Oct. 10, 2024 International Officer School students visit Alabama Supreme Court A total of 34 international officer students from 27 different countries had the opportunity to visit the Alabama Supreme Court October 11, 2024.
April 2, 2024 Air University launches space opportunity for international partners Air University recently launched a new class for international students as part of the Squadron Officer School Prep Course at International Officer School.
July 21, 2023 AU international military students visit D.C., gain U.S. government, military perspectives The 79 students, representing 64 nations, visited Arlington National Cemetery, the National Mall, Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum Annex, National Defense University and the Capitol, where they engaged with Alabama representatives.
May 30, 2023 Swedish Royal Air Force officer promoted under Alabama skies Col. Jonas Nellsjo, air and space attaché, assistant defense attaché, Embassy of Sweden, promoted him. Also in attendance was Col. Alex Ganster, commandant, International Officer School, and director, International Affairs at Air University.
April 30, 2023 Air Force top IA officer gives glimpse of duties to future PMA strategists The assistant deputy undersecretary of the Air Force for International Affairs briefed Air Command and Staff College political-military affairs strategist students and met with international students and Air University leadership, April 11-12, 2023.
March 14, 2023 Air University IADS reinforces open, strategic dialogue with allies, partners Air University welcomed back 31 senior officers and enlisted leaders from 25 countries to Maxwell for the inaugural International Alumni of Distinction Seminar, March 7-9, 2023.
Feb. 22, 2023 Nigerian Air Force Visit The commandant of the Nigerian Air Force Air Warfare Centre led a visit to Air University Feb. 8-10, 2023, to learn about its mission and bring back lessons learned and new ways for the Nigerian and U.S. air forces to collaborate.
Feb. 21, 2023 Air University hosts inaugural International Alumni of Distinction Seminar The former international military students, graduates of one or more of Air University’s officer and enlisted professional military education programs, will be attending the Air University International Alumni of Distinction Seminar, March 7-9, 2023.
Jan. 3, 2023 28 million minutes of excellence but who’s counting Baker’s career began on June 9, 1969, as an assistant professor of language at what is now known as the International Officer School. Over his five decades at IOS, he also held titles such as anthropologist linguist, chief of foreign disclosure office, and management of international affairs.
July 27, 2022 International Officer School graduates 126 international military students As summer descended upon Maxwell, so did 126 international military students from across the globe.