
New Royal Thai Air Force leader visits Air University for first time

  • Published
  • By Phil Berube
  • Air University Public Affairs

The leader of the Royal Thai Air Force paid a visit to the U.S. Air Force’s home of airpower education, Dec. 12, 2023, to learn more about its officer and enlisted academic courses, the recognition program for its distinguished international military alumni and the capabilities of its wargaming institute.

Royal Thai Air Force Commander-in-Chief Air Marshal Punpakdee Pattanakul’s time at Air University was a continuation of the Chief of Staff of the Air Force Counterpart Visits. The visits facilitate key leader engagements and highlight the service’s units, organizations and installations.

This is the first time Punpakdee, who assumed his position in October 2023, has been at Air University, the Air Force center for professional military education.

Professional military education, he said, is very important to his air force. Most Thai officers, he added, will attend the RTAF Squadron Officer School, Air Command and Staff College and Air War College. However, what he’s learned during his visit to Air University is how “continuity” is baked into the Air Force’s officer PME schools, where the academic programs build upon each other from one school to the next.  

“Since I’ve been the commander-in-chief, my first policy has been to enhance the military education of our officers,” said Punpakdee. “I think the most important thing is to build continuity in the courses. I’ve asked the Thai students who are now attending Air University schools to come back with ideas that will help me enhance the continuity in our courses from the lower- to higher-level schools.”

Many Thai military officers have attended Air University schools, with several having been recognized for their career achievements.

The names of 19 RTAF members are among those of hundreds of other Air University international military alumni posted to the Chief of Staff and Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force International Honor Roll wall in the International Airmen Room at the Maxwell Event Center. Induction into the IHR pays tribute to officer and enlisted graduates who attain prominent positions in their respective country’s military or government. Five RTAF officers are currently attending an Air University school.

In addition to the IHR, Punpakdee was briefed on the International Officer School’s International Military Student Family Program and the Air University International Alumni of Distinction Seminar in April 2024, with two Royal Thai Air Force participants.

On enlisted professional and leadership development, leaders from the Thomas N. Barnes Center for Enlisted Education briefed Punpakdee on the center’s mission, structure and locations. They provided in-depth briefings on the courses in the Enlisted Force Development Continuum, beginning with the new Junior Enlisted Foundation 300 Course through the Chief Leadership Course.

The Thai air marshal said he is impressed with the professional development of the Air Force’s enlisted corps, elements of which he’d like to implement within his service.

“I would like to focus on how to enhance our enlisted and noncommissioned officer professional military education,” he said. “I’ve learned some things from here that I would like to take back with me. Right now, we only have officer exchanges. In the future we would like to participate in more exchanges at all levels, especially at the NCO level, because I think friendships at all levels are important.”

At the Curtis E. LeMay Center for Doctrine Development and Education, Punpakdee observed the capabilities of the Air Force Wargaming Institute and was briefed on its operational and educational missions. The institute hosts, develops and adjudicates wargames at Air University’s schools and at operational wings via training teams to advance Air Force and joint force capabilities.

“One thing I’ve learned that is very beneficial to me and my team is learning how effective and efficiently you do wargaming,” he said.

When asked about the impact of the bilateral security cooperation relationship between the Royal Thai Air Force and U.S. Air Force, the F-16 pilot said he envisions it only getting stronger over time.

“Our air forces are very close friends and have been for a long time,” he said. “We are sharing in all aspects, not only with education but with exercises and training. I believe we are getting closer and closer. In my vision for the future, we should expand our relationship and enhance it at all levels. My visit at Air University will be very memorable both professionally and personally.”

Punpakdee’s host while here, Lt. Gen. Andrea Tullos, Air University commander and president, shared in his vision for a continuing and growing relationship between the Royal Thai Air Force and U.S. Air Force.

We were honored to host Air Chief Marshal Punpakdee Pattanakul. Our air forces enjoy an increasingly robust partnership, and we both understand the important role professional military education plays in setting our Airmen up for success in the face of both current and future global security challenges,
Lt. Gen. Andrea Tullos, Air University commander and president

“We were honored to host Air Chief Marshal Punpakdee Pattanakul. Our air forces enjoy an increasingly robust partnership, and we both understand the important role professional military education plays in setting our Airmen up for success in the face of both current and future global security challenges,” said Tullos. “We’re also deeply grateful for the contributions of past, current and future Royal Thai Air Force students who attend Air University’s professional military education programs here in Montgomery and whose families are woven into the fabric of the River Region. We share a common appreciation for airpower, and we’re better Airmen for the perspectives they bring to our classrooms as they enhance our competitive edge.”

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