
Community College of the Air Force

  • Published
  • Community College of the Air Force, Air University, Maxwell AFB, AL

Ryan HallThe Community College of the Air Force is a federally-chartered academic institution that serves the United States Air Force's enlisted total force. We partner with 111 affiliated Air Force schools and over 300 Education Service Offices located worldwide to serve approximately 270,000 active, guard, and reserve enlisted personnel, making CCAF the world's largest community college system. The college annually awards around 22,000 associate in applied science degrees from 69 degree programs. 

Order a TranscriptWe strive to meet the demands of the Air and Space Force's expeditionary environment and at the same time help airmen and space professionals achieve their educational goals by capitalizing on job-related training and education as part of flexible degree completion programs.

Within our website you'll find information about our degree programs, our certification and licensure programs, and our regional accreditation. So whether you're a prospective or current student, an education counselor, a recruiter, or a commander, we've designed this website to provide valuable information about higher education opportunities with CCAF.

A great place to serve while being the educational  partner of choice  

Provide Enlisted Professionals pathways to degrees and credentials through military education, training, and experience