Writing articles, letters, reviews for "The USAF Journal of the Americas"

The USAF Journal of the Americas seeks to stimulate professional dialogue on Air and Space Power among the members of the Armed Forces of the Americas. We present not only articles related to the technology, strategy and aerospace doctrine of the Air Force of the United States, but also varied topics of great historical, social or professional interest. We think that professional dialogue should include a wide range of ideas and our articles will reflect it.

Most of the articles that we receive vary between 4,000 and 8,000 words. Your work must be original and preferably not published before. Our editorial board will read your article promptly and determine if you need any improvement that will be suggested. If it is not very extensive we retain the editorial privilege to make some small changes. If we consider it necessary, we will send it to an expert in the subject (Referee) to make sure that the information presented in accordance with facts and truthful events - a process that can take several weeks. 

To send your article to the USAF Journal of the Americas you can do it preferably by email to, prepared in the Microsoft Word format. Please include metadata, an abstract, and any and all graphics, illustrations or photographs you deem necessary to support your article (include metadata and a description for each image used). Notes should be included at the end of the article (endnotes). A short biography of no more than 120 words and your photograph should accompany your manuscript. Before publishing, we will send you a final version for your approval. For more information, see Appendix A of our "Style and Author Guide" at:

If you have any questions or concerns you may wish to clarify, you can contact us via email: or by phone: (334) 953-3942.