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Civilian Leadership Development School Articles

  • Contact Us

    Professional Continuing Education Program (All courses EXCEPT CADP): View our schedule of courses Register for Courses Contact Us Supervisory/Managerial Courses New Supervisor Course (NSC): Experienced Supervisor Course (ESC):

  • New Employee Orientation

    The course is designed to prepare newly hired civilian personnel to be more effective in their roles as civilian employees of the Dept of the Air Force team.  The curriculum provides an introductory understanding of the Dept of the Air Force culture with its unique mission. Registration is currently

  • Leadership Development

    These courses are designed to provide foundational and fundamental leadership skills for civilian personnel being developed or considered for present or future leadership and supervisory assignments. Students will learn and develop skills, and understand how to leverage other professionals and

  • Coaching

    These courses are designed to develop competencies required to enhance employees’ performance through use of coaching skills. These courses provide an introductory overview of Performance Coaching as it relates to the implementation of a Performance Management Program (e.g. DPMAP). Preparatory

  • AF Supervisory & Management Continuum

     Air Force Civilian School provides civilian supervisory, managerial and leadership development to comply with the NDAA 2010 and 5 CFR 412.201 as well as DoD, OPM Manager and Supervisory framework requirements. Click here for Course Registration InstructionsClick here to go to the Supervisor's