
Grand Strategy Seminar

  • Published
  • Air War College, Air University, Maxwell AFB, AL

Grand Strategy Seminar

Dr. Sean Braniff, Assistant Professor of International Security Studies, Deputy Department Chair
Advising and Research Interests: Political psychology, international relations theory, causes of war, power transitions, Middle East politics, qualitative research methodology
Degrees: PhD in Political Science (University of Notre Dame), MA in Political Science (University of Notre Dame), MA in Arab Studies (Georgetown University), BA in History (Brigham Young University – Idaho)
Experience: School of Advanced Air and Space Studies (Post-doctoral fellow), Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center (Assistant Professor), Near East South Asia Center for Strategic Studies (Research Associate)

Col Jen Mendel, USA, Assistant Director and Instructor, Grand Strategy Seminar
Advising and Research Interests: Leadership and ethics.
Degrees: MS Strategic Studies, Air War College; MA Human Resources Management, Webster University, BS Education, Southern Illinois University Carbondale.
Experience: 2020-2022 Human Resource Manager, Colonel’s Management Office, Fort Knox, KY; 2017-2020 Squadron Commander, Joint Communications Support Element, MacDill AFB, FL; 2014-2017 Deputy Army Element Commander and Operations Officer, CENTCOM J63, MacDill AFB, FL; 2012-2014 Operations Officer, Theater Tactical Signal Brigade, Fort Gordon, GA; 2009-2011 Brigade Signal Officer, Engineer Brigade, Fort Liberty, NC (combat tour); 2006-2008 Company Commander, Fort Liberty, NC (combat tour); 2002-2004 XO/Platoon Leader, Signal Company, Fort Liberty, NC (combat tour x 2). Participated in humanitarian, contingency, and combat operations to include 4 combat tours in Iraq and Hurricane Katrina. Attended the Air War College, Army Command and Staff College, Signal Captain’s Career Course, Signal Officer Basic Course, Officer Candidate School, Jump Master School and Airborne School. Served 7 years prior service as a medic.

Joint Warrior Studies Seminar

Dr. Will Waddell, Course Director for Joint Warrior and Associate Professor of Strategy
Advising Interests: Historical and contemporary Great Power War, historical campaigning, irregular warfare, campaign design, European history, European Union, NATO, Vietnam War
Research Interests: First Indochina War, French army, irregular warfare, wars of decolonization and empire, French history, European history
Degrees: PhD in Military History, the Ohio State University
Experience: 2016-Present, Faculty at Air War College

Professor Gene Kamena
Professor (Col. Ret.) Gene Kamena is the Director of the Joint Warrior Studies Seminar at the Air War College. He has published numerous articles in the area of leadership, ethics and mentoring. He previously served as the Chief of the Army Advisory Group and Senior Army Advisor to the Air University Commander. Kamena was commissioned a 2LT of Infantry in 1979 and has commanded from the platoon to the Brigade Combat Team level. His most significant assignments include Commander of the 2d Brigade Combat Team in Baumholder Germany, Director of Staff for U.S. Space Command at Peterson AFB, Chief of Staff for Northern Command at Peterson AFB, Chief of Staff for the 1st Infantry Division at Wurzburg Germany and Tikrit Iraq, Director of all Iraqi Security Forces, U.S. leader for an Iraqi Commando brigade, Chief of the Force Synchronization Division for ARCIC at Fort Monroe. The professor is a Graduate of Auburn University, the Army War College at Carlisle PA, Advanced Space Operations Course, and holds a Master of Military Arts and Science degree. His expertise are focused in the areas of senior leadership, ethics, Joint Warfighting, and Command and Control.