Planning for the Unexpected
How might we more effectively plan for unexpected, or “black swan” events, that might negatively affect critical military operations?
Basped, Capt. Herman, "Black Swan Planning: A Review of Iran and Turkey," SOS AUAR 2022, 9 pgs.
- Guida, Maj. Christopher A., "Surprise! Strategies for Successful Military Advantages and Family Festivities," AF Fellows paper, 2024, 13 pgs.
- Schuster, Capt. Kyle R., "Posturing against the Unknown: Mitigating Black Swan Events in the Indo-Pacific," SOS AUAR 2021, 2022
- Spitler, Maj. Noah M., "When Deterrence Fails: Strategic Surprise and the Evolution of Crisis," SAASS thesis, 2024, 94 pgs.