
JEMEAA Articles

Tag: Islam
  • Book Review: A Concise History of Sunnis & Shi’is

    An evaluation of John McHugo’s A Concise History of Sunnis & Shi’is.
  • Volume 02 Issue 03, Fall 2020

    Volume 02 Issue 03, Fall 2020
  • Musical Criminology: A Comparative Analysis of Jihadist Nasheeds and Narco Corridos

    This study examines and comparatively analyzes the two musical genres in the context of terrorism and narco-terrorism, and how these musical traditions affect their respective followers, admirers, and devotees. The analysis also highlights how these musical genres popularize crime and violence, and desensitize audiences to the extreme brutality praised and glorified in their songs.
  • Radicalization in Prisons and Mosques in France

    France has the largest Islamic population in Europe and one of the largest percentages of total population. While the Arab Spring and associated conflict in the Middle East have triggered a significant influx of migrants into the country, France has been a destination for immigrants from its former colonies like Morocco and Algeria since the second half of the twentieth century. While many issues regarding radicalization stem from migration stretching back decades, the rapid increase in immigrants from war-torn areas, combined with prevalent Islamist extremism, presents extremely serious issues for the French government.

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