What are potential Space Professional/Safe or Responsible Behaviors that would be acceptable and agreed upon by FVEY+2? What process should be used to develop them and what format should be used to codify them (MOU, treaty, etc.)? (USSF/S5I) What level of regulation should be in place for on-orbit space activities such as rendezvous and proximity operations and space debris removal for both national and international space assets? What is the threshold when a space asset is considered a threat or when an action in space is considered aggressive? (HQ USSF/SEK) What roles or responsibilities should the USSF have on the Moon, in Lunar Orbit, or in Cis-Lunar Space? (consider International Treaties, i.e. The Outer Space Treaty of 1967) (SPOC, 3 SES/MAF)
- Brown, Lt. Col. Rhett, "Legal Property Rights in Space: Implications for the US Space Force and the Outer Space Treaty," AWC PSP, 2020, 22 pgs.
- Garcia, Maj. Jaime, "The US Must Lead the Establishment of International Norms within the Space Domain," ACSC paper, 2020, 16 pgs.
- Tirado, Major Jessica M., "International Laws of War and Grey Zone Space Warfare: How International Humanitarian Law and the Law of Armed Conflict will Challenge the United States' Ability to Compete against Grey Zone Warfare in the Space Domain," ACSC Schriever Scholars paper, 2022, 20 pgs.