts were significantly less effective than heretofore believed. Colonel Williams also presents a strong argument that German air defenses caused considerably less damage to British forces than pilot error, malfunctioning aircraft, and bad weather. That we believed otherwise supports the notion that British bombing raids had forced Germany to transfer significant air assets to defend against them. Williams, however, found no evidence that any such transfer occurred. Actual results, Colonel Williams argues, stand in strong contrast to claimed results. [George K. Williams / 1999 / 330 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-073-6 / Cost: $25 / AU Press Code: B-68]
 Bombing the European Axis Powers In Bombing the European Axis Powers Dr. Richard G. Davis, currently a division chief for the US Army Center for Military History, provides a detailed chronological narrative of the Anglo-American strategic bomber offensive against Hitler’s Germany, his European allies, and German-occupied territory. Davis also includes several in-depth discussions covering such topics as the evacuation of Sicily, Allied airpower and the Holocaust, the bombing of Dresden, and overall Anglo-American policy concerning city-area bombing. A CD-ROM on inside back cover contains graphics and seven Excel spreadsheets with a key that chronicle bombing data from 1939 through 1945. The files are available here for download. [Richard G. Davis / 2008 / 648 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-148-1 / Cost: $55 / AU Press Code: B-99]
 Challenges in the Multipolar Space-Power Environment This work presents and overview of ballistic missile defense (BMD) initiatives and their attendant technologies with a careful analysis of their existing capabilities and potentialities to make recommendations as to the BMD initiatives that are most likely to provide realistic expectations of useful defense capabilities in the near to mid-term. There is also an extended discussion of the implications of BMD in the relationships of the United States and the nations of Asia, particularly Russia, China, India, Pakistan, Iran, North Korea, and Japan. [Matthew M. Schmunk, Capt, USAF, and Michael R. Sheets, Capt, USAF / 2007 / 60 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-166-X / AU Press Code: P-48]
 Circling the Earth In December 1942, barely a year after the United States had entered World War II, the American military establishment was already planning a postwar overseas base network. Although initially designed to support an international police force, the plans increasingly assumed a national character as the Grand Alliance dissolved into the confrontations of the Cold War. Dr. Converse not only illustrates how Army, Navy, and Air Force planners went about their work but also analyzes the numerous factors influencing the nature, extent, and location of the projected base system. These included requirements for postwar US physical and economic security, rapidly changing technology, interservice rivalries, civil-military conflicts, and reactions by other nations to the prospect of American bases near or on their soil. [Elliott V. Converse III / 2005 / 265 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-141-4 / Cost: $22 / AU Press Code: B-97]
 Combat Search and Rescue in Desert Storm Budgetary, political, and organizational changes left the USAF unprepared for the combat search and rescue (CSAR) mission going into Desert Storm. Colonel Whitcomb relates his and others’ experiences from CSAR in Southeast Asia and examines the organization that was established to provide CSAR services in the Iraq-Kuwait theater of operations. He traces each incident from beginning to end along with the tactical and sometimes strategic implications. Scores of interviews, e-mails, and published works provide a compendium of lessons learned and recommendations gleaned from those who flew the missions and made the decisions in Iraq. [Col Darrel D. Whitcomb, USAFR, retired / 2006 / 325 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-153-8 / Cost: $26 / AU Press Code: B-102]
 Engineering the Space Age Few people have experienced as much aerospace history as Bob Brulle, and fewer still possess his meticulous recall and research skills. The P-47 fighter pilot turned engineer, inventor, educator, and author found himself immersed in the Cold War race to the moon, developing cutting-edge technology, instructing future astronauts in aerodynamics and orbital mechanics, perfecting high-performance fighter aircraft to meet the Soviet challenge, overseeing the procurement of new weapon systems, and exploring alternative energy sources. In Engineering the Space Age, he shares his unique personal insights into the triumphs and tragedies of one of the most exciting eras in American history. [Lt Col Robert V. Brulle, USAF, Retired / 2008 / 290 pages / ISBN: 978-1-58566-184-8 / Cost: $24 / AU Press Code: B-113]
 Expansion or Marginalization: How Effects-Based Organization Could Determine the Future of Air Force Space Command The Air Force Space Command is currently a domain-based organization: the command “does things in and through space.” Tomme argues instead for an effects-based organization, whereby missions are grouped according to similar effects rather than platforms and locations. Separating combat effects producers from combat support effects producers would create synergies of training and organization to produce a more effective and potent force. Under Tomme’s recommendations, the Air Force Space Command would become the linchpin for command, control, communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance effects delivery for the nation. Tomme’s analysis of Space Command also has implications for the organization of the recently announced Air Force Cyberspace Command. [Edward B. “Mel” Tomme, DPhil/57 Pages/AP-60]
 Flying Reactors Lt Col Downey, USAFR; Wing Cdr Forestier, RAAF; and Lt Col David E. Miller, USAF, advocate a feasibility study for reactors in space and explore a deeper problem with widespread societal rejection concerning the theoretical employment of nuclear technology in space. They point first to the mission enabling advantages of nuclear reactors in space—factors like light weight, high power, long life, and potentially lower costs. They see that nuclear-powered spacecraft would serve long-range NASA missions as well as permit effective hyperspectral satellites that would have profound benefits for the Department of Defense. The limiting factors for nuclear power in space are a compelling mission requirement and broad acceptance in popular support. Many opponents either have general doubts about such an undertaking or perceive cataclysmic dangers. A failure of a space launch carrying nuclear systems would produce something on the order of a “dirty” nuclear bomb. Two things were clear to the authors. One, nuclear space developers must convince the public that they are capable of developing a safe and robust system. Two, because the political battle is primarily over perceived risks rather than empirically based understanding, employment of a values-focused decision strategy is necessary to convince the public and congressional leaders of the feasibility of a space nuclear program. [James R. Downey, Anthony M. Forestier, and David E. Miller / 2005 / 124 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-138-4 / AU Press Code: P-39]
 Future War Colonel Barnett compares the next 15 years to the 15 years between World Wars I and II. He concludes that the changes between the two world wars may be dwarfed by those occurring within the next decade and one-half. He envisions possible wars with niche competitors and peer competitors, giving theoretical scenarios of each. Colonel Barnett views communications technology and stealth technology as keys to victory in future war. [Jeffery R. Barnett / 1996 / 196 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-004-3 / Cost: $12 / AU Press Code: B-5]
 GPS versus Galileo This study investigates Europe's motives to develop the independent satellite navigation system known as Galileo despite the existence of America's successful global positioning system (GPS). It begins by analyzing both systems to familiarize the reader with global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) and to provide an understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of GPS and Galileo, as well as the systems’ similarities and differences. Although the two systems have different founding principles, they employ similar infrastructures and operational concepts. In the short term, Galileo will provide better accuracy for civilian users until GPS upgrades take effect. But performance is only part of the rationale. The author contends that Europe’s pursuit of Galileo is driven by a combination of reasons, including performance, independence, and economic incentive. With Galileo, Europe hopes to achieve political, security, and technological independence from the United States. Additionally, Europe envisions overcoming the US monopoly on GNSS by seizing a sizable share of the expanding GNSS market and setting a new world standard for satellite navigation. Finally, the author explores Galileo’s impact on the United States and reviews US policy towards Galileo. The paper concludes with recommendations to strengthen the competitiveness of GPS. [Scott W. Beidleman / 2003 / 98 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-149-X / AU Press Code: P-41]
 Ideas, Concepts, Doctrine: Basic Thinking in the United States Air Force, 1907-1960, vol. I In this first of a two-volume study, Dr. Futrell presents a chronological survey of the development of Air Force doctrine and thinking from the beginnings of powered flight to the onset of the space age. He outlines the struggle of early aviation enthusiasts to gain acceptance of the airplane as a weapon and win combat-arm status for the Army Air Service (later the Army Air Corps and Army Air Force). He surveys the development of airpower doctrine during the 1930s and World War II and outlines the emergence of the autonomous US Air Force in the postwar period. Futrell brings this first volume to a close with discussions of the changes in Air Force thinking and doctrine necessitated by the emergence of the intercontinental missile, the beginnings of space exploration and weapon systems, and the growing threat of limited conflicts resulting from the Communist challenge of wars of liberation. [Robert Frank Futrell/1989/683 pages/ISBN 1-58566-029-9/$31/B-31]
 Ideas, Concepts, Doctrine: Basic Thinking in the United States Air Force, 1961-1984, vol. II In this volume, the author traces the new directions that Air Force strategy, policies, and thinking took during the Kennedy administration, the Vietnam War, and the post-Vietnam period. Futrell outlines how the Air Force struggled with President Kennedy's redefinition of national security policy and Robert S. McNamara's managerial style as secretary of defense. He describes how the Air Force argued that airpower should be used during the war in Southeast Asia. He chronicles the evolution of doctrine and organization regarding strategic, tactical, and airlift capabilities and the impact that the aerospace environment and technology had on Air Force thinking and doctrine. [Robert Frank Futrell/1989/803 pages/ISBN 1-58566-030-2/$37/B-32
 Into the Unknown Together Colonel Erickson examines the use of space exploration as a tool to secure international prestige and national pride as part of the Cold War struggle with the Soviet Union during the Eisenhower, Kennedy, and Johnson administrations. He looks at the creation of the National Aeronautical and Space Administration (NASA), the evolving NASA-DOD relationship, and the larger context in which this relationship was forged. He focuses on the human-spaceflight projects—Projects Mercury, Gemini, Apollo, Dynasoar, and the Manned Orbiting Laboratory—by examining the geopolitical, domestic political, and bureaucratic environments in which decisions concerning these projects were made. By blending in the individuals involved, the obstacles that were overcome, and the achievements of the US space program, Erickson reveals a special transformation that took place during this chapter of Americana. [Mark Erickson, Lieutenant Colonel, USAF / 2005 / 665 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-140-6 / Cost: $50 / AU Press Code: B-98]
 Joint Training for Night Air Warfare This book briefly examines the history of joint air operations and some night air operations from World War II through Operation Desert Storm. Colonel McLean focuses on the need for increased training for joint operations at night. He describes a hypothetical contingency in Korea to illustrate some of the challenges of conducting joint night operations. He offers recommendations for a building-block approach to improve training in our joint night air warfare capability. [Brian W. McLean / 1992 / 122 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-044-5 / Cost: $7.50 / AU Press Code: B-46]
 Jungle Skippers: The 317th Troop Carrier Group in the Southwest Pacific and Their Legacy This study examines the 317th Troop Carrier Group’s experience in the southwest Pacific during World War II to identify its long-term effects. The work focuses on the 317th's role in two specific events, the Battle of Wau in January 1943, and the airborne assault at Nadzab the following September. Each event highlights the combat airlift dichotomy of airland and airdrop. In airland, troops are moved by aircraft and disembark from the aircraft on the ground. In airdrop, troops are moved by aircraft and landed using parachutes. [Maj John D. Poole, USAF/2017, 107 pages/ISBN: 9781585662708/P-115]
 Land-Based Airpower in Third World Crises Dr. Mets examines the utility and limitations of land-based aircraft in third world crises over two decades. He offers several conclusions regarding the most effective use of airpower in crisis situations. [Dr. David R. Mets / 1986 / 171 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-000-0 / Cost: $5 / AU Press Code: B-1]
 Lifeline from the Sky Major Brunhaver seeks to answer the question, what are the doctrinal imperatives of providing effective airlift support to enclaves? He states that doctrinal imperatives are those necessary and sufficient propositions that describe the optimal way to employ airlift forces in support of an enclave. This paper attempts to determine the best way to conduct airlift operations to support enclaves. Major Brunhaver’s primary conclusion is that four fundamental factors influence airlift operations: requirement to capability ratio, threat, support infrastructure, and weather. [John Steven Brunhaver / 2002 / 69 pages / ISBN: / AU Press Code: T-2]
 Military Airpower The CADRE Digest of Airpower Opinions and Thoughts [Charles M. Westenhoff / 1990 / 224 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-034-5 / Cost: $0 / AU Press Code: B-36]
 Military Aviation This book—the first English translation of Clément Ader's L'Aviation militaire—contains Ader's ideas about flight formed in the last decade of the nineteenth century, arranged in manuscript form by Ader in 1907, and published in 1909 in Paris by Berger-Levrault. The text is reproduced in its entirety, including notes added by Ader and explanatory notes and a bibliographical note by the editor and translator, Lee Kennett. Ader explains his ideas about the development of airplanes based on creatures in nature. He studied the bat and the bird, especially the vulture. Chapters detail the design of bases for aircraft, runway construction, naval airplanes, vertical artillery, air lanes, schools of aviation, and strategy for waging war in the air. [Clément Ader, ed. and tr. Lee Kennett / 2003 / 112 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-118-X / Cost: $10 / AU Press Code: B-11]
 Mosquitoes to Wolves Dr. Lester traces the evolution of US close air support, with special emphasis on Korea and Vietnam. He discusses the differing views of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force at some length and compares close air support in these two conflicts. The author notes the need for close air support in the Gulf War and explores the future of close air support. He punctuates this history and analysis with dramatic experiences of those who made it happen. [Gary Robert Lester / 1997, 294 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-033-7 / Cost: $0 / AU Press Code: B-35]
 On Celestial Wings The first Army Air Corps navigational class at Miami University graduated in November 1940. In this book, Colonel Whitcomb follows these first celestial navigators through their World War II trials. Twenty-five personal stories and a series of photographs paint the stories of these men as they fought—combining the ancient art of navigating by the stars with the equipment on their B-17s, became prisoners of war, lived through the Bataan Death March, escaped from Japanese captors, survived primitive conditions in the Philippines, died for their country, or later served the US as navigators on the aircraft of presidents and dignitaries. [Ed Whitcomb / 1995 / 227 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-003-5 / Cost: $14 / AU Press Code: B-4]
 RPAs: Revolution or Retrogression? Remotely piloted aircraft (RPA) are in a way merely the continuation of the old human longing for methods of striking or observing one’s enemies while remaining safe. This essay explores the advantages and disadvantages of the systems, and briefly speculates about the future of unmanned systems. Precision-guided munitions, cruise missiles, and intercontinental ballistic missiles cannot be reused, and guidance and propulsion systems are consumed with each round. RPAs have had much in common in the development of the technology with those, but are intended for reuse of the power and guidance apparatus. [David R. Mets, PhD/2010/35 pages/P-78]
 Self-Protective Measures to Enhance Airlift Operations in Hostile Environments Colonel Skorupa examines strategy, doctrine, forces, threat, and technological issues relating to airlift operations. He blends military art with industrial science. Colonel Skorupa explains threats to airlift and how electronic warfare and other technological applications would counter such threats. [John A. Skorupa / 1989 / 201 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-028-0 / Cost: $8.50 / AU Press Code: B-30]
 Space Primer AU-18. The US National Space Policy released by the president in 2006 states that the US government should “develop space professionals.” As an integral part of that endeavor, AU-18, Space Primer, provides to the joint war fighter an unclassified resource for understanding the capabilities, organizations, and operations of space forces. [Air Command and Staff College / 2009 / 356 pages / ISBN: 978-1-58566-194-7 / AU Press Code: AU-18]
 The Air Campaign In light of the age-old belief of Confucius that no idea is new, Dr. Mets examines the role of Col Warden in the Gulf War to determine if a revolution in military affairs had occurred. He relies on several twentieth-century antecedents to Warden, including Giulio Douhet, Hugh Trenchard, and Billy Mitchell to distill a pattern. Mets also addresses whether "the argument that antedated the Gulf War to the effect that such conflicts between states using conventional weapons and methods are a pressing phenomenon." The concluding chapter provides an overview of Mets's discussion. [David R. Mets / 1999 / 98 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-063-9 / Cost: $10 / AU Press Code: B-65]
 The Air Force Role in Developing International Outer Space Law Colonel Terrill provides an in-depth examination of the historical evolution of Air Force thinking and action on the development of international law as it applies to outer space. He traces the Air Force's continual resistance to treaties and other conventions that would have defined the demarcation of the "boundary" between airspace and outer space. He shows that the Air Force position was grounded in the unwillingness to define outer space narrowly before the military had thoroughly researched and tested technological capabilities that could be employed in space. Terrill concludes by raising concerns about current issues that come into play on efforts to refine international law as it relates to outer space. These issues include technological advances and possible future international cooperation in space ventures. [Delbert R. Terrill Jr. / 1999 / 155 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-066-3 / Cost: $12 / AU Press Code: B-69]
 The Air Force Role in Low-Intensity Conflict Colonel Dean examines the increasing importance of third world countries in global affairs. Their vital natural resources and geostrategic locations make them the object of intense competition between the superpowers and a ripe target for a new category of conflict. Because of the high probability of US involvement in third world conflicts, we must adapt our resources to acquire the flexibility demanded by low-intensity conflict. [David J. Dean / 1986 / 143 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-014-0 / Cost: $4 / AU Press Code: B-16]
 The Army and Its Air Corps From the Armistice in 1918 to the late 1930s, there was continuous controversy over the place of aviation in the military establishment. This book details how airpower visionaries, with varying degrees of tact, often risked charges of insubordination in preaching the gospel of airpower. As aviation technology advanced and as Army leaders were "educated" in the capabilities of aircraft, they showed genuine interest in the potential of airpower. The author contends that their decisions often favored the Air Corps and that the Air arm received a lion's share of the Army budget during a period of extreme austerity. Dr. Tate states that the Air Corps, far from being a stepchild, had become a princess by the late 1930s. [James P. Tate / 1998 / 217 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-059-0 / Cost: $14 / AU Press Code: B-62]
 The Development of Military Night Aviation to 1919 Major Fischer examines the development of military night aviation from its origins through the First World War. Emphasis is on the evolution of night flying in those countries that fought on the Western Front, namely France, Germany, Great Britain, and the United States. While night flying occurred in other theaters, the most intense air effort was clearly in the west. There, belligerents pressed aviation technology and tactics to the limits. To illustrate the rapid development of night military aviation during the First World War, the author surveys the state of night flying prior to August 1914. The author concludes that the Western Front belligerents failed to appreciate and conserve the lessons of night flying learned during the First World War. [William Edward Fischer Jr / 1998 / 172 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-064-7 / Cost: $11 / AU Press Code: B-66]
 The Development of the B-52 and Jet Propulsion National security decision makers face an uncertain world where the accelerated growth of knowledge has changed the character of technological advance and destabilized long-standing relations within and among the military services. Dr Mandeles separates the principles that guide decision making from the proverbs through a case study of decision making in the early post-World War II period. This study examines the impact of organization on the invention and development of jet propulsion-in the form of the B-52-and illustrates both the organizational conditions conducive to developing new operational concepts and the organizational innovations necessary to implement new technology. This study also examines how the Air Force organized to learn and acquire new technology, how the Air Force conceived or identified problems, and how it organized to ensure management would respond to program failure or errors. Attention is devoted to the origins of the weapons system operational requirement, the initial concept of operation, the evolution of technology, organizational structure, and implementation. [Mark D. Mandeles / 1998 / 208 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-036-1 / Cost: $13 / AU Press Code: B-38]
 The Eagle's Talons This volume surveys the American experience in war with emphasis on the complex interactions between political and military affairs. Colonel Drew and Dr. Snow provide a key to understanding how and why the United States might employ its military power in the future. [Dennis M. Drew and Donald M. Snow / 1988 / 445 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-025-6 / Cost: $16 / AU Press Code: B-27]
 The Foundations of US Air Doctrine This study analyzes airpower doctrine from the viewpoint of Clausewitzian friction. The study concludes that American airpower doctrine has changed very little since the 1930s and that it is fundamentally flawed. [Barry D. Watts / 1984 / 159 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-007-8 / Cost: $0 / AU Press Code: B-8]
 The Influence of Politics, Technology, and Asia on the Future of US Missile Defense This work presents an overview of ballistic missile defense (BMD) initiatives and their attendant technologies with a careful analysis of their existing capabilities and potentialities to make recommendations as to the BMD initiatives that are most likely to provide realistic expectations of useful defense capabilities in the near to mid-term. There is also an extended discussion of the implications of BMD in the relationships of the United States and the nations of Asia, particularly Russia, China, India, Pakistan, Iran, North Korea, and Japan. [Lt Col Jeffrey T. Butler, USAF / 2007 / 86 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-167-8 / AU Press Code: P-46]
 The Paths of Heaven The Paths of Heaven counterbalances the Air Force’s tendency to emphasize operational concerns at the expense of theory. Most of the fifteen essays are contributed by current or former faculty of the School of Advanced Airpower Studies at Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama. Collectively, the authors trace the development of airpower theory from its origins with Giulio Douhet, through the formulation of airpower doctrine during the interwar years at the Air Corps Tactical School, to current efforts to codify a cogent theory of space power. In the words of retired chief of staff Gen Ronald R. Fogleman, “The Paths of Heaven is a valuable means of increasing our expertise in the employment of airpower.” [Phillip S. Meilinger / 1997 / 680 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-027-2 / Cost: $39 / AU Press Code: B-29]
 The Quest for Relevant Air Power Christian Anrig examines the responses of France, Germany, the Netherlands, and Sweden to the challenges of air power in the last two decades, His examination is both instructive and disheartening. Anyone who is detailed to work alongside these air forces will benefit considerably from understanding how and why they do what they do. Sadly, the author has only too clearly identified the national features which, with one or two exceptions, are likely to inhibit the creation of European air power in the foreseeable future. The author brings deep scholarship to his study, reinforced by his national objectivity. It is a unique and indispensable contribution to international awareness of twenty-first-century air power. [Christian F. Anrig, PhD / 2011 / 425 pages / ISBN: 978-1-58566-216-6 / Cost: $56 / AU Press Code: B-125]
 The Rise of Air Mobility and Its Generals During the rise of fighter generals to preeminence in the Air Force, mobility operations played a significant yet secondary role in airpower strategy. Since the end of the Cold War, however, airlift, air-refueling, and aeromedical-evacuation missions have become an indispensable and direct aspect of US grand strategy. The author examines a shift toward myriad, complex operations demanding mobility aircraft. She also shows that as the number and importance of mobility-centric operations have increased, so has the number of generals with mobility expertise, especially at the most senior levels of the Air Force—a phenomenon that reflects the Air Force’s adaptation to the changing geopolitical environment. [Lt Col Laura L. Lenderman, USAF / 2008 / 110 pages ISBN: 978-1-58566-175-6 / AU Press Code: P-53]
 The United States Strategic Bombing Surveys This volume contains reprints of the Summary Reports—30 September 1945 (European War) and 1 July 1946 (Pacific War)—of the strategic bombing surveys conducted as World War II was coming to a close. Reprint. [Truman Spangrud / 1984 / 127 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-018-3 / Cost: $7.50 / AU Press Code: B-20]
 The US Response to China’s ASAT Test Nearly three years have passed since China’s successful antisatellite (ASAT) test ushered in a new era of space competition. China still offers no answers to one of the most troubling strategic space questions of the twenty-first century: why is China building space weapons? Fundamental changes in the way the United States approaches national security space are long overdue. Poorly implemented policies and futile strategies have hitherto failed to ignite any sense of urgency or rationality in Washington. China’s test must serve to demark the end of failed American assumptions vis-à-vis its future competitive edge in space. Colonel Mastalir suggests that the best response for the United States is to prepare for a very different future in space, not with weapons in kind, but with enduring solutions to preserve the utility of space exploitation for all nations. He recommends that the United States take action to properly align the US instruments of national power to produce an enduring, coherent, multilateral approach toward space power. [Lt Col Anthony J. Mastalir, USAF / 2009 / 149 pages / ISBN: 978-1-58566-197-8 / AU Press Code: P-71]
 The War in the Air : 1914 - 1994 This book contains the proceedings of a conference held by the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) in Canberra in 1994. Since its publication by the RAAF’s Air Power Studies Centre in that year, the book has become a widely used reference at universities, military academies, and other educational institutions around the world. This American edition is a somewhat shortened version with minor editorial changes. The contributors discuss the evolution of airpower from World War I to the near future. Essay subjects include World War I; doctrinal development in the interwar period; strategic bombing and support of surface forces in World War II; and airpower in the Korean War, Vietnam War, Arab-Israeli Wars, Falklands War, and Persian Gulf War; plus coverage of airpower in such peripheral conflicts as Operation El Dorado Canyon, the Malayan Emergency, and the Israeli raid on the Osirak nuclear reactor. [Alan Stephens / 2000 / 438 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-087-6 / Cost: $36 / AU Press Code: B-78]
 The World Wide Military Command and Control System In this comprehensive analysis of the worldwide military command and control system (WWMCCS), the author examines how organization, technology, and ideology contributed to the development of WWMCCS. He explains how and why WWMCCS developed the way it did. An interview with the chief technical officer of the system that replaced WWMCCS brings a contemporary flavor to the study. [David E. Pearson / 2000 / 414 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-078-7 / Cost: $37 / AU Press Code: B-76]
 Understanding Airpower: Bonfire of the Fallacies The general purpose of this monograph is to help prevent or reduce error in debates over all aspects of airpower. Since we humans, our institutions and procedures, and our behavior are friction prone and apt to err, it is sensible to try to diminish the pile of assumptions, beliefs, attitudes, and opinions that are plainly wrong. Much of the eternal debate on defense issues cannot usefully be approached with a view to locating error. But, large swathes of frequently contested debating terrain can be cleared definitively. As a scholar it is my duty to “recognize and eliminate the weeds” of falsehood to which Clausewitz referred in one of the epigraphs to this text. This study examines and exposes nine fallacies. [Colin S. Gray/2009/39 pages/P-66]
 War from above the Clouds Dr. Head examines B-52 operations in Vietnam and how the air war affected airpower doctrine and theory. He examines the evolution of this awesome manned strategic weapon in Vietnam to see how the structure of the B-52's originally intended mission altered--if at all--the theories of airpower first put forward by Giulio Douhet and William "Billy" Mitchell. Dr. Head analyzes how this same operational alteration affected official USAF doctrine first formulated by Army Air Corps and Army Air Forces leaders before and during World War II, later modified in the 1950s after the US Air Force became a separate service. Dr. Head contends that the lack of a definitive test for the theory that airpower decisively affects the outcome of war continued during the Vietnam or Second Indochina War. [William P. Head / 2002 / 146 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-107-4 / AU Press Code: P-23]
 What Happened to Battlefield Air Interdiction? Colonel McCaffrey traces air-ground doctrine and operational practices relative to battlefield interdiction from World War I to Operation Desert Storm and suggests at one point that even the flank support for General Patton was, in effect, battlefield air interdiction (BAI). He carries the discussion through the decade after Desert Storm and shows how the issue is too important to be dropped by the Air Force and Army, even as technology provides new weapons for both services. Colonel McCaffrey concludes that there is still need for a BAI-type mission. Both services are searching for an answer to the doctrinal void. [Terrance J. McCaffrey III / 2004 / 144 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-129-5 / AU Press Code: P-33]
 Airmen and Air Theory Originally published in 1995 as American Airpower Biography: A Survey of the Field and revised in 1997, Airmen and Air Theory updates the original material, reviewing new studies of prominent American airmen and adding sketches of five subjects: James V. Hartinger, Charles A. Horner, Lauris Norstad, Dale O. Smith, and George E. Stratemeyer. Colonel Meilinger has also included a substantial section, "The Historiography of Airpower Theory and Doctrine," originally published in The Journal of Military History. This new version will prove valuable to researchers in their quest for good sources on people who have shaped airpower and airpower theory. [Phillip S. Meilinger / 2001 / 176 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-101-5 / Cost: $15 / AU Press Code: B-13]
 Airpower Leadership on the Front Line Colonel Cox examines the command of Lt Gen George H. Brett in his wartime assignments. General Brett’s leadership did not take him to four stars, why? Cox looks at the reasons why he was not promoted, especially, as he began his war time service second in command to Gen Henry “Hap” Arnold. In his examination Cox shows the reader Brett’s outstanding leadership, his limitations, and delves into the interplay of broader factors that ultimately impacted General Brett’s career. This book provides insight toward becoming an effective commander and leader. [Lt Col Douglas A. Cox, USAF / 2006 / 114 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-157-0 / Cost: $10.5 / AU Press Code: B-103]
 Air-to-Ground Battle for Italy Brig Gen Michael C. McCarthy wrote this World War II memoir from his perspective as a fighter pilot who flew two years with one squadron first in the P-40 then P-47. During the war, he progressed to major and acting squadron commander. He began training after Pearl Harbor in the Army Aviation Cadet program and continued with P-40 training in Florida. With some of his classmates, he traveled through equatorial Africa ferrying P-40s to Cairo and Cape Bon to join the 57th Fighter Group. This three-part story, set primarily in Italy, captures fears, uncertainties, and accomplishments of ordinary Americans involved in extraordinary events. [Michael C. McCarthy / 2004 / 116 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-128-7 / Cost: $10.25 / AU Press Code: B-94]
 American Airpower Comes of Age - Vol 1 Gen Henry H. “Hap” Arnold, US Army Air Forces (AAF) Chief of Staff during World War II, maintained diaries for his several journeys to various meetings and conferences throughout the conflict. Volume 1 introduces Hap Arnold, the setting for five of his journeys, the diaries he kept, and evaluations of those journeys and their consequences. General Arnold’s travels brought him into strategy meetings and personal conversations with virtually all leaders of Allied forces as well as many AAF troops around the world. He recorded his impressions, feelings, and expectations in his diaries. Maj Gen John W. Huston, USAF, retired, has captured the essence of Henry H. Hap Arnold--the man, the officer, the AAF chief, and his mission. [John W. Huston / 2002 /458 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-093-0 / Cost: $47 / AU Press Code: B-84]
 American Airpower Comes of Age - Vol 2 Gen Henry H. “Hap” Arnold, US Army Air Forces (AAF) Chief of Staff during World War II, maintained diaries for his several journeys to various meetings and conferences throughout the conflict. While volume 1 introduces Hap Arnold, the setting for five of his journeys, the diaries he kept, and evaluations of those journeys and their consequences, volume 2 encompasses General Arnold’s final seven journeys and the diaries he kept therein. [John W. Huston / 2002 / 592 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-094-9 / Cost: $39 / AU Press Code: B-85]
 Architects of American Air Supremacy Major Daso tells the story of the founding of the scientific and technological base of today’s US Air Force. He explains how Henry H. “Hap” Arnold and Theodore von Kármán ensured that theoretical science rather than empiricism grew to dominate Air Force research and development infrastructure. This story shows how personalities drive actions, institutions reflect personalities, and the interaction of these f actors influenced, and continue to mold, the evolution of American air supremacy. [Dik A. Daso / 1997 / 487 pages ISBN: 1-58566-042-6 / Cost: $28 / AU Press Code: B-44]
 Brothers in Berets Relying largely on oral history interviews, this work explores the evolution and contributions of the Battlefield Airmen assigned to Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC) special tactics units over 50 years. “Their story deserves telling within the US Air Force and to the general public,” notes Gen John Jumper, USAF, retired. Battlefield Airmen core competencies include performing duties primarily on the ground, often “outside the wire,” and under austere conditions—all skills needed for carrying the fight to the enemy on the ground. The AFSOC special tactics community is a small brotherhood of highly trained and equally dedicated warriors consisting of special tactics officers and combat controllers, combat rescue officers and pararescuemen, and officer and enlisted special operations weathermen. Its members have proven themselves as force multipliers time and time again throughout their history in places like Somalia, Serbia, and the battlefields of Afghanistan and Iraq. [Marion, Forrest L. / Jan 2018 / 429 pages / ISBN: / AU Press Code: B-149]
 Casting Net Assessment In government service, Andrew Marshall has projected and sustained influence in defense policy circles while serving eight presidents and 13 defense secretaries. Yet he remains an enigma to all but his closest associates. This paper attempts to answer the central and compelling question, who is Andy Marshall? Marshall’s formative ideas about the practice of net assessment and his unique understanding of organizational behavior provide him a kaleidoscopic and masterful understanding of strategy. The story of Marshall’s journey, of his growth and maturation as a strategist, is the focus of this biography. [Lt Col John M. Schutte USAF / 2015 / 114 pages / ISBN: 978-1-58566-240-1 / AU Press Code: P-104]
 Creech Blue Colonel Slife chronicles the influence of the late Gen Wilbur L. "Bill" Creech—a leader, visionary, warrior, and mentor—in the areas of equipment and tactics, training, organization, and leader development. His study serves both to explain the context of a turbulent time in our Air Force's history and to reveal where tomorrow's airmen may find answers to some of the difficult challenges facing them today. Colonel Slife, who addresses such controversial topics as the development of the Army's AirLand Battle doctrine and what it meant to airmen, is among the first to describe what historians will surely see in years to come as the revolutionary developments of the late 1970s/early 1980s and General Creech's central role. Creech Blue enlightens the Air Force on its strongly held convictions during that period and challenges the idea that by 1990, when Iraq invaded Kuwait, the Air Force had forgotten how to wage a "strategic" air campaign and was dangerously close to plunging into a costly and lengthy war of attrition had it not been for the vision of a small cadre of thinkers on the Air Staff. In exploring the doctrine and language of the decade leading up to Operation Desert Storm, Colonel Slife reveals that the Air Force was not as shortsighted as many people have argued. [James C. Slife / 2004 / 162 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-125-2 / Cost: $13 / AU Press Code: B-95]
 Following the Flag General Leavitt’s career coincided exactly with much of the period comprising the Cold War era. The path he took through the military provides a rare behind-the-scenes view of events that are in turn startling, unpredictable, sobering, and entertaining. These accounts weave together a most unique chronicle of the decades from the mid-1940s until the early 1980s. He had a front seat not only to the people and incidents that made headlines but also to conversations and episodes to which only a few were privy. His accounts will enlarge the perception of this distinctive time span in our military-political history. General Leavitt’s flying assignments included fighters, bombers, and the U-2. His final assignment was Vice Commander-in-Chief, Strategic Air Command. [Lt Gen Lloyd R. “Dick” Leavitt, USAF, Retired / 2010 / 659 pages / ISBN: 978-1-58566-205-0 Cost: $55 / AU Press Code: B-114]
 Gen Otto P. Weyland, USAF In this study the author traces the history of air-ground support from its infancy to the Korean War, discusses the effectiveness of close air support throughout the conflict, and addresses why this mission was controversial for the Army and Air Force. He then highlights General Weyland’s perspective on airpower and his role in the close-air-support “controversy.” [Lt Col Michael J. Chandler, USAF / 2007 / 94 pages / ISBN: / AU Press Code: T-48]
 Inside the Cold War General Adams reflects on his experiences in the cold war, during which he served in both manned bombers and missile silos. He tells stories of famous and not-so-famous cold warriors, including some from the US Navy. Some stories are humorous; some stories are tragic. Having traveled extensively in Russia and some former Soviet Union states after retirement, General Adams tells us about his former adversaries, the Soviet cold warriors. In the process, he leaves no doubt about his respect for all who served so valiantly in the “strategic triad”--the strategic command, the ICBM force, and the submarine Navy. [Chris Adams / 1999 / 195 pages / ISBN: 978-1-58566-068-1 / Cost: $14 / AU Press Code: B-72]
 Jimmy Doolittle As one of the most well-known Airmen of the twentieth century, Jimmy Doolittle is the subject of a significant number of books and articles. Despite their many virtues, these efforts have largely overlooked a very important portion of his life—his command of the Eighth Air Force. This study seeks to fill that gap. It draws upon multiple sources, including the mature body of biographical literature, archival documents, and Doolittle’s personal and military records. The overall conclusion is that behind Jimmy Doolittle’s daring and dashing façade was a measure of humility that fostered his growth as a general officer. Although his technical expertise forged trails in aviation history, it was Doolittle’s moral qualities that most significantly hastened the demise of the Luftwaffe. This finding suggests that while it is indeed prudent to foster the technical education of future senior leaders, it is even more important to nurture leaders of courage, boldness, and humility. [Lt Col Benjamin W. Bishop, USAF / 2015 / 123 pages / ISBN: 978-1-58566-245-6 / AU Press Code: P-106]
 Kenneth N. Walker This biography of Brig Gen Kenneth N. Walker provides an in-depth look at the career of one of airpower’s pioneer thinkers. Martha Byrd traces Walker’s emergence from one of the early converts to airpower to his role as a key player in the formation of strategic bombardment doctrine. Her look at his performance in the Southwest Pacific theater during World War II gives us a deep insight into Walker’s place in history as an innovator in the employment of airpower. Byrd not only highlights Walker’s accomplishments but also provides a look at his often stormy relationships with fellow officers and in his personal life. [Martha Byrd / 1997 / 242 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-020-5 / Cost: $15 / AU Press Code: B-22]
 Letters of Second Lieutenant Charles Wesley Chapman, Jr. Charles Wesley Chapman, known to his friends as Carl, was killed in an aeroplane battle northeast of Toul, France, on May 3, 1918, and fell behind the German lines. He is buried near Remoncourt on the Franco-German border, but in French territory. He enlisted for service with the Franco-American Ambulance Corps, and sailed for France on May 19, 1917. He joined the French Army as a member of the Franco-American Flying Corps because he discovered that men for the Flying Corps were badly needed, He went through the French Schools at Avord, Pau, Cazaux, and Plessis-Belleville. In January 1918, he transferred to the American Army and was commissioned as 2nd Lieutenant, going to the front with the 94th Aero Squadron. These letters were published for private circulation in February 1919. [2LT Charles Wesley Chapman, Jr. USAAS / 2016 / 158 pages / ISBN: 978-1-58566-255-5 Cost: $16 / AU Press Code: B-141]
 On a Steel Horse I Ride The "Steel Horses." Born of necessity in the long war in Southeast Asia to fly search and rescue and special operations missions, the US Air Force fleet of 52 HH-53s and 20 CH-53s were subsequently modified with state-of-the-art precision navigation capability under a program called Pave Low and redesignated as MH-53J/Ms. Assigned as part of our special operations forces, they then flew in every major US military action until their inactivation in Iraq in September 2008. But the story is not just about the helicopters. It is also about the great Airmen who conceptualized, created, operated, maintained, loved, and, yes, sometimes cursed their Steel Horses. They and their great aircraft were the reality of the motto Any Time, Any Place. This is their story, the men and machines, from first to last, presented with deepest appreciation and respect for them and their service to our nation. [Darrel D. Whitcomb / 2012 / 774 pages / ISBN: 978-1-58566-220-3 / AU Press Code: B-128]
 Once in a Blue Moon Colonel Belote concentrates on the question: What are the qualities necessary for airmen to perform effectively as war-fighting commanders in chief (CINC)? He identifies those necessary qualities of knowledge, insight, and skill through three methods. He reviews theoretical and historical literature on command. He uses the careers of two early theater CINCs—Generals Dwight D. Eisenhower and Jacob L. Devers—to establish a baseline for analysis. Colonel Belote offers two detailed biographical case studies on Gen Lauris Norstad and Field Marshal Albrecht Kesselring. He complements his historical inquiry with findings based on interviews with senior Department of Defense officials coupled to an analysis of the recent literature on joint command. Colonel Belote proposes a creation of a new and intentionally broad-gauged "joint war-fighter" career track. [Howard D. Belote / 2000 / 117 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-082-5 / AU Press Code: P-12]
 Reflections of a Technocrat In documenting his wide-ranging career in science and technology, Dr. McLucas offers new information and insights on the history of key private-sector and government agencies during the Cold War era—most prominently, the US Air Force. After naval service in World War II, he began a long affiliation with the Air Force as a civilian engineer and Air National Guard officer. He continued this affiliation as president of both a pioneering high-tech company and the Air Force-sponsored MITRE Corporation. He also worked in the Office of the Secretary of Defense and became NATO’s top scientific officer. His contributions to the Air Force culminated with service as its undersecretary and secretary in the challenging and transforming period from 1969 through 1975, during which time he also directed the national Reconnaissance Office. Dr. McLucas’s insider’s account of those years divulges details about Pentagon politics, coping with the Vietnam War, developing new aircraft and other systems, and expanding equal opportunities for minorities and women. After next heading the Federal Aviation Administration, he became an executive in the Communications Satellite Corporation. Following retirement, he remained an active and influential proponent of science and technology, especially in space. The coauthors completed this book after Dr. McLucas’s death in December 2002. [Dr. John L. McLucas with Kenneth J. Alnwick and Lawrence R. Benson / 2006 / 390 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-156-2 / Cost: $33 / AU Press Code: B-101]
 The Air Commanders' Perspectives This compendium presents a candid and comprehensive commentary on what worked and what did not work during NATO air operations in Afghanistan. The key to the book’s value is revealed in its subtitle. Editor Dag Henriksen has compiled the perspectives of nine general officers who served in top airpower leadership positions in Afghanistan during the 2005–10 time frame. Since most were retired at the time of their writing, they were free to call it as they saw it. The result is not a condemnation of any particular group or strategy, but rather an objective review of lessons learned and recommendations for how joint and combined forces can better work together in a counterinsurgency or counterterrorism environment. Henriksen compiled this work while serving as an exchange officer to the US Air Force Research Institute (AFRI), Maxwell AFB, Alabama, in 2012. [Dag Henriksen / 2014 / 340 pages / ISBN: 978-1-58566-235-7 / Cost: $34 / AU Press Code: B-135]
 The Air University Pantheon of Air, Space, and Cyberspace Power Thinkers An initiative of Gen Steven R. Lorenz, former Air University commander, the Air University Pantheon of Air, Space, and Cyberspace Power Thinkers is an effort to identify the intellectual roots of Air University. Together, these biographies provide a framework for understanding the evolution of Air University and its powerful legacy in providing a forum for academic discourse, contributing to dramatic changes in the employment of airpower. Air University has been graced with individuals possessing imagination and keen intellect and the fortitude to bring their vision to reality. May their examples inspire a future generation to add its fresh ideas and unconventional viewpoints so that the Air Force can continue to preserve America’s peace and security. In part because Air University serves as a forum for innovative thought and discussion, the United States continues to be the preeminent air, space, and cyberspace power. [Lt Col Vicki J. Rast, USAF, Ret., Compiler / 2009 / 120 pages / ISBN: 978-1-58566-192-3 / Cost: $12 / AU Press Code: B-117]
 The Quest This biography of Maj Gen Haywood S. Hansell Jr. provides an in-depth look at the life and career of one of airpower's pioneer thinkers. General Hansell's professional life was devoted to the theory and practice of strategic airpower—the single most controversial military debate of the twentieth century. Hansell believed that wars could and should be won through precision bombing of military and industrial / commercial targets, a theory and practice that the United States Army Air Forces abandoned during World War II because of the dictates of existing technology, the demands of combat, and the fact that the passions of war swept away any moral concerns involving strategic bombing. Nevertheless, Hansell's main contribution to air doctrine was the concept that through selective targeting and an ability to place the bombs on those targets, airpower could win wars by crippling an enemy's ability to supply his forces and without causing wanton death and destruction. The author believes that the Persian Gulf War went a long way toward proving Hansell's theories to be correct. [Charles Griffith / 1999 / 238 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-069-8 / Cost: $16 / AU Press Code: B-73]
 They Served Here Colonel Benton provides a glimpse of the history of Maxwell Air Force Base by highlighting the careers of 33 airmen who served at the base at some point in their military careers. Some of the individuals portrayed were pioneers in the development of airpower and provided military leadership from World War II to the present. Others such as Glenn Miller, Clark Gable, and Bill Stribling were notable for their accomplishments in other fields. The stories told here highlight the critical, close interrelationships between the military and local society. [Jeffrey C. Benton / 1999 / 89 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-074-4 / Cost: $7.50 / AU Press Code: B-71]
 Velocity, Speed with Direction This storyline addresses the only question mark on O’Malley’s career—the Lavelle raids of February 1972. Using appropriate Nixon White House audio recordings and top secret messages (sent by the Joint chiefs of Staff to Vietnam) that were acquired through the Freedom of Information Act, Aloysius and Patrick Casey rescued from character assassination the reputation not only of Jerry O’Malley but also the reputation of Gen John D. Lavelle. They reveal the real culprit in the matter—the Nixon White House. [Aloysius G. Casey and Patrick A. Casey / 2007 / 294 pages / ISBN: 978-1-58566-169-5 / Cost: $28 / AU Press Code: B-110]
 Airpower Lessons for an Air Force Cyber-Power Targeting Theory Cyber targeting and associated doctrine should be the center of Air Force cyber strategy and its plans to organize, train, and equip a force for full-spectrum cyberspace operations. Understanding what targets cyber operations can affect is critical to deliberate planning or crisis planning. This paper attempts to draw parallels to early airpower targeting principles in order to propose a cyber-power targeting theory based on offense, defense, and exploitation objectives. It draws upon limited artifacts inherent to wielding cyber power—attribution, authorities, and centers of gravity—and acknowledges their impacts upon leaders and practitioners of cyber power. In addition to focusing on the adversary, the theory is intended to cause introspection toward the end of identifying potential Air Force and national security vulnerabilities in, through, and from cyberspace. [Steven J. Anderson / 2016 / 169 pages / ISBN: 9781585662388 / AU Press Code: P-100]
 Cyber Workforce Retention The US Air Force must develop strategies to effectively retain and sustainably build its workforce of 1B4 cyber Airmen. Doing so will be most critical in the next few years as the Air Force continues to increase its contribution to the nation’s cyber mission forces. This study overviews the current cybersecurity human capital environment and explores the evolution of this new breed of warrior and the plan to move this emerging career field from growth to future sustainment. Also examined are public-sector retention study and initiative findings and Department of Defense retention tools—primarily special and incentive pays—for their potential application in supporting cyber Airmen retention. The study concludes with recommendations for initiatives and focus areas to support not only retention of cyber Airmen but also growth and sustainability of this fledgling career field. [Maj William E. Parker IV, USAF / 2016 / 69 pages / ISBN: 9781585662647 / Cost: $9 / AU Press Code: CPP-2 ]
 Is Cyber Deterrence Possible? Deterrence in the cyber domain is drastically different and far more complicated than in the other military domains of air, land, sea, and space. Cyber weapons and offensive cyber techniques are relatively inexpensive and easily obtained or developed. The number of adversary groups capable of attacking US networks is large, and our ability to deter each group will vary based on their motives and levels of risk tolerance. An effective cyber deterrence strategy must be multilayered and use all instruments of US national power. This paper explores the difficulties of deterring unwanted cyber activities, sets some realistic expectations for a deterrence strategy, and offers proposals to help mitigate the problems. [Col Timothy M. McKenzie, USAF / 2017 / 33 pages ISBN: 9781585662739 / AU Press Code: CPP-4]
 Social Media The inherent risks and vulnerabilities of the Internet and social networking sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter have cultivated a rich and ripe environment for foreign adversaries and criminals to cherry-pick personal information about Airmen and their missions for nefarious activities. FBI guidance encourages users to reduce their online footprint in cyberspace rather to proliferate it. This paper addresses some of the most common threats and vulnerabilities of the social media environment, the risks of using social media, and current Air Force social media guidance. It recommends revising Air Force social media guidance and outlines cyberspace best practices. An informed workforce can better protect the Air Force mission and reduce the risk of becoming a target of opportunity. [Lt Col Scott E. Solomon, USAF / 2017 / 51 pages / ISBN: 9781585662715 / Cost: $0 / AU Press Code: CPP-6]
 Strategies for Resolving the Cyber Attribution Challenge Technical challenges are not a great hindrance to global cyber security cooperation; rather, a nation’s lack of cybersecurity action plans that combine technology, management procedures, organizational structures, law, and human competencies into national security strategies are. Strengthening international partnerships to secure the cyber domain will require understanding the technical, legal, and defense challenges faced by our international partners. Identifying the gaps in international cooperation and their socioeconomic and political bases will provide the knowledge required to support our partners’ cybersecurity and contribute to building a cyber environment less hospitable to misuse. It will also help US policy makers to determine the appropriate escalation of diplomatic and defensive responses to irresponsible countries in cyberspace. Further research and discussion will likely enable the timely development of the response framework for US sponsorship of sound global norms to guide global cybersecurity. This will also assist the US defense, diplomatic, and development communities in building consensus, leveraging resources to enhance global cybersecurity, and coordinating US global outreach to those countries most beset by cyber crime and conflict. [Panayotis A. Yannakogeorgos / 2013 / 107 pages / ISBN: 978-1-58566-226-5 / Cost: $0 / AU Press Code: P-93
 The Achievable Multinational Cyber Treaty: Strengthening Our Nation’s Critical Infrastructure Developing cyber norms and institutions has been problematic due to the competing interests of the major state actors in the multinational environment—especially among Russia, China, and the United States—concerning information freedom and access. The author establishes the genesis of this debate and argues that the United States should move beyond it to the issue of protecting critical infrastructure from cyber attack. Addressing the escalating threats to our nation’s infrastructure and networks, the author recommends pursuing an international agreement singularly focused on securing critical infrastructure combined with improving national regulatory and legislative measures for cyber defense. [Col Mark A. Barrera, USAF/2017/35 pages/ISBN 9781585662661/CPP-3]
 The Human Side of Cyber Conflict In response to a tasking from the Air Force chief of staff, the Air Force Research Institute conducted a review of how the service organizes, educates/trains, and equips its cyber workforce. The resulting findings were used to develop recommendations for how the Air Force should recruit, educate, train, and develop cyber operators from the time they are potential accessions until they become senior leaders in the enlisted and officer corps. This study’s discoveries, analyses, and recommendations are aimed at guiding staff officers and senior leaders alike as they consider how to develop a future cyber workforce that supports both Air Force and US Cyber Command missions across the range of military operations. [Panayotis A. Yannakogeorgos and John P. Geis II / 2016 / 260 pages / ISBN: 978-1-58566-259-3 / AU Press Code: B-143]
 US Policy Response to Cyber Attack on SCADA Systems Supporting Critical National Infrastructure This study examines federal efforts to unify the public and private domestic sectors in the defense against cyber attack on the industrial control systems (ICS) and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems that underpin US critical national infrastructure. It describes critical national infrastructure; the role of industrial control and SCADA systems in these sectors; and the panoply of actors, vulnerabilities, late-to-need cybersecurity, and threat trends for these systems. Political and social challenges to achieving greater cybersecurity are examined as are the processes through which the US government divides efforts among its lead cybersecurity agencies and what the responses to a cyber attack on ICS or SCADA might resemble. Finally, this study offers policy. [Maj Scott A. Weed , USAF / 2017 / 67 pages / ISBN: 9781585662760 / AU Press Code: CPP-7]
 A Companion for Aspirant Air Warriors A Companion for Aspirant Air Warriors: A Handbook for Personal Professional Study traces the evolution of military airpower from its infancy through Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom. Designed to introduce company-grade Airmen to the ideas, people, and materiel associated with military airpower, this volume and its suggestions for further reading can aid a lifetime study of the knowledge and expertise that define the profession of an Airman. The Companion for Aspirant Air Warriors discusses the role of airpower in each major conflict of the twentieth century, including the Cold War, and twenty-first-century operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. It also examines topics such as diversity in American airpower, remotely piloted vehicles, and expeditionary airpower. A foldout timeline provides a helpful chronological overview of important airpower concepts, events, and texts. [David R. Mets / 2010 / 185 pages / ISBN: 978-1-58566-206-7 / Cost: $39 / AU Press Code: B-119]
 Air Force Command and Control: The Need for Increased Adaptability The study captures the results of a CSAF directed analysis on USAF command and control (C2). The study examined Air Force C2 in seven cases covering the spectrum of conflict to determine whether doctrine and organizational structures require change to fit uncertain and dynamic future scenarios. The study’s results showed that USAF C2 design must change in order to increase its adaptability. An overall goal for adaptive C2 is offered along with six questions to aid a commander in creating adaptable C2 structures. The goal of adaptive C2 is to achieve unity of effort through integration at the appropriate organizational level, enabling agility and speed of action in delivering effects. The six questions address the following issues: the nature of an operation, available resources, capabilities of subordinate units, degree of trust and confidence, political risk, and the need to exploit interaction among the speed, range, flexibility, versatility, and battlespace perspective of Air Force capabilities. [Jeffrey Hukill, Larry Carter, Scott Johnson, Jennifer Lizzol, Edward Redman, and Panayotis Yannakogeorgos/2012/49 pages/ AP-89]
 Air Superiority at Red Flag Originally written as a master’s thesis, Lieutenant Colonel Locke’s Air Superiority at Red Flag relies on data compiled from 299 Red Flag missions to illuminate the role of air superiority. His provocative and well-written study shows a distinct correlation between attrition rates and force ratios. He concludes that despite the role of mass, evolving technology produced the “only observable change in the kill ratio.” [Lt Col Joseph W. Locke, USAF / 2009 / 200 pages / ISBN: 978-1-59566-201-2 / AU Press Code: P-75]
 At the Fulcrum of Air Force Identity This paper explores the roots of the Air Force's identity problems to explain why many previous leadership-driven identity initiatives—bits of sizzle in the form of a shiny logo, fresh motto, or revamped uniform—have been so startlingly unsuccessful. It concludes that senior Air Force leaders have failed, in part, because of their disregard for the powerful roles that organizational cultures play in the day-to-day lives of the average Airman. In the end, a leader will be truly successful only by discovering and communicating an emergent sense of Airman culture that resonates throughout the rank and file and inspires Airmen with a clear and compelling “why.” [Lt Col Jonathan Riley, USAF / 2014 / 97 pages / ISBN: 978-1-58566-229-6 / AU Press Code: P-92]
 Battlefield of the Future The authors of the essays in this book focus on issues relating to strategy and war fighting as the world moves into the twenty-first century. In these ten essays, the authors examine the debate over the future of airpower, the unique threat of biological warfare, the impact of the information revolution on warfare, and how changes in military technology might require a rethinking of the principles of warfare. These authors address whether new military technologies, new organization for warfare, and new strategies for employing forces on future battlefields will produce a revolution in military affairs. [Barry R. Schneider and Lawrence E. Grinter / 1998 / 286 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-061-2 / Cost: $19 / AU Press Code: B-64]
 Black Hats and White Hats This paper provides a unique parallel review of the histories of Air Force special operations and combat search and rescue forces. With a thorough understanding of their organizational culture and history, the author examines the 1983-89 merger of these two communities under the banner of the Twenty-third Air Force. The paper demonstrates how ingrained culture and hidden agendas may have ultimately affected the dissolution of the merger. In light of the 2003 merger of combat search and rescue and special operations under the Air Force Special Operations Command, the author offers lessons learned from the Twenty-third Air Force merger and suggests that could help commanders avoid hazards that could undermine organizational success. [Lt Col Ioannis Koskinas, USAF / 2006 / 238 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-159-7 / AU Press Code: P-45]
 Brothers in Berets Relying largely on oral history interviews, this work explores the evolution and contributions of the Battlefield Airmen assigned to Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC) special tactics units over 50 years. “Their story deserves telling within the US Air Force and to the general public,” notes Gen John Jumper, USAF, retired. Battlefield Airmen core competencies include performing duties primarily on the ground, often “outside the wire,” and under austere conditions—all skills needed for carrying the fight to the enemy on the ground. The AFSOC special tactics community is a small brotherhood of highly trained and equally dedicated warriors consisting of special tactics officers and combat controllers, combat rescue officers and pararescuemen, and officer and enlisted special operations weathermen. Its members have proven themselves as force multipliers time and time again throughout their history in places like Somalia, Serbia, and the battlefields of Afghanistan and Iraq. [Marion, Forrest L. / Jan 2018 / 429 pages / ISBN: / AU Press Code: B-149]
 Brown Bag Lessons This author unlocks the “magic” of effective bullet writing through proven techniques. Following them guarantees immediate improvement for anyone who has struggled with formulating statements for recognition packages and appraisals. The author emphasizes that the “struggle to write comes to an end!” Skillful writing doesn’t have to be difficult. After reading this book, you will fully understand how to write bullets and why every word matters. Chief Jaren introduced these techniques at a seminar to teach a fair, consistent process to evaluate recognition packages. By following these guidelines, an entire organization was transformed within six months. Since then, these concepts have decisively transformed the writing, recognition, and promotions of every organization applying them. These practices continue to positively impact the Air Force and sister services through professional military education. In addition, they have helped transitioning service members and college students better communicate acquired capabilities and competencies on their résumés. Are you ready for the magic? [Eric R. Jaren / Dec 2017 / 134 pages / ISBN: 978-1-58566-278-4 / AU Press Code: B-150]
 Challenge and Response In this collection of essays, the contributors examine the implications of the formal dissolution of the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact on planning for future military threats. They attempt to identify the nature and source of the most likely future threats to global security. Part I contains a broad review of the major determinants of international change. Part II analyzes specific situations, the changing nature of warfare, and potential responses to emerging challenges. [Karl P. Magyar, editor-in-chief; associate editors, Maris McCrabb, Albert Mitchum, Lewis B. Ware / 1994 / 444 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-053-1 / Cost: $27 / AU Press Code: B-56]
 Chasing Success This book examines how international expectations intersected with the United States Air Force’s fight for autonomy and utility, explains how the service began to change, and asks how airpower—and the US military as a whole—might further deepen its efforts. The author expands perspectives on assessing and directing the use of airpower and encourages further work to maximize both mission accomplishment and civilian protection. The recent evolution of US airpower offers inspiring, if incomplete, evidence that the conduct of war can become more humane while remaining effective. Technology, adversaries, and the goals of armed conflict will continue to evolve, but the central challenge of humanizing war will endure. Part one outlines the challenge that contemporary expectations about the American use of force pose for airpower. Part two describes the Air Force’s adaptation to modern expectations of civilian protection, tracing operational experiences during the 1990s and the consequent operational and institutional innovation. [Sarah B. Sewall / 2016 / 240 pages / ISBN: 978-1-58566-256-2 / Cost: $23 / AU Press Code: B-142]
 Combat Operations C3I Fundamentals and Interactions The author introduces basic definitions, functions, and processes of command, control, communications, and intelligence (C3I). He develops a conceptual model of the combat operations process based on the American approach to war. The study investigates the stochastic nature of combat operations and develops a guide to effective command. Major Orr concludes that a distributed C3I architecture designed to exploit the unpredictability of combat is best suited to the true nature of combat and the strengths of American fighting units. (Air University Press originally published this book in 1983 as Research Report No. AU-ARI-82-5 by Air University Press.) [George E. Orr / 2001 / 122 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-102-3 / Cost: $12 / AU Press Code: B-82]
 Command in Air War This work examines whether “centralized control and decentralized execution” is a valid doctrinal tenet, given the technological advances in the information age. Fascinating scenarios from recent operations, set in the context of a “complex air operations system,” show the dilemmas presented by participants’ increased access to information—and the resulting consequences of their decisions. With the uncertainty of war and the blending of diverse organizations, the author illustrates that commanders must balance empowerment with accountability by developing depth in command relationships among their subordinates. [Lt Col Michael W. Kometer, USAF/ 2007 / 345 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-164-3 / Cost: $18 / AU Press Code: B-107]
 Commanding an Air Force Squadron Colonel Timmons presents the views of many junior colonels and senior lieutenant colonels who have served as squadron commanders as he discusses the roles and responsibilities of this challenging assignment. Colonel Timmons's command and leadership principles, recommendations, and suggestions—though directed to the Air Force audience—apply to other US military services, officers of other nations, and civilian organizations and institutions. [Timothy T. Timmons / 1993 / 148 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-008-6 / Cost: $0 / AU Press Code: B-9]
 Commanding an Air Force Squadron in the Twenty-First Century Jeffry Smith updates the earlier release of Col Timothy T. Timmon’s Commanding an Air Force Squadron (1993). In this book, which includes a foreword by Gen John P. Jumper and an introduction by Colonel Timmons, USAF, retired, Colonel Smith relies on the vast “insights, experiences, and recommendations” of former and current commanders to identify the attributes of a successful commander at multiple levels. He identifies some issues commanders face regardless of the level of command, including counseling personnel, dorm inspections, commanders’ calls, money management, and the roles of spouses and families. According to Colonel Smith, the conduct of individuals in times of crises is the truest barometer of a good commander. [Jeffry F. Smith / 2003 / 194 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-119-0 / Cost: $18 / AU Press Code: B-9]
 Complex Adaptive Systems and the Development of Force Structures for the United States Air Force Force-structure analysis is critical to the process of planning, programming, and acquiring the military means to provide for national security and to shape the strategic environment. The author presents a theory of complex adaptive systems and demonstrates that force structures are examples of such systems. He then argues that the prevailing paradigm of the force-structure-analysis community in the United States Air Force is inconsistent with this reality. Recommendations identify low-cost opportunities with the potential for significant long-term effects in aligning the force-structure-analysis paradigm with the fact that force structures are complex adaptive systems. [Lt Col Eric M. Murphy, USAF / 2015 / 125 pages / ISBN: 978-1-58566-239-5 / AU Press Code: P-103]
 Defending Air Bases in an Age of Insurgency This anthology discusses the converging operational issues of air base defense and counterinsurgency. It explores the diverse challenges associated with defending air assets and joint personnel in a counterinsurgency environment. The authors are primarily Air Force officers from security forces, intelligence, and the office of special investigations, but works are included from a US Air Force pilot and a Canadian air force officer. The authors examine lessons from Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, and other conflicts as they relate to securing air bases and sustaining air operations in a high-threat counterinsurgency environment. The essays review the capabilities, doctrine, tactics, and training needed in base defense operations and recommend ways in which to build a strong, synchronized ground defense partnership with joint and combined forces. The authors offer recommendations on the development of combat leaders with the depth of knowledge, tactical and operational skill sets, and counterinsurgency mind set necessary to be effective in the modern asymmetric battlefield. [Shannon W. Caudill, Colonel, USAF / 2014 / 471 pages / ISBN: 978-1-58566-241-8 / Cost: $41 / AU Press Code: B-136]
 Department of Defense Energy Strategy Colonel Lengyel addresses the need for a national energy policy to meet the United States’ insatiable thrust for energy, especially its implications for the Department of Defense. He argues cogently that the United States has created one of the mightiest militaries in the world but sadly has fallen short in its efforts to create a viable energy strategy. His proposals for conserving energy include “bases operating on 100 percent renewable energy,” among others. [Col Gregory J. Lengyel, USAF / 2008 / 104 pages / ISBN: 978-1-58566-174-9 / AU Press Code: P-52]
 Fighting Proliferation The authors of this collection of essays examine such issues as devising effective strategy against the proliferation of nuclear weapons, coping with the spread of space technology, and curbing Iran's and North Korea's strategic programs. The contributors address these challenges and their implications for US policy in the book's five divisions. Part 1 explores how best to reform existing nonproliferation efforts. Part 2 considers new high-leverage systems likely to threaten the US in the near future. Parts 3 and 4 focus on two new truculent proliferators—North Korea and Iran. Part 5 discusses the need to develop a long-term diplomatic, political, economic, and military strategy against proliferation. Fighting Proliferation places itself in the mainstream of opposition to proliferation and the search for practical, policy-relevant approaches to dealing with it. [Henry Sokolski / 1996 / 396 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-017-5 / Cost: $23 / AU Press Code: B-19]
 Future Trends and US National Security The study of the future is difficult. Political, social, economic, technological, environmental, and military trends create enormous pressures that drive the patterns and currents that shape the future. All of the research methods—quantitative or qualitative—expand what we know about the present to help us understand what the future may bring. The research theses in this book attempt to develop future visions which offer insights into long-range strategies, policies, and plans that will augment and prepare US national security policy for a spectrum of uncertain futures. These theses help us anticipate opportunities and threats and consider how to address them. [John T. Ackerman, Lt Col (ret), and Kathleen Mahoney-Norris, Col (ret), eds. / 2015 / 302 pages / ISBN: 978-1-58566-242-5 / Cost: $32 / AU Press Code: B-137]
 Guidelines for Command AU-02. The intent of this handbook is to advance the practice of command. The advice and experiences written by prior commanders will help you become a better, more effective leader. [Air Command and Staff College /2015 / 272 pages ISBN: 978-1-58566-251-7 / AU-2]
 Heirpower “So you're 22 years old, you've just gotten your commission, you've arrived at your first duty station, you’ve met with your commander, and you’re now ‘in charge’ of a group of enlisted men and women, all of whom have been in service longer than you, know a whole lot more about military life than you, and are expecting more than you know. To top it all off, your first ‘subordinate’ happens to be a 30-year veteran of every war you ever read about, and his rank is, yes, E-9. He’s not an E-10 only because that rank doesn’t exist. Now what do you do? Let me tell you. . . .” In Heirpower! Eight Basic Habits of Exceptionally Powerful Lieutenants, CMSgt Bob Vásquez, an Air Force veteran of more than 30 years, now serving as director of a freshman seminar at the US Air Force Academy’s Center for Character Development, shares the views of the enlisted force in a powerful, humorous, anecdotal way that will educate and entertain you. Bob’s eight habits will empower you to become an Exceptionally Powerful Lieutenant! [Bob Vasquez / 2006 / 93 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-154-6 Cost: $8.50 / AU Press Code: B-100]
 Instantly Basing Locust Swarms This study finds that future swarms of small, remotely piloted aircraft (RPA) might provide significant force-projection capabilities using global military and commercial logistics infrastructures. This conclusion results from an examination of air operations during the Vietnam War, Operations Desert Storm and Enduring Freedom, existing RPA research and development, and projected Department of Defense developmental milestones involving swarms of small RPAs. The study also proposes a concept of operations, designated Locust Swarm, and a new logistics construct, called Instant Basing, that exploit the future capabilities of small, unmanned aerial vehicles. Such concepts may provide national policy makers relatively low-cost, low-risk options for international crises requiring the rapid deployment of airpower. [Jonathan E. Burdick, Lieutenant Colonel, USAF / 2016 / 127 pages / ISBN: 978-1-58566-252-4 / AU Press Code: P-109]
 Integrated Defense: Lessons Learned from Joint Base Balad Base defense—defending one’s air assets on the ground—is one of the least understood operational aspects of airpower. The current USAF strategy for defending air bases is integrated defense (ID). This study examines the first full implementation of ID in a combat environment in 2008 for Joint Base Balad to evaluate the effectiveness of the new strategy in actual operations. The lessons learned, as discussed by Colonel Milner, are instructive for future operations. [Col Joseph A. Milner, USAF/2013/59 pages/ISBN 978-1-58566-250-0/$9/AP-90]
 Interagency Fratricide The United States government promulgates national security policy through a complex, recursive negotiation process across multiple interagency players. When coercive intervention requires the use of force, it is imperative to understand the ways in which interagency conflict within the US government influences policies regarding conflict termination and withdrawal. Drawing upon the experiences of 135 interagency participants, Maj Vicki J. Rast, USAF, examines the conflict termination policy development processes for the Persian Gulf War (1990–91) and the Bosnia Conflict (1993–95). [Vicki J. Rast / 2004 / 466 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-126-0 / Cost: $42, AU Press Code: B-92]
 Learning to Leave Clausewitz posited centuries ago that “no one starts a war—or rather, no one in his senses ought to do so—without first being clear in his mind what he intends to achieve by that war and how he intends to conduct it.” Centuries later Robert Mandel cautioned that “perhaps the least understood, and certainly the least studied, aspect of war is how they end.” Most recently, in Learning to Leave, however, R. Greg Brown has taken a historical and theoretical examination of US national military strategy and examined the two theses to cogently highlight how misconceptions about our outdated security framework hinder disengagement. For example, he finds especially outdated and appalling the nexus between the national security strategy and the national military strategy and outlines their role in extending military engagements. [Maj R. Greg Brown, USAF / 2008 / 152 pages ISBN: 978-1-58566-181-7 / AU Press Code: P-59]
 Lights, Camera, Action: Getting Back to the Basics SMSgt Leslie Bramlett offers a call to the USAF enlisted corps to return to the basics of leadership, traditions, and discipline that are taught in basic military training (BMT). He delineates how the Air Force’s senior corps of noncommissioned officers recognizes discipline problems among the enlisted Airmen which have caused degradation in mission support and adherence to standards. SMSgt Bramlett identifies how failure to maintain the attitudes and behaviors learned in BMT have contributed to these problems. He argues that Airmen leave basic training and then enter the “real” Air Force and find a culture which does not reinforce the lessons taught in BMT. In this exposition, the author constructs a case for reinvigorating these lessons to help remedy this situation. [SMSgt Leslie Bramlett, USAF/2009/60 pages/ISBN 978-1-58566-191-6/$6/B-116]
 Listening Effectively AU-04. Using the concepts of what we think, feel, and do about listening, Dr. Kline teaches the reader the need for better listening and how to do so more effectively.[Dr. John Kline / 1996 / 70 pages / ISBN: 978-1-58566-009-4 /AU-4]
 Lorenz on Leadership If you want to learn about leadership, ask an experienced leader. Gen Stephen R. Lorenz, who retired as the commander of Air Education and Training Command, was always interested in leadership. He began writing about it while at the Air Force Academy and has now written numerous articles. He believes that today’s leaders need to reflect on the principles that guide them. This practice gave him insights into his own leadership style and fed his knowledge about the foundations of leadership. He shares his knowledge in this compilation. He also believes everyone is a leader in one way or another and should practice the art of leadership by writing about his or her own experiences and mentoring others. [General Stephen R. Lorenz USAF, Retired / 2012 / 205 pages / ISBN: 978-1-58566-222-7 / Cost: $26 / AU Press Code: B-130] Also available for:iBook and Nook
 Low-Intensity Conflict in the Third World A common thread ties together the five case studies of this book: the persistence with which the bilateral relationship between the United States and the Soviet Union continues to dominate American foreign and regional policies. These essays analyze the LIC environment in Central Asia, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, Latin America, and sub-Saharan Africa. [Lewis B. Ware 1988 / 189 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-022-1 / Cost: $7.50 / AU Press Code: B-24]
   Military Personnel as Innovators Maxwell Paper No. 74 calls for innovation from US military leaders reverberate throughout the ranks. In an organizational culture that reinforces self-restraint, rewards groupthink, and treats white space as wasted space, these leaders have unrealistic expectations of their military personnel. An examination of the requirements for innovation along with recent neuroscience and organizational psychology research provides valuable insight into how the checklist mentality of the military inhibits creativity and innovation. Recommendations to counter these barriers include recruiting creative personalities, training in divergent thinking, providing time for incubation, and promoting innovative leaders. Adoption of these recommendations will embolden military members to be more creative and will cultivate a culture that champions innovation. [Col Michelle E. Ewy, USAF / Jan 2018, 33 pages / AU Press Code: P-125]
 No Sense in Dwelling on the Past? This book examines the German air force monograph project known as the Karlsruhe project where the US Air Force employed former Luftwaffe generals to record the history of World War II from the German perspective. The Air Force monographs have proven useful to historians because of their high quality. The Karlsruhe monographs writers were insulated from outside pressure, and produced studies immediately useful to the military. The Air Force ignored the monographs and failed to benefit from the experience of the Luftwaffe. The author illustrates the inherent tensions in writing official military history and uses the Karlsruhe project as a lens to examine problems plaguing the Air Force during the early Cold War. Still, cooperative historical work proved to be an inexpensive and unexpected way of cementing the critical West German–American military alliance, and both air forces came to value this aspect of the project more than the historical studies it produced. [Ryan Shaughnessy, 1st Lt / 2011 / 166 pages / ISBN: 978-1-58566-206-7 / Cost: $40 / AU Press Code: B-121]
 On the Leadership Journey These conversations represent Chief LugoSantiago’s boots-on-the-ground framework of leadership study and philosophy. Although tightly woven in timeless leadership tenets, this book is not about leadership acquired in the quietness of a classroom. What you find in his writing and leadership talks are proven answers in response to questions many people are asking about leading themselves and others. Regardless of your background—civilian, military, community organizer, or business leader—consider this book your personal leadership coach. [LugoSantiago, CMSgt José A. / 2016 / 110 pages / ISBN: 9781585662678 / Cost: $13 / AU Press Code: B-145]
 Operational Design This analysis takes a didactic approach. It attempts to demystify the aura surrounding operational design by presenting a theoretical framework for comprehending its fundamental precepts. The goals of this analysis are threefold: provide a methodological example for understanding and applying design, show how design enhances decision making and risk analysis, and investigate the major differences between design in major combat operations and design in counterinsurgency (COIN). The contents of this study should not be construed as either prescriptive or mechanistic. Warfare is a multifaceted entity conducted in evolving operational environments and against complex, adaptive adversaries. Design is not a sequential methodology or a simplistic checklist. It is a foundational part of operational art that provides the crucial element of structure. This heuristic examination of design simply searches for a way to explain design’s intricate structural relationships and highlight the intrinsic potential for deliberately crafting decision analysis. When commanders and staffs approach operational design from this perspective, we move one step closer to the natural masters of the art of war. [Jeffrey M. Reilly / 2012 / 150 pages / ISBN: / Cost: $24 / AU Press Code: B-129]
 Prolonged Wars The authors examine the underlying impact of the cold war on protracted conflict in Africa and Asia. These area specialists examine the factors that produced prolonged conflict and what each side in them considered the cause(s) of these struggles. They analyze the reasons for "success" and "failure" in each of these regional conflicts. [Karl P. Magyar et al. / 1994, 475 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-056-6 / Cost: $27 / AU Press Code: B-59]
 Psychological Operations This volume includes 25 independent essays on military psychological operations. These essays are arranged in four sections: (1) Nature and Scope; (2) Policy and Planning; (3) Strategy, Tactics, and Operations; and (4) Case Studies. The authors make a strong case for the strengthening of PSYOPs in all aspects of US military operations. Among their recommendations is that psychological operations should be included in all phases of military training and professional military education. All members of the US military will benefit from this publication. [Frank L. Goldstein & Benjamin F. Findley Jr. / 1996 / 376 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-016-7 / Cost: $21 / AU Press Code: B-18]
 Recapitalizing Nuclear Weapons More than six decades after Hiroshima and almost two since the end of the Cold War, the US nuclear weapons stockpile is undergoing an extensive and expensive life-extension program to ensure the continued safety, security, and reliability of the legacy weapons well into the future. The current stockpile does not meet post–Cold War national security challenges. Today’s challenge is to sustain and modernize the US nuclear weapons infrastructure with minimal risk and cost. Lt Col Ed Vaughan advocates that to mitigate the risks and address the highly uncertain future security environment, the recapitalization of US nuclear weapons should begin immediately. [Edgar M. Vaughan / 2007 / 80 pages / ISBN: 978-1-58566-170-1 / AU Press Code: P-47]
 Reflections of a Middling Cold Warrior: Should the Army Air Corps Be Resurected? The need for the justification of an autonomous Air Force seems to be increasingly questioned. This article will argue the issue arises from a bad case of “presentism” that will make it inevitable that we will again be accused of having prepared for the last war in future conflicts. In this essay, the original reasons for creating the separate USAF in 1947, the ways in which the environment has changed since then, and whether or not America should revert to the old ways or bring about still further change, will be explored. There are great aviators in all the services, and those in the other services are rightly focused on the support of their own form of warfare. What the Air Force brings to the fight is not its piloting skills, but rather more of a global outlook on conflict. Those global capabilities are the principal contribution, but they also entail the capability to help the other services in a supporting role. [David R. Mets, PhD/2009/42 pages/AP-80]
Resilient Effective Adaptable Leadership Adaptation is required to stay ahead of the competition or an adversary, remain relevant, or increase effectiveness. Military leaders must self-evaluate and confront any barriers inhibiting their growth in this area. Sawtelle provides opportunities to reflect on leadership in an uncommon context. Self-reflection—made more credible by a certain level of discomfort— can shed light on personal and cultural blind spots. There are six common blind spots in modern military culture inhibiting the comprehensive development of more advanced leaders to achieve resilient intent: trust, risk, investment of time, ownership, technology dependence, and personal adaptability. These elements can serve as catalysts for reflection and dialogue to aid in the evolution of modern leadership culture to best prepare for surprise, disruption, and crisis. [Jonathan D. Sawtelle / 2016 / 115 pages / ISBN: 9781585662685 / Cost: $13 / AU Press Code: B-146]
 Resourcing General McChrystal’s Counterinsurgency Campaign This narrative focuses on the process that US Army general Stanley McChrystal’s operational planning team went through as it conducted its research and analysis of a variety of counterinsurgency theories applied to the difficult operating environment in Afghanistan. [Col Matthew C. Brand, USAF/2013/66 pages/AP-91]
 Rise of the Fighter Generals Colonel Worden relies on oral histories, personal interviews, military and social histories, quantitative data, and sociological research to show how fighter generals rose to domination in the Air Force. From its inception through the 1960s, the Air Force was dominated by bomber pilots. Embracing an absolutist perspective, bomber pilots struggled to maintain their dominance. In the 1960s, however, they saw their positions of leadership slowly yielding to the experience, broader education, and pragmatism of fighter pilots. This study terminates in 1982 when the leadership changes with the selection of a string of generals with fighter backgrounds as Air Force chiefs of staff. [Mike Worden / 1998 / 291 pages / ISBN: 978-1-58566-048-3 / Cost: $18 / AU Press Code: B-51]
 Risky Business This study examines the role of moral hazard in airlift operations. The author turns to the world of economics and insurance to define moral hazard and then examines two historical case studies through this lens. By conducting a comparative case study of the airlift-dependent operations at Dien Bien Phu and Khe Sanh and examining these in terms of moral hazard, the author establishes that moral hazard plays a role in airlift operations, that this role is not predictive in nature, that this role illuminates risks that may otherwise go unnoticed, and that there is a positive relationship between airlift capacity and moral hazard. The author then examines US airlift operations in Iraq and Afghanistan from 2001 to 2011 in light of the conclusions drawn from Dien Bien Phu and Khe Sanh. This comparison provides additional evidence for the case at hand and demonstrates the relevance to present-day events and concerns. The author postulates that a doctrinal solution best addresses moral hazard in airlift operations by informing the application of airlift in military operations while not arbitrarily curtailing or limiting those operations. The author concludes that such a doctrinal solution helps to inform military judgment and ensures risks associated with airlift-dependent operations are more fully accounted for than they would be otherwise. [Lt Col Robert C. Bearden, USAF / 2015 / 102 pages / ISBN: 978-1-58566-244-9 / AU Press Code: P-105]
 Setting the Context Colonel Brungess proposes using joint suppression of enemy air defenses (JSEAD) to address the problem of reduced SEAD resources available to individual services. He contends that the demise of the Soviet Union presents the perfect transitional period for SEAD planners to create new approaches to countering the information-based integrated air defense system nets. He looks at the foundations and evolution of SEAD, identifies pertinent variables, and shows how they have changed. Colonel Brungess concludes that fiscal reality demands that the services forge joint SEAD tactics and doctrine. [James R. Brungess / 1994 / 244 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-051-5 / Cost: $15 / AU Press Code: B-54]
 Sharing Success – Owning Failure Then - Colonel David L. Goldfein discusses several themes central to a successful command tour.* His ideas and questions will spark your imagination as you begin preparing for the task ahead of you—squadron commander. He shares stories from other squadron commanders that include both success and failure because, as Goldfein states, “it is from studying our failures that we learn, grow, and improve as officers and leaders.” Maj Gen Charles D. Link, USAF, retired, states that “this book is a must-read, not only for those selected to command a squadron but for all our young officers.” *General Goldfein is the current chief of staff of the Air Force. [David L. Goldfein / 2001 / 130 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-098-1 / Cost: $8.50 / AU Press Code: B-81]
 Speaking Effectively AU-05. In Speaking Effectively: A Guide for Air Force Speakers, Dr. Kline presents techniques on how to speak successfully. He provides examples and pointers for both the novice and the skilled speaker. This book was previously listed as order number B-33. [Dr. John A. Kline / 1989 / 86 pages / ISBN: 978-1-58566-031-5 / AU Press Code: AU-5]
 Technology and Military Doctrine This compilation of essays includes copies of speeches and articles that Dr. I. B. Holley Jr., Major General, USAFR, retired, has delivered and written throughout his career as a military officer and scholar of military history and thought. In these essays, Holley primarily addresses the need for the Air Force to adapt its doctrine and the processes of formulating and disseminating that guidance as the technology of air and space warfare improves. Dr. Holley’s common message throughout is that the process of how the Air Force develops its doctrine and preaches and teaches that doctrine to its Airmen is as important or, perhaps, more so than its content. [I.B. Holley / 2004 / 176 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-127-9 / Cost: $15 / AU Press Code: B-93]
 Technology Horizons A 2011 Air Force chief of staff reading list selection, Technology Horizons assesses what is credibly achievable from a technical perspective to give the Air Force capabilities suited for the strategic, technology, and budget environments of the next two decades. While visionary, its view is informed by the strategic context in which these technology-derived capabilities will be used. It has sought to envision not only US joint and allied opportunities for using technologies, but also ways that adversary capabilities could be derived from them using entirely different concepts of operations or war-fighting constructs. [Office of the US Air Force Chief Scientist / 2012 / 238 pages / ISBN: 78-1-58566-217-3 / Cost: $0 / AU Press Code: B-126]
 The “In Lieu Of” Myth Lt Col Dave Marttala discusses the Air Force deployment of large numbers of Airmen to perform various combat support functions doctrinally assigned to the Army or Marine Corps. Known as “In Lieu Of” (ILO) deployment (since then the term has changed to “Joint Expeditionary Tasking” [JET]), this program has evolved from a temporary assistance measure to a de facto permanent reallocation of service roles and missions. This study gives attention to the serious, central problem of the long-term negative effects of this program on the comprehensive military capacity to fight modern wars. Using Air Force security forces as a case study, he demonstrates that ILO solutions actually do more harm than good, creating an illusion of adaptation that obscures the nature and scope of the problem, thereby jeopardizing future war-fighting capability among our collective military forces. He concludes by offering practical recommendations to rebalance requirements and resources for modern warfare. [Lt Col David W. Marttala, USAF / 2009 / 107 pages / ISBN: 978-1-58566-172-5 / AU Press Code: P-61]
 The Changing Nature of Geostrategy, 1900–2000 Military history is rife with examples of operational successes and failures stemming from the geographical environment. However, are twenty-first-century military operations also contingent on the geographical-physical dimension? Major technological advances during the last hundred years have led to a change in the concept of the physical line of operations. These developments led to the gradual contraction of this line, bringing about its near extinction or virtualization. Dr. Paul Springer observes in the book’s foreword that “the notion that lines of communication might be made irrelevant to modern warfare revolutionized the concept of geostrategy and led to many modern American military practices, including the ability to base attack forces within the continental United States but still threaten enemy forces worldwide.” He adds that “Dr. Tovy’s work promises an interesting examination of whether the principles of geostrategy, which have governed human conflict for millennia, might have receded in importance or even ceased to matter at all.” [Tal Tovy / 2015 / 148 pages / ISBN: 978-1-58566-253-1 / Cost: $14 / AU Press Code: B-140]
The Evolution of Airmen Fifty years ago, our Air Force made a significant step forward. Our senior leaders recognized the need for an enlisted voice on the headquarters staff and, after a significant vetting and interview process, selected Chief Master Sergeant Paul Airey to become the first Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force, 3 April 1967. In the 50 years since, 17 Airmen have worn the chevrons, championed enlisted development and retired knowing the enlisted force had moved forward. This book is more than a recognition of our past Chief Master Sergeants of the Air Force. It’s a celebration of enlisted Airmen and an acknowledgement of their considerable evolution. It’s a story about our 70 years as a separate service, told through the lens of Airmen who have served every step of the way. As we celebrate our 70th year as a separate service, let us look to the past and reflect on the barriers we’ve broken to become the world’s greatest Air Force. Visit the website as well at [Lee E. Hoover Jr., editor / 2017 / 287 pages / ISBN: 1585662753 / AU Press Code: B-148]
 The GPS and Galileo Lt Col Roftiel Constantine cogently outlines the competitive relationship between the Europe Union and the United States regarding satellite navigation. To buttress his thesis that Galileo, the European Union’s navigation satellite system, poses a veritable threat to the global position system, the navigation system of the United States, Colonel Constantine traces the development of the navigation systems, analyzes the threat posed to the United States by Galileo, and delineates precisely the course of action the United States must undertake to protect its “industrial, military, and national security interests.” [Lt Col Roftiel Constantine, USAF / 2008 / 84 pages / ISBN: 978-1-58566-177-0 / AU Press Code: P-56]
 The Next-Generation Expeditionary Air Force On 20 November 2008, the CSAF tasked the Air Force Research Institute (AFRI) to determine if the current expeditionary air and space forces (EAF) construct is engineered to deal with current and future challenges facing the Air Force.* Specific elements for research were the need to meet the demands across the range of military operations, presentation of forces to combatant commanders (CCDR), appropriate flexibility and sustainability, continuity of leadership, and teaming of deployed forces. In this study, we discuss five issues for change, and our recommendations provide the framework needed to produce the project’s desired end state of a measurable and sustainable expeditionary process that meets combatant commanders’ equirements across the range of military operations. [Jeffrey Hukill, Kristal Alfonso, Scott Johnson, and John Conway/2012/49 pages/AP-87]
   The Stakes are High  A series of high-profile ethical lapses by senior military professionals has generated calls from levels as high as the commander in chief for a renewed emphasis on military ethics. Leaders engaged in professional military education across the joint force have worked to ensure their programs support this call. This paper explores and assesses the ethics education programs at the service senior leader colleges (war colleges) based on three fundamental questions: (1) What are the desired outcomes of ethics education? (2) How should the curriculum be structured to achieve those outcomes? (3) What is the correct faculty composition to develop and employ that curriculum? Analysis reveals that existing ethics education programs at the war colleges compare favorably to the model program structure based on the answers to these questions. However, leaders at these institutions could further strengthen their programs by creating and empowering an “ethics team” that includes trained ethicists and military practitioners and by conducting more robust faculty development programs for nonethicists. [Lt Col Beth A. Behn, USA / Jan 2018 / 35 pages / AU Press Code P-124]
 USAF Centralized Control and Decentralized Execution: A Catchphrase in Crisis Lieutenant Colonel Hinote applies the Air Force tenet of centralization versus decentralization to the current conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq and suggests that the urgent need for improved communication between air and ground forces. Relying on the teaching of the theoretician B. H. Liddell Hart, who emphasized the role of compromise in combat, Hinote sees communication between air and ground forces as a necessity. [Lt Col Clint Hinote/2009/95 pages/AP-67]
 When You Get a Job to Do, Do It This study examines the development and effectiveness of Lt Gen William H. Tunner’s Leadership during the interwar years, World War II, and early Cold War. This thesis draws upon current Air Force leadership doctrine and proposes an Air Force Leadership framework with which to assess the relationships between personal experience, leadership competencies, leadership actions, and the results they produce. The author begins with Tunner’s early experiences, to include military education, training, and operational practice. The focus then shifts to Tunner’s progression in Ferrying Command and the development of his leadership competencies. Next, the author presents Tunner’s leadership actions during the Hump airlift operation and the Berlin Airlift. The study concludes with a critique of Tunner based on Air Force leadership doctrine. Tunner was brilliant at improving airlift efficiency and safety, but his single-minded focus limited his leadership accomplishments. Nonetheless, his contributions to the airlift element of airpower confirm that while often underappreciated, Lieutenant General Tunner was a major force in the development of air transportation and a successful Air Force leader. [Lt Col David S. Hanson, USAF / 2008 / 92 pages / ISBN: 978-1-58566-183-1 / AU Press Code: P-58]
 Air Force Strategy Study 2020-2030 In November 2009, Gen Norton A. Schwartz, the Air Force chief of staff, tasked the Air Force Research Institute (AFRI) to answer the following question: What critical capabilities—implemented by the combatant commanders—will the nation require of the Air Force by 2030? The AFRI team identified the nation’s vital interests: commerce; secure energy supplies; freedom of action at sea, in space, in cyberspace, and in the skies; nuclear deterrence; and regional stability. The team analyzed four future world scenarios—a peer competitor, resurgent power, failed state, and jihadist insurgency—in relation to the nation’s vital interests and the 12 Air Force core functions. The resulting analysis led to a synthesis of the core functions into five critical capabilities designed to meet the Air Force’s strategic challenges in 2030: power projection; freedom of action in air, space, and cyberspace; global situational awareness; air diplomacy; and military support to civil authorities. [John A. Shaud, PhD, General, USAF, Retired / 2011, 151 pages / ISBN: 978-1-58566-210-4 / Cost: $0 / AU Press Code: B-124]
 All the Missiles Work Innovation has always clashed with entrenched bureaucracies and tradition, creating a tension that weaves itself through the fabric of US military history. With his concept of technological dislocation, the author examines factors that can dislocate the predicted evolutionary pathway of established or emerging technologies and steer them in new directions. Colonel Fino shows how a commitment to existing technologies and a fascination with the promise of new ones often complicate an institution’s ability to recognize and adapt to an evolving strategic environment. This study provides today’s leaders and strategists much-needed insights into how to bring about change and create advantage in the swirling complexity of modern technology and bureaucracy. [Lt Col Steven A. Fino, USAF / 2015 / 169 pages ISBN: 978-1-58566-248-7 / AU Press Code: P-108]
 Archie to SAM Archie to SAM is an update to Kenneth Werrell's Archie, Flak, AAA, and SAM published in 1988. He continues to study ground-based air defense systems in new events, including the Gulf War. In rescuing ground-based air defense systems from long neglect, Werrell delves into such topics as tactics, leadership, change, and innovation. [Kenneth P. Werrell / 2005 / 308 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-136-8 / Cost: $29 / AU Press Code: B-28]
 Attitudes Aren’t Free This collection of essays—most written for this volume—and speeches are on the themes of religious expression, homosexuality, gender, race, and ethics in the military. The contributors include activists, military members, academics, and other experts. Attitudes Aren’t Free does not promote one view on these contentious issues but allows the writers to advocate for their diverse positions with thoughtful, well-reasoned arguments. This volume offers a framework for critical thought and candid discussions about important social policy issues in the military. [Parco, James E., and David A. Levy / 2010 / 560 pages ISBN: 978-1-58566-204-3 / Cost: $52 / AU Press Code: B-120]
 Balancing on the Pivot The United States has used primacy as its grand strategy for some time now. While this strategy has ensured US hegemony, it has also fiscally drained American power and left the United States with a poor global standing. As such, rethinking US grand strategy should be considered in order to maintain its relative position in the twenty-first century. The United States is poised to pivot east, to meet the demands of China as a rising challenger. The question I raise here is how viable would an alternative grand strategy in Asia be? There is considerable enthusiasm in some corners of the policymaking world for the United States to return to a balancing strategy in Asia. Formerly known as offshore balancing, the strategy aims to conserve American power as it deals with the challenges of a rising China. One important, albeit overlooked element of offshore balancing is: Who plays the role of the balancer? This thesis seeks to answer that question. [Lt Col Reginald J. McClam, USMC / 2016 / 107 pages / ISBN: 978-1-58566-257-9 / AU Press Code: P-110]
 Basing Strategies for Air Refueling Forces in Antiaccess/Area-Denial Environments Modern antiaccess/area-denial (A2/AD) systems threaten forward-based air refueling units. To mitigate those threats, various basing options are explored: hardening of aircraft shelters and support facilities, disaggregation of refueling units among prepared bases, and agile disaggregation among more austere base infrastructures. Also discussed is the potential value of introducing a midsized “tactical” tanker to the fleet able to operate from airfields substantially shorter and more weakly surfaced than those from which the current fleet of modified airliners must operate. The study concludes by recommending greater focus on agile disaggregation, acquisition of a fleet segment of tactical tankers, and directions for further analysis. [Robert C. Owen/2015/32 pages/ISBN 978-1-58566-258-6/$6/AP-111]
 Beating International Terrorism Dr. Sloan writes this book primarily for senior- and middle-level officials and officers who will be responsible for conducting war against terrorism. He examines several definitional problems, analyzes the factors involved in developing approaches to counter and preempt terrorism, and looks at the policy issues regarding the use of force. [Stephen Sloan / 2000 / 110 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-079-5 / Cost: $8 / AU Press Code: B-3]
 Beyond the Paths of Heaven Major issues have plagued the US military space community for years. Foremost among these issues is the relationship between air and space. This work is a comprehensive examination of space power. Military space-lift vehicle requirements, space architectures, and ground support infrastructure are major issues. Graduate students at the School of Advanced Airpower Studies researched and discussed a variety of these issues and their efforts are brought together here as a collection of master's degree research theses. The significance of this book lies in the synergism of the contributions. Although each of the articles reflects varying, well-documented, independent perspectives with both strengths and weaknesses, in total, the articles give a mature summary of the best available military thought regarding space power. The first three papers examine space organization, doctrine, and architecture. The rest are loosely grouped as predominantly sanctuary/survivability, space control, or high-ground perspectives. [Bruce M. DeBlois / 1999 / 572 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-067-1 / Cost: $40 / AU Press Code: B-70]
 Blunting the Spear Analysis of Air Force rated officer retention data, interviews with squadron commanders, and surveys of pilots from the fighter, bomber, and remotely piloted aircraft communities highlight the need for more focused retention methods. The surveyed communities reported different contextual definitions of key retention variables. Failure to negotiate these disparities at key points throughout an officer’s career will lead to decreased retention of the best, regardless of monetary payout incentives. The author proposes methods the Air Force can use to address retention contextually from the Air Force level to individual major weapons system communities. [Lt Col Brian T. Stahl, USAF / 2015 / 177 pages / ISBN: 978-1-58566-237-1 / AU Press Code: P-99]
 Bomber Noted historian and retired USAF Col Phillip Meilinger’s Bomber traces the development of Strategic Air Command in parallel with a fledgling independent Air Force amid the drama of the Cold War. This well-documented history captures not only lessons learned in strategy, leadership, and budgetary crises, but also the personalities and politics that made the Air Force what it is today. More than 50 historic photos help bring this exciting story to life. [Phillip Meilinger / 2012 / 373 pages / ISBN: 978-1-58566-219-7 / Cost: $49 / AU Press Code: B-127]
 Challenging Nuclear Abolition Tough choices regarding defense spending and national security strategy are likely to come in 2009 and 2010, and may significantly affect nuclear weapons policy. Although the president’s efforts to develop a “new New Deal” may overshadow shifts in nuclear weapons policy, the president may oversee an unprecedented change in the number of deployed strategic nuclear weapons and the policy governing their use. “Modernizers” and “abolitionists” will attempt to influence President Obama’s nuclear weapons policy. Modernizers believe that the United States must develop a new warhead and advanced delivery platforms if the nation wishes to maintain the most advanced and secure nuclear arsenal in the world. Abolitionists see an opportunity to oversee substantial reductions in the number of nuclear warheads and their delivery systems. This paper takes a critical look at the fundamental arguments offered by abolitionists and conclude that the rationale offered, while admirable, is utopian and makes predictions about human behavior that are not supported by historical example or logic, which must be relied on when examining nuclear deterrence. [Adam Lowther, PhD/2009/54/AP-76]
 Culture Wars This work studies American civil-military relations at the level of an individual military service and considers the impact of the Air Force’s organizational culture on its civil-military relationship. Whereas most of the literature on civil-military relations treats the military as a unitary actor, this study considers the services as separate entities with unique self-interests. [Lt Col Jeffrey W. Donnithorne, USAF / 2013 / 123 pages / ISBN: 978-1-58566-225-8 / AU Press Code: P-101]
 Democracy and Deterrence Dr. Sharp argues that two fundamental strategies are necessary to create lasting peace in the world: facilitating the spread of democracy and maintaining comprehensive deterrence mechanisms targeted at individual world leaders. He surveys conventional approaches to avoiding war and presents evidence to validate the democratic peace principle (the notion that democracies are inherently more peaceful than nondemocracies) and the incentive theory of war avoidance, formulated by John Norton Moore. Dr. Sharp proposes a mathematical formula that can be used to predict the probability of peace for a given nation. Comprehensive tables collate data from multiple sources on freedom and human development in nations around the world. [Dr Walter Gary Sharp Sr. / 2008 / 290 pages / ISBN: 978-1-58566-180-0 Cost: $24 / AU Press Code: B-111]
 Developing Doctrine for the Future Joint Force Colonel Brown argues that recent operations have highlighted seams and shortfalls in joint doctrine that need to be addressed in the shaping of a more effective future joint force. Using the current doctrine command and control tenets and Joint Operations Concept attributes as a framework, Colonel Brown develops the foundation of air-ground doctrine for the future joint force. Using case studies from recent contingencies to illustrate gaps in current doctrine, he proposes doctrinal concepts via five air-ground integration focus areas: supporting/supported relationships, establishing directives and emerging concepts, synchronization of interdiction and maneuver, joint fires concepts, and fire support coordination measures. Colonel Brown proposes support relationships be defined by the joint force commander based on operational objectives. Joint force commanders would then articulate intent, relationships, and objectives through proposed establishing directive guidance. Colonel Brown also proposes a responsive and interoperable joint organizational construct capable of integrating the effects created by fire and maneuver. He completes his proposals by recommending a standardized coordination-measure construct to allow timely decision making and execution in future joint operations. [Charles Q. Brown Jr. / 2005 / 136 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-147-3 / AU Press Code: P-25]
 From the Mind to the Feet The 12 essays in this volume examine the concept of intent in defense, security, and foreign-policy contexts. They provide operational and academic perspectives on measuring the intent of adversaries, including nation-states and nonstate actors, and understanding the relationship of intent to behavior. The essays apply the insights and methods of multiple disciplines—anthropology, psychology, political science, neuroscience, and others—to the study of intent, for which there is currently no coherent body of research. As Lt Gen Robert Elder, USAF, retired, notes, we are good at estimating an adversary’s capabilities but not as good at estimating his intent. To influence an adversary’s behavior, we must understand the perception-to-intent-to-action dynamic that underlies his behavior. This collection of essays, which emerged from a Department of Defense Strategic Multilayer Assessment, provides perspectives for doing so. The authors represent multiple agencies and fields of study; some are academics, and some are military subject-matter experts. Their expertise includes decision and behavioral analysis, social psychology, warfare and military strategy, political behavior, applications of neuroscience to behavioral studies, foreign policy, and antiterrorism. [Kuznar-Astorino-Courtois-Canna / 2011 / 169 pages / ISBN: 978-1-58566-212-8 / Cost: $0 / AU Press Code: B-123]
 General McChrystal’s Strategic Assessment: Evaluating the Operating Environment in Afghanistan in the Summer of 2009 This narrative focuses on General McChrystal and his strategic assessment team’s analysis. It describes the assessment team and covers some of the early friction between the members of the team who had arrived with the new commander and the existing headquarters staff. It then dissects the Initial Assessment Working Group that relied heavily on the expertise of a number of civilian scholars invited to take part in the analysis. This study breaks down each of the additional assessment subcomponents, all of which had their own separate working group. [Col Matthew Brand, USAF/2011/135 pages/$15/AP-86]
 In Service to the Nation In this study, the Air Force Research Institute provides its perspective on what the United States Air Force should look like in 2018–2023. This study offers a detailed discussion of the attributes of the Air Force today in order to develop a framework for understanding how the USAF will serve the nation in the future. The USAF will remain the world’s preeminent air force, prepared to fly, fight, and win in service to the nation. [Gen John A. Shaud / 2009 / 118 pages / ISBN: 978-1-58566-189-3 / Cost: $0 / AU Press Code: B-115]
 Introduction to the United States Air Force Captain Saltzman and Dr Searle provide information that introduces fascinating stories of the people, equipment, and operations of the Air Force. The book is organized in two parts and five appendices. The first part is organized chronologically and groups significant operations and personalities in critical periods during the development of the US Air Force. The second part covers aerospace craft by type (fighters, bombers, missiles, and so on) and shows the development of each over time. Following part 2 are appendices listing the senior leaders of the early air forces (before the creation of the US Air Force in 1947), the Air Force chiefs of staff, the chief master sergeants of the Air Force, fighter aces, and Medal of Honor winners. [B. Chance Saltzman and Thomas R. Searle, eds. / 2001 / 190 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-092-2 / Cost: $24 / AU Press Code: B-79]
 Making Twenty-first Century Strategy This new work defines national security strategy, its objectives, the problems it confronts, and the influences that constrain and facilitate its development and implementation in a post–Cold War, post–9/11 environment. The authors note that making and implementing national strategy centers on risk management and present a model for assessing strategic risks and the process for allocating limited resources to reduce them. The major threats facing the United States now come from its unique status as “the sole remaining superpower” against which no nation-state or other entity can hope to compete through conventional means. The alternative is what is now called asymmetrical or fourth generation warfare. Drew and Snow discuss all these factors in detail and bring them together by examining the continuing problems of making strategy in a changed and changing world. [Dennis M. Drew and Donald M. Snow / 2006 / 290 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-160-0 / Cost: $0 / AU Press Code: B-104]
 Military Airpower Col Charles M. Westenhoff, USAF, retired, has compiled a thought-provoking collection of ideas from an array of luminaries—including contemporary and legendary generals, innovative tacticians and strategists, world leaders, and philosophers. The quotations were chosen for their value to Airmen and the profession of arms. The aim of this book is to supply Airmen with useful thoughts that might help them meet their known responsibilities and the unknown challenges their service will bring. Gen T. Michael Moseley, chief of staff, USAF, notes that “understanding the way that our predecessors handled their challenges can equip us to better serve our nation.” [Col Charles M. Westenhoff / USAF retired 2007 / 277 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-163-5 / Cost: $32 / AU Press Code: B-106]
 Outsourcing the Air Force Mission Colonel Palmby’s study not only serves as a primer for readers not intimately familiar with either outsourcing or the acquisition/manpower career fields, but also provides Air Force leadership and decision makers recommendations designed to help them resolve or prevent the numerous pitfalls that accompany the outsourcing process. Toward those ends, it provides background on the terminology, processes, and regulatory guidance used in outsourcing. It also reviews various forces that drive the Air Force toward outsourcing as a resource option and analyzes the advantages and disadvantages that may reside in any outsourcing situation. The paper also examines numerous issues facing the Air Force and Department of Defense in general as the outsourcing of missions continues to increase. Additionally, the paper offers some critical recommendations designed to help begin the considerable effort of evolving the Air Force’s culture and structure to allow full integration of outsourcing as a key and equal component of its Total Force team. [William G. Palmby / 2006 / 84 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-150-3 / AU Press Code: P-40]
 Recapitalizing the Air Force Intellect This collection of essays and speeches is the fruit of Prof. Drew’s 30 years at Air University, a career spent at the intellectual forefront of the Air Force. The topics range from the history of airpower doctrine, to the transformation of airpower after the Cold War, to the education of future airpower leaders. Not only does the republication of these essays—and the first publication of the speeches—provide an opportunity to look back at some of the key periods in airpower’s development, but also Drew’s sharp analysis and careful research illuminate important problems Airmen continue to face. The items are grouped into four parts or subject areas: Considering the Past—Contemplating the Future; The End of the Cold War; The Nature and Impact of Airpower; and Educating Airmen. As the title indicates, this collection can serve as a tool for intellectual renewal or “recapitalization” among Airmen by providing a historical context for current airpower issues and stimulating new thought about these issues. [Col Dennis M. Drew, USAF, Retired / 2008, 280 pages / ISBN: 978-1-58566-179-4 / AU Press Code: P-57]
 Rethinking The QDR P. Dean Patterson and Lenny J. Richoux offer a cogent argument for a Department of Defense quadrennial defense review (QDR). Having been established in 1997, the QDR is a relatively new process. It examines the budgetary process to ensure that taxpayers’ money is well spent. At the same time, it is equally important to ensure that each service receives its far share of the allocation pie. Abandoning the QDR, enlarging it, or creating a persistent QDR are the only viable options the authors believe are available. Of the three choices, Patterson and Richoux believe that creating a persistent QDR provides the best option. [Lt Col P. Dean Patterson, Jr., USMC and Lt Col Lenny J. Richoux, USAF / 2009 / 72 pages / ISBN: 978-1-58566-188-6 / AU Press Code: P-62]
 Shaping Air Mobility Forces for Future Relevance This report asks whether the national air mobility system (NAMS) of the United States will or will not be able to accomplish its full spread of mission responsibilities in an uncertain future fraught with emerging challenges and threats. More specifically, this report will examine operational, institutional, doctrinal, and technological trends shaping a useful answer to that question. That answer will recognize the unequalled readiness of the NAMS for future wars and conflicts while also identifying some of its more troubling shortfalls in specific task areas. In the end, this study will identify opportunities to mitigate those shortfalls in the near term and without breaking the defense budget, and it will propose some initial steps along a path to further reducing or even eliminating them over the longer term. [Robert C. Owen/2017/51 pages/ISBN 9781585662746/AP-2017-1}
 Sovereignty and Collaboration In terms of military procurement, sovereignty is the ability to develop and operate equipment free from the external constraints of other nations. This paper questions whether sovereignty is an outdated strategy during times of austerity and if its apparent alternative—collaboration—delivers on its promise of affordability. The author examines Britain’s purchase of military equipment over the past 15 years to determine if the United Kingdom has increasingly favored collaboration over sovereignty. He concludes that sovereignty is a contested subject and that the question challenging nation-states in the future will not be whether to resist collaboration in favor of sovereignty but identifying when to collaborate and what sovereignty to invest in. [Sqn Ldr Gareth Davies, Royal Air Force / 2016 / 103 pages / ISBN: 9781585662630 / AU Press Code: DP-117]
 Strategy for Defeat: The Luftwaffe, 1933-1945 Dr. Murray's book provides a detailed analytical study of the development of the Luftwaffe. The author takes an in-depth look at the "easy war" (1939-40) and the turn toward Russia in Operation Barbarossa. Dr. Murray investigates the war of attrition from 1942 through early 1944 and the reasons for the final demise of the Luftwaffe from April through September 1944. [Williamson Murray / 1983 / 391 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-010-8 / Cost: $12, AU Press Code: B-12]
 Strategy for Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Numerous reports have highlighted obstacles to the integration of intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) into military campaigns and major operations. The root cause of these difficulties is adherence to a centralized Cold War collection management doctrine focused on production rather than goals and objectives. A strategy-oriented approach that balances ISR ends, ways, and means will more effectively meet commander’s needs and expectations. ISR helps decision makers anticipate change, mitigate risk, and shape outcomes. ISR strategy, therefore, is a set of ideas that integrates organizations and balances ends, ways, and means in pursuit of that purpose. [Col Jason M. Brown/2015/38 pages/ISBN 978-1-58566-246-3/AP-107]
 The Evolution of the Cruise Missile Although among the newest of US weapons, the cruise missile possesses a rich conceptual and technological heritage. The author addresses this heritage and the importance of understanding it when we consider deployment and employment options. Without the perspective provided by this history, our perception of the cruise missile's purpose and use lacks depth and understanding. [Kenneth P. Werrell / 1985 / 303 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-005-1 / Cost: $0 / AU Press Code: B-6]
 The Green Eyeshades of War Military financial management during war is put on trial. Fiscal performance and readiness are scrutinized during various conflicts: World War II, Vietnam, Operations Desert Shield / Storm, and Operations Enduring Freedom / Iraqi Freedom. Each of these conflicts is unique, yet each situation validated the critical need for sound fiscal management and controls. General Spencer demonstrates how the United States has repeatedly failed to learn from its past combat financial management experiences and then offers sound suggestions for remedying that recurring mistake. [Gen Larry O. Spencer / 2016 / 100 pages / ISBN: 978-1-58566-261-6 / Cost: $12 / AU Press Code: B-144]
 The Machinery of Government Needs A Tune-Up This study examines the history, likes and differences of the US National Security Council system and its organizational prototype, the pre-World War II British Committee of Imperial Defence, their structures, purposes, functions, leadership, and the significant changes each experienced their origins, the historical contexts leading to their creation, their organizational over time. Then, each organization is compared, contrasted, and subjectively examined, while bringing historical evidence to bear. The study concludes with insights that form the underlying bases for recommending modest changes to the NSC system. These recommendations include appropriately sizing the NSC staff and emphasizing the importance of strategic planning, and others. [Col Chad T. Manske, USAF / 2009 / 117 pages / ISBN: 978-1-58566-190-9 / AU Press Code: P-63]
 The Redesigned Air Force Continuum of Learning The USAF Strategic Master Plan posited five strategic vectors to help prioritize investments, drive institutional change, and operationalize key concepts. These included providing effective twenty-first-century deterrence; maintaining a robust and flexible global intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) capability; ensuring a full-spectrum capable, high-end focused force; pursuing a multidomain approach to the Air Force’s five core missions; and continuing to pursue game-changing technologies. Arguably Air Education and Training Command (AETC) supports all of these vectors; however, the call for a full-spectrum capable, high-end focused force falls squarely within the AETC mission. AETC was tasked with preparing for the future, yet much of what we deliver under the banner of force development is lodged in a learning paradigm that has not altered substantially since the creation of our service. In this paper, the authors briefly review the disruptive forces that are driving change across our Air Force, share some insights into how our sister services are reacting to similar pressures in terms of their force-development strategies, review what our senior leaders approved, and describe how we are moving ahead with this new, force-development paradigm. This new approach will eventually affect every aspect of force development, so it is important that all Airmen understand what we are doing and why we are doing it. [Lt Gen Darryl L. Roberson and Dr. Matthew C. Stafford / 2017 / 33 pages / ISBN: 9781585662807 / AU Press Code: LP-1]
 Thinking about Deterrence Description: With many scholars and analysts questioning the relevance of deterrence as a valid strategic concept, this volume moves beyond Cold War nuclear deterrence to show the many ways in which deterrence is applicable to contemporary security. It examines the possibility of applying deterrence theory and practice to space, to cyberspace, and against non-state actors. It also examines the role of nuclear deterrence in the twenty-first century and reaches surprising conclusions. [Adam Lowther / 2013 / 345 pages / ISBN: 978-1-58566-227-2 / Cost: $30 / AU Press Code: B-133]
 This Man’s Military Culture trumps strategy every time. The author proposes that the Department of Defense has mistakenly focused too much on a strategy to combat sexual assault without due recognition of military cultural factors. Colonel Lee concludes that while there is enough evidence to suggest that the military is demographically and culturally predisposed to a higher-than-average frequency of interpersonal violence and sexual assault, more research on who joins the military (and why) is needed. To reduce interpersonal violence and sexual assault, the military must confront its members’ beliefs—not just their behaviors. The author illustrates not only how organizational change theory can be used to empower those most at risk of sexual assault to avoid becoming victims but also how to make the military a less friendly environment to would-be offenders prior to them getting the chance. [Lt Col Peter J. S. Lee, USAF / 2016 / 89 pages / ISBN: 9781585662623 / AU Press Code: DP-113]
 Unity of Mission While much has been written about civilian-military teams in Vietnam and, most recently, in Iraq and Afghanistan, the subject has not been addressed in a single, comprehensive publication containing historical context and reflecting a broad diversity of views. It is the intention of the coeditors of Unity of Mission to fill this gap. The authors are convinced that without unity among military and civilian actors, long-term mission success is difficult at best. They believe the essays contained in this volume attest to this assertion. They are also fully aware that civilian-military teams are not a silver bullet. Rather, at best, such teams serve as a useful tool in a more comprehensive security framework. Nevertheless, in an age of budgetary constraints, the need to coordinate military and civilian resources—hard, kinetic, and soft power—is clear. It is the opinion of the coeditors that civilian-military teams are critical to achieving the goals of sustainable peace, stability, and security. [Jon Gundersen and Melanne A. Civic / 2016 / 630 pages / ISBN: 978-1-58566-247-0 / Cost: $54 / AU Press Code: B-139]
 Vantage Points The aim of this pocket-size and shorter version of Military Airpower: A Revised Digest of Airpower Opinions and Thoughts is to supply Airmen with useful thoughts that might help them meet their known responsibilities and the unknown challenges their service will bring. [Col Charles M. Westenoff, USAF, retired / 2007 / 68 pages / ISBN: 978-1-58566-165-7 / Cost: $3.25 / AU Press Code: B-108]
 Who Has the Puck? Historians and other military analysts often use the term “strategic initiative.” Most assume a common understanding of this term. But the concept has been neither carefully defined nor examined in depth. This thesis contributes to the elimination of that gap by answering the question, what factors lead to shifts in strategic initiative during the conduct of modern, conventional war? The Russo-German War of 1941-1945 and the Pacific War of 1941-1945 provide the historical evidence for this study. Both conflicts progressed through three distinct phases in which the Axis combatant first seized the strategic initiative, the initiative then fell into dispute, and the initiative eventually shifted to control of the Allied combatant. Four factors contributing to strategic initiative have been examined for each phase of each war: resources, intelligence, strategic acumen, and operational and tactical methods. [Major Sean M. Judge / 2008 / 111 pages / ISBN: / AU Press Code: P-72]
 Women and Military Service Today, the armed forces of virtually all nations have women in them. In the United States, women represent about 10 percent of the active duty military population. Thus the topic of women and military service is an important and timely one. Women have served in and with the United States armed forces since the founding of our nation; yet it has only been since the 1970s that issues concerning women in the military have been seriously and systematically pursued by both scholars and military planners. This volume is an effort to identify and examine key events, questions, and policies pertaining to women in the United States armed forces. To do this, a multidisciplinary analytical strategy that incorporates the methodology and conceptual tools of history, social science, organizational theory, policy analysis, and future studies was adopted. [Margaret C. Devilbiss / 1990 / 343 pages / ISBN: / Cost: $0 / AU Press Code: B-44]
 A US Strategy for Iran No contemporary foreign policy issues captures more headlines or elicits more debate than US relations with the largest country in the Middle East and potential nuclear power, the Islamic Republic of Iran. Colonels Douglass and Hays researched the history of the Persians and talked with noted experts to analyze why Iran acts the way it does toward the United States and how we can use that knowledge to develop a strategy based on potential vulnerabilities created by Iran’s history and the nature of the country and its people. Current opportunities are addressed in their short-term strategy proposal as well as a long-term strategic outlook. [Lt Col Charles A. Douglass, USAF, and Lt Col Michael D. Hays, USAF / 2008 / 130 pages / ISBN: 978-1-58566-200-5 / AU Press Code: P-54]
 Adapt or Fail: The USAF’s Role in Reconstituting the Iraqi Air Force, 2004–2007 The US Air Force has not had much experience in helping to create an air force for a partner nation. Usually the partner nation would already have an air force and the requisite infrastructure, only needing better airplanes, more training, or additional spare parts for the equipment already on hand. In Iraq, however, the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) officially disbanded the country’s air force and the other branches of its armed forces. During the transitional period pending the formal return of sovereignty to the Iraqi people, the CPA re-created the national institutions deemed essential, including a defense force. A handful of USAF advisors deployed to help the Iraqis reconstitute their air force in January 2004. This book summarizes the essentials of that complex sequence of events. This is a story about the ingenuity, flexibility, and perseverance of the USAF Airman-advisors who deployed to Iraq and the Iraqi patriots they trained, mentored, and befriended. [George W. Cully / 2017 / 168 pages / ISBN 9781585662692/B-147 / AU Press Code: B-147]
 Airpower and the Ground War in Vietnam Dr. Mrozek focuses on expectations concerning the impact of airpower on the ground war. He describes some of the actual effects but avoids treatment of some of the most dramatic air actions of the war, such as the bombing of Hanoi. He observes that the application of airpower is influenced by factors far beyond the battlefield. [Donald J. Mrozek / 1988 / 204 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-015-9 / Cost: $9 / AU Press Code: B-17]
 An Approach toward an Asia-Pacific Strategy, 2012 to 2020 This regionally focused study is written at the strategic level to inform and guide US Air Force leadership over the next eight years. Further, the study is designed to provide an overarching strategy for the service as the nation rebalances from Europe and Southwest Asia to the Asia-Pacific region. In accordance with the direction from the chief of staff, the study’s time frame lies outside the Future Year Defense Program and does not address programmatic issues. Although it takes into account the Air Force’s worldwide commitments, the study is not a global strategy. Neither is it solely about China. The research team recognized China’s significance but more broadly addresses the Asia-Pacific region from India to the Americas. Accordingly, the team focused on the major nation-states of Russia, China, and India, as well as the lesser states of Japan, the Koreas, Singapore, Vietnam, the Philippines, Indonesia, Australia, Myanmar (Burma), and Thailand. As appropriate to the study, the research team considered other nations and regions, including Canada, Latin America, Pakistan, and Southwest Asia. Finally, the study is not based upon a containment strategy but upon engagement across the region. [Dale L. Hayden, John P. Geis II, Stephen J. Hagel, Kevin C. Holzimmer, Jeffrey B. Hukill / 2015 / 285 pages / ISBN: 978-1-58566-243-2 / Cost: $43 / AU Press Code: B-138]
 ANZUS in Revision Colonel Donnini analyzes the demise of the ANZUS alliance and shifts in Australian and New Zealand defense features. He addresses many questions and issues dealing with changing the political situation and the impact of those changes on defense and security conditions in the South and Southwest Pacific regions. [Frank P. Donnini / 1991 / 219 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-037-X / Cost: $14 / AU Press Code: B-39]
 Conflict, Culture, and History Five specialists examine the historical relationship of culture and conflict in various regional societies. The authors use Adda B. Bozeman's theories on conflict and culture as the basis for their analyses of the causes, nature, and conduct of war and conflict in the Soviet Union, the Middle East, Sinic Asia (China, Japan, and Vietnam), Latin America, and Africa. Drs. Blank, Lawrence Grinter, Karl P. Magyar, Lewis B. Ware, and Bynum E. Weathers conclude that non-Western cultures and societies do not reject war but look at violence and conflict as a normal and legitimate aspect of sociopolitical behavior. [Stephen J. Blank et al. / 1992 / 370 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-043-4 Cost: $17 / AU Press Code: B-45]
 Deconstructing Afghanistan A comparative history of Afghanistan and the post-Civil War US South societies reveals the sharing of three important traits: highly differentiated class structures, ethnically and economically diverse societal mosaics, and a belief in peripheral and societal autonomy. The author of this paper explores the prospects for either renewed civil war or stable peace in Afghanistan after US and coalition military forces withdraw. The comparison with the South after April 1865 suggests that political reconciliation with Taliban leaders, sustained peace, and stable economic growth are possible. The study concludes that Afghanistan’s fate rests with the Afghan people and not the international community, despite the weight of effort expended by the US and coalition nations since October 2001. [Lt Col Marc E. Greene, USAF / 2015 / 111 pages / ISBN: 978-1-58566-236-4]
 Deliberate Force Operation Deliberate Force, conducted between 30 August and 20 September 1995, was the North Atlantic Treaty Organization's air campaign to advance the cause of peace in the Balkans region. This study of that campaign examines how and with what considerations the planners and executors of Deliberate Force linked military operations with the goals they were charged to attain. In 16 essays, 11 contributors discuss the geopolitical, sociological, diplomatic, technological, and operational factors that shaped the characteristics and outcome of Deliberate Force and, in so doing, identify the implications of this air campaign for future conflicts. [Robert C. Owen, editor / 1999 / 560 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-076-0 / Cost: $37 / AU Press Code: B-74]
 Divining Victory Airpower in the Israel-Hezbollah War The 2006 Israel-Hezbollah War may well be a paradigm for twenty-first century warfare. The technically sophisticated Israel Defense Forces (IDF) were confronted by a much smaller but well-armed and highly unconventional “state within a state” opponent. Israel launched an intensive 34-minute air assault designed to essentially disarm Hezbollah; it did not. Hezbollah’s interspersion within the civilian population presented major targeting problems for the IDF, setting up condemnation of Israel’s “over-reaction” in the international press. Airpower became the big loser in the press and after-action reports. Divining Victory examines the decisions, the effects, and the lessons learned for those who must confront similar enemies. [William Arkin / 2007 / 356 pages / ISBN: 978-1-58566-168-8 / Cost: $30, AU Press Code: B-109]
 From the Line in the Sand Captain Vriesenga presents a compilation of essays by 34 participants below the rank of major who contributed to the Gulf War. Their stories focus on such topics as deployment, organizational patterns of units, delegation of authority and responsibility, emotions and psychology of combat, the impact of combat losses, airfield construction, medical care, and aircraft preparations. [Michael P. Vriesenga/1994/289/ISBN 1-58566-012-4/B-14]
 Future of NATO-Russian Relations or How to Dance with a Bear and Not Get Mauled Since the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact, NATO has enlarged its membership twice with countries formerly under Soviet influence and control and, as of this writing, is preparing to begin the process for a third expansion. Russia has watched the borders of NATO creep ever closer to its own but has generally been powerless to prevent it. Although NATO has taken pains to include and consult with Russia regarding its actions and future plans, former air attaché to the US Embassy in Moscow Gordon Hendrickson contends the Kremlin cannot reasonably be expected to continue to watch NATO’s eastward expansion without eventually pushing back hard. Without question, many significant issues and challenges must still be solved before enlarging the alliance once again. In light of this, the author says NATO must work rigorously to continue to keep Russia engaged in a productive and mutually beneficial relationship as both sides work through the future obstacles that inevitably will arise in the NATO/Russian relationship. [Gordon B. Hendrickson / 2006 / 80 pages / ISBN: 158566-139-2 / AU Press Code: P-43]
 Global Security Concerns Dr. Magyar has assembled a group of experts on military issues to ponder global security concerns for the twenty-first century. The writers of this study use the lessons of the past to identify what issues will propel states to rely on violent means instead of peaceful procedures to achieve their objectives. This work also offers a background on each topic, identifies areas where conflicts likely will occur, and measures the possibility of peaceful resolution of issues. [Karl P. Magyar / 1996 / 336 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-006-X / Cost: $20 / AU Press Code: B-7]
 Heart of the Storm Colonel Reynolds presents a firsthand account of the struggle to design and implement the air campaign that proved instrumental in defeating Iraq in the Gulf War. Through documentary research and dialogue derived from interviews with key players such as Generals Dugan, Russ, Loh, and Horner, he traces the evolution of the air campaign plan known as Instant Thunder from its origins in the mind of Col John A. Warden III to the decision by General Schwarzkopf to employ airpower as his weapon of choice against Saddam Hussein. Heart of the Storm provides behind-the-scenes insights into how future decisions to use airpower will likely be made. It is a companion volume to Mann's Thunder and Lightning. [Richard T. Reynolds / 1995 / 169 pages / ISBN: 978-1-58566-052-0 / Cost: $11 / / AU Press Code: B-55]
 Images of Inherited War The presidencies of Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon are examined through the lens of image and cognitive theory to help answer the question of how their perceptions (which often can create their own reality) of the Vietnam War affected their agendas and the outcomes of the war that each inherited. By examining Vietnam in the context of presidential image—how presidents filter events based on the unique experiences they bring to office—it is the author’s hope that a broader conceptualization of “war as inheritance” will emerge. Ultimately, this study may help minimize current and future cognitive pitfalls in the development and execution of grand strategy, particularly when policy makers face the daunting challenge of inherited war. [Lt Col William R. Hersch, USAF / 2014 / 200 pages / ISBN: 978-1-58566-249-4 / AU Press Code: P-102]
 In the Aftermath of War Dr. Shultz assesses the December 1989 invasion of Panama and the effectiveness of US foreign policy implemented afterward. He focuses on reconstruction, nation-building, and democratization following Operation Just Cause. He reviews contemporary Panamanian politics and comments on what went wrong with our contingency planning. Dr. Shultz examines the origins and future applications of the military support group and concludes that in future post conflict situations the Department of Defense will need to create an interagency mechanism that can respond in an effective way to both civilian and military concerns. [Richard H. Shultz Jr. / 1993 / 88 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-058-2 / Cost: $10 / AU Press Code: B-61]
 Middle East Security Issues The ten authors of the essays in this study examine issues that the US must address if its national security policy in the Middle East is to be well informed. In "NBC and Missile Proliferation in the Middle East," Lawrence Scheinman summarizes the nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons capabilities and missile systems of Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Libya, and Syria. Scheinman argues that that stability in the region is best served by universal adherence to treaties to prevent the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMD). Anthony R. Cordesman, in his essay "Recent Developments in the Persian Gulf," looks at both the conventional and WMD military balance between the states in the region. [Barry R. Schneider, ed. / 1999 / 146 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-077-0 Cost: $12 / AU Press Code: B-75]
 Responsibility of Command In this study Col Mark A. Bucknam examines the role that theater-level commanders in the UN and NATO played in influencing airpower over Bosnia between April 1993 and December 1995. He presents it in a chronological order that offers a coherent account of Operation Deny Flight. This study challenges assumptions about military leaders, their motivations, and the state of civil-military relations during the Bosnia conflict. [Mark A. Bucknam / 2003 / 428 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-115-5 / Cost: $40 / AU Press Code: B-88]
 Setup American military professionals, especially the US Air Force, have had a difficult time understanding their role in this nation's defeat in Vietnam. Dr Tilford provides a critical self-analysis and questions the underlying assumptions of the Air Force's strategy in Southeast Asia. He argues that we must understand what went wrong in Vietnam and why and not manipulate the record and paint failure as victory. He explains what led to the "setup," which not only resulted in a failure for airpower but also contributed to the fall of South Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia to Communist forces in 1975. [Earl H. Tilford Jr. / 1991 / 328 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-038-8 / Cost: $12 / AU Press Code: B-40]
 Slim Chance This study applies lessons learned from air mobility’s pivotal role in Field Marshal Sir William Slim’s World War II Burma campaign to contemporary air mobility operations. Based on this analysis, the author suggests that modern air mobility practitioners must account for five key essentials: superiority across the air and space domains, proper organization that promotes relationship building at the operational level of war, normalization of the complete air mobility supply chain and its accompanying idea of “air mobility mindedness,” training focused on increased interoperability, and the vital role of leadership. [Derek M. Salmi, Lt Col, USAF / 2014 / 94 pages / ISBN: 978-1-58566-234-0 / AU Press Code: P-97]
 Stopping Mass Killings in Africa This is a compendium of case studies that seek to describe the best uses of military power, particularly airpower, in response to genocide. The writers examine recent instances of genocide in Somalia, Rwanda, and Côte d’Ivoire to draw out useful generalizations concerning the nature of genocide, international reactions to genocide, and effective responses to genocide and the possibility of genocide. [Dr Douglas Carl Peifer / 2008 / 188 pages / ISBN: 978-1-58566-182-4 / Cost: $17 / AU Press Code: B-112]
 The Air War in Southeast Asia The author subjects five case studies of interdiction, close air support, and strategic bombardment to rigid analysis. Dr. Gilster shows the relationship between the strike effort and target damage of several air campaigns during the Vietnam War. [Herman L. Gilster / 1993 / 152 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-049-3 / Cost: $8.50 / AU Press Code: B-52]
 The Asia-Pacific Century When Secretary of State Hillary Clinton published “America’s Pacific Century” in Foreign Policy magazine in November 2011, the administration was clearly indicating to domestic and international audiences that the United States is beginning a pivot toward the Asia-Pacific. Clinton’s article served as a spark for renewed interest in the nation’s Asia-Pacific strategy and American interests in the region. This work looks to the future of the Asia-Pacific and examines a broad range of questions that focus on diplomatic, economic, and military challenges facing the region’s key players, with a particular focus on their relevance to the US military. [Adam Lowther, Editor / 2013 / 270 pages / ISBN: 978-1-58566-224-1 / Cost: $27 / AU Press Code: B-132]
 The Credibility of America's Extended Nuclear Deterrent As Iran moves ever closer to a nuclear weapons capability, will other area powers such as Turkey decide to acquire their own nuclear weapons and embark on a crash nuclear weapons program to provide their own deterrent? Or will Turkey’s leaders trust in the United States’ extended nuclear deterrent for Turkey’s security? Col William G. Eldridge has explored this question in depth. To shore up the United States’ ability to convince the Turks to stay in the nonnuclear category, he recommends keeping the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and bilateral alliances with Turkey strong and, with Turkey, establishing a more common vision for the Middle East. He also advises reducing trade barriers with Turkey, maintaining and even increasing military arms trading and aid, keeping US forces in present numbers in Turkey and improving militaryto- military ties, maintaining Turkey as a partner in dual-capable aircraft production, and, for now, keeping some US nuclear weapons in NATO Europe. [William G. Eldridge Colonel, USAF / 2011 / 113 pages / ISBN: / AU Press Code: P-85]
 The Future of Airpower in the Aftermath of the Gulf War This collection of essays reflects the proceedings of a 1991 conference on "The United States Air Force: Aerospace Challenges and Missions in the 1990s," sponsored by the USAF and Tufts University. The 20 contributors comment on the pivotal role of airpower in the war with Iraq and address issues and choices facing the USAF, such as the factors that are reshaping strategies and missions, the future role and structure of airpower as an element of US power projection, and the aerospace industry's views on what the Air Force of the future will set as its acquisition priorities and strategies. The authors agree that aerospace forces will be an essential and formidable tool in US security policies into the next century. The contributors include academics, high-level military leaders, government officials, journalists, and top executives from aerospace and defense contractors. [Richard H. Shultz Jr. and Robert L. Pfaltzgraff Jr. / 1992 / 386 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-046-9 / Cost: $23 / AU Press Code: B-48]
 The Limits of Friendship This research paper explores the history of US security cooperation programs in Central Asia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgystan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan, from 1993 to the present, identifying five distinct phases of development as those programs sought to achieve US objectives in denuclearization and proliferation prevention, democratization and military reform, regional cooperation, and improving military capabilities. The author elaborates on the limiting factors, successes, and a failure associated with those efforts and then makes recommendations for the future of US security cooperation in Central Asia in the future. [Lt Col Michael J. McCarthy, USAF / 2007 / 265 pages / ISBN: 978-1-58566-172-5 / AU Press Code: P-49]
 The Revenge of Europe The collapse of the Soviet Union, the reunification of Germany, and the emergence of the European Union (EU) have all raised questions regarding the United States’ transatlantic relationship and the subsequent role of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). The author takes a brief look at past US–European relations and provides an enlightening and provocative analysis of the current state of affairs. Recent tensions in the relationship, he concludes, are a result of the EU’s growing role as a state actor in the international system. Policy differences between the United States and the EU are merely symptoms of the changes resulting from the EU’s new role. The author proposes a tentative typology of alliances and concludes that the United States and the EU have a co-dependent relationship, with the United States subsidizing the EU’s pursuit of policies that, whether by accident or design, undermine US interests. The author calls for a reformulation of the alliance that allows both the United States and the European Union to pursue their own interests while forcing the EU to take responsibility for its own defense. [Christopher D. Cotts / 2005 / 87 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-142-82 / AU Press Code: P-29]
 The Role of Airpower in the Iran-Iraq War In this book, Major Bergquist examines the air war between Iran and Iraq. Rather than simply describing what happened in the war, it attempts to discern why Iran and Iraq used their airpower as they did. It shows how the combatants value airpower, what aspects of airpower appear most important to Iranian and Iraqi national leaders, and how their values and needs led them to use airpower in ways quite apart from Western professional expectations. The results highlight considerations that affect the use of airpower by third world nations. [Ronald E. Bergquist / 1988 / 108 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-023-X / Cost: $3.75 / AU Press Code: B-25]
 The US Air Force after Vietnam This book probes various groups of Americans as they come to grips with the consequences of the Vietnam War. Dr. Mrozek examines several areas of concern facing the United States Air Force, and the other services in varying degrees, in the years after Vietnam. [Dr. Donald J. Mrozek / 1988 / 133 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-024-8 / Cost: $6.50 / AU Press Code: B-26]
 Thunder and Lightning Colonel Mann undertakes a critical analysis of air and space warfare as planned and waged in Operation Desert Storm. He explores debates about airpower and its uses as they played themselves out before, during, and after the successes of the Gulf War. He compares the debates of the 1970s-1990s with those of the 1920s-1940s and wonders if we will ever sort them out. Colonel Mann explores the underpinnings of successful warfare and observes that the warriors of the future must have a strong knowledge of principles and concepts of war to apply information, training, and technological resources with acumen needed to win future victories. Thunder and Lightning is a companion volume to Reynolds's Heart of the Storm. [Edward C. Mann III / 1995 / 240 pages / ISBN: 1-58566-001-9 / Cost: $14 / AU Press Code: B-2]
 US Interagency Regional Foreign Policy Implementation This is a must read for those involved in developing foreign policy or directing contingency and/or peacekeeping operations in the field. Colonel Pope applies his experience with the CIA and USCENTCOM, among other assignments, to enlighten his examination of the multiagency structure that plans, synchronizes, and executes US foreign policy at the regional level. Pope wades through the myriad of interagency structures to analyze current practices and how they are viewed internally by the agencies and individuals involved as well as how they appear to those most affected—our friends and foes in the respective regions. The need for process improvement is well illustrated through his examination of how the interagency worked or did not work during contingency operations from Vietnam through the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. The author proposes a reform model and discusses how it can best be implemented. [Pope, Col Robert S., PhD, USAF / 2014 / 214 pages / ISBN: 978-1-58566-232-6 / Cost: $21 / AU Press Code: B-134]
 Windows of Opportunity This study analyzes Australia’s involvement in the 1975–99 East Timor crisis and examines how global and regional power dynamics have influenced Australia’s pursuit of the national interest. It addresses the question of why Australian support for military intervention in East Timor took 25 years to develop. To answer this question, the study is divided into three key periods of East Timorese history covering major shifts in great-power dynamics and significant changes in Australia’s strategic outlook. More specifically, these divisions represent periods of Australian dependence on great-power patronage and periods where Australia leveraged national power to alter the direction of Southeast Asian security. [Angus L. Porter, Wing Commander, Royal Australian Air Force / 2017 / 99 pages / ISBN: AU Press Code: DP-118]