Think Tank Previous Topics and Artifacts Published May 2, 2019 Squadron Officer School, Air University, Maxwell AFB, AL The Think Tank Elective was introduced at Squadron Officer School in January 2013. The elective was a spin-off of the Critical Analysis assignment, which tasked students to research a strategic level problem (of their choosing) and develop recommendations on how to solve it. The faculty quickly realized that the students were making valid, well thought-out, recommendations to come of the Air Forces's most difficult strategic-level problems. Unfortunately there was no avenue to get these recommendation in front of the senior level decision makers with the capability to affect change...enter the Think Tank. Think Tank is a SOS elective that tasks its participants to look at a current Air Force issue and make recommendations from a CGO perspective on how to solve it. In-residence students interested in participating in the Think Tank Elective are asked to submit a short paper the second day of class. From these essays, participants are picked based on their critical thought in response to the question and their writing ability. The participants are divided into groups, each with a senior mentor (O-6 or PHD with a background in the selected topic) and a faculty advisor. All groups are then given a problem and tasked to research and make recommendations, with the ultimate goal of briefing their findings/recommendation to the AETC/CC. Topics addressed by Think Tank and the associated products by the students can be accessed below. If you would like more information on the Think Tank, call the SOC front office DSN 493-1197 or Commercial (334) 953-1197. Think Tank Papers Browse records in all searchable columnsClassTopicSquadronFile that containstart withend withare equal to Search Class Topic Squadron File 18E Using AI as a Force Multiplier Eagles 18E_Using AI_as_a_Force_Multiplier_Eagles_BBP_19 Jun 18.pdf 18E Using AI as a Force Multiplier Eagles 18E_Using_AI_as_a_Force_Multiplier_Eagles FINAL PAPER.pdf 18E Using AI as a Force Multiplier Eagles 18E_Using_AI_as_a_Force_Multiplier_Eagles_Final_Presentation_19 Jun 18.pdf 18D Air Force of the Future Eagles 18D AF of the Future EAGLES BBP_18 Apr 18.pdf 18D Air Force of the Future Eagles 18D AF of the Future Eagles_Final Paper_18 Apr 18.pdf 18D Air Force of the Future Eagles 18D AF of the Future Eagles_FINAL PRESENTATION_18 Apr 18.pdf 18D Air Force of the Future Raptor 18D AF of the Future Raptors BBP_18 Apr 18.pdf 18D Air Force of the Future Raptor 18D AF of the Future Raptors_Final Paper_18 Apr 18.pdf 18D Air Force of the Future Raptor 18D AF of the Future Raptors_FINAL PRESENTATION_18 Apr 18.pdf 18C Air Force Track System Eagles 18C Air Force Track System_Article.pdf 18C Air Force Track System Eagles 18C Air Force Track System_BBP.pdf 18C Air Force Track System Eagles 18C Air Force Track System_Presentation.pdf 17F Improving Officer Retention Falcons 17F Think Tank Falcons 7-Day Option Research Paper Final.pdf 17F Improving Officer Retention Falcons 17F Think Tank Falcons BBP Final.pdf 17F Improving Officer Retention Falcons 17F Think Tank Falcons Final.pdf 17E Proposed New Officer Performance Report for Promotions Eagles 17E_Eagles_Think_Tank_BBP.pdf 17E Proposed New Officer Performance Report for Promotions Eagles 17E_Eagles_Think_Tank_Presentation_Final.pdf 17E Proposed New Officer Performance Report for Promotions Falcons 17E_Falcons_Think_Tank_BBP.pdf 17E Proposed New Officer Performance Report for Promotions Falcons 17E_Falcons_Think_Tank_Presentation_Final.pdf 17E Proposed New Officer Performance Report for Promotions Raptor 17E_Raptors_Think_Tank_BBP.pdf 17E Proposed New Officer Performance Report for Promotions Raptor 17E_Raptors_Think_Tank_Presentation_Final.pdf 17D Changing the Deterrence Paradigm Eagles 17D_Eagles_Think_Tank_Final_BBP.pdf 17D Changing the Deterrence Paradigm Eagles 17D_Eagles_Think_Tank_Final_Paper.pdf 17D Changing the Deterrence Paradigm Eagles 17D_Eagles_Think_Tank_Presentation_Final.pdf 17D Changing the Deterrence Paradigm Falcons 17D_Falcons_Think_Tank_BBP_Final.pdf