
LeMay Center Banner

Doctrine Websites

  • Published
  • Curtis E. LeMay Center for Doctrine Development and Education, Air University, Maxwell AFB, AL


Air Force Shield Air Force Doctrine

The LeMay Center for Doctrine Development and Education, located at Maxwell AFB, AL, develops and revises all Air Force basic and operational-level doctrine.
Joint Chiefs of Staff Shield Joint Doctrine

The LeMay Center for Doctrine Development and Education leads the AF in developing equities for operational-level joint doctrine. The LeMay Center researches, develops, conducts worldwide coordination, and advocates the official Air Force position included in all joint doctrine publications produced by JCS/J7.

CAC-only website for Joint Electronic Library Plus (JEL +)
US Army Shield Army Doctrine

Operational Level Doctrine Division is responsible for capstone-level doctrine for the Army. Capstone-level doctrine becomes the basis for all other Army doctrine. Operational-Level Doctrine Division produces supporting doctrine related to Unified Land Operations and Decisive Action.

The LeMay Center for Doctrine Development and Education is integrated into the Army’s doctrine development process through its Joint Integration Branch located at Ft Leavenworth, KS.
US Navy Shield Navy Doctrine (CAC Only)

Navy Doctrine Library System (NDLS) is the repository of all information pertaining to Navy doctrine. This website contains powerful search tools to help you quickly find your desired document plus gives you the capability to download the file locally to your own computer.
Marine Corps Shield  Marine Corps Doctrine (CAC Only)

The Deputy Commandant for Combat Development and Integration is the executive agent for the development, publishing, and maintenance of Marine Corps Service doctrine. Their mission is to develop, publish, and maintain Marine Corps doctrine; coordinate Service input to the development, publication, and maintenance of joint, multinational, multi-Service, and naval doctrine.
 US Coast Guard Shield Coast Guard Doctrine

The U.S. Coast Guard is one of the five armed forces of the United States and the only military organization within the Department of Homeland Security. The Coast Guard is an adaptable, responsive military force of maritime professionals whose broad legal authorities, capable assets, geographic diversity and expansive partnerships provide a persistent presence along our rivers, in the ports, littoral regions and on the high seas. Coast Guard presence and impact is local, regional, national and international.
 Multi-Service Doctrine Logo Multi-Service Doctrine (ALSA) (CAC Only)

The LeMay Center for Doctrine Development and Education leads the Air Force in developing equities for tactical-level multi-Service doctrine. The LeMay Center researches, develops, conducts worldwide coordination, and advocates the official Air Force position included in all multi-Service publications produced by the Air Land Sea Application (ALSA) Center. ALSA is a multi-Service organization established by the Services’ doctrine centers to develop tactical-level solutions to multi-Service interoperability issues consistent with joint and Service doctrine. They are located at Langley AFB, VA.
 Air Force Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures Icon Air Force Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (AFTTP)

Air Force TTP are developed as weapon system TTP, support TTP, or multi-Service TTP. Weapon system TTP are developed by the 561st Joint Tactics Squadron (561 JTS) at Nellis AFB NV. Support TTP are developed by either the 423d MTS at Joint Base McGuire/Dix/ Lakehurst NJ or by a MAJCOM or Air Staff organization. Multi-Service TTP are developed by ALSA at Joint Base Langley-Eustis VA.

Websites:   561 JTS (CAC Only)     423d MTS (CAC Only)     ALSA (CAC Only)
NATO Shield  Multinational Doctrine (NATO)

The LeMay Center for Doctrine Development and Education leads the Air Force in developing United States equities for NATO doctrine. The LeMay Center researches, develops, conducts worldwide coordination, and advocates the official United States position on airpower issues included in appropriate NATO publications. The NATO Standardization Office (NSO) located in Brussels, Belgium, is responsible for the NATO doctrine development process.


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