Inbound Students

  • Published
  • Squadron Officer School, Air University, Maxwell AFB, AL

Class of 21B will be virtual. SOS 21B Announcement. Please see orders for reporting. ‘TDY In Place.’

PDF LogoSOS 21B VIR-R Welcome Letter  NOTE: Students will access the 21A VIR-R Course on Canvas via the QR code referenced in your welcome letter not in a separate email. The Google Link/QR code per the letter will be live on Saturday 9 January. If you have any issues opening Canvas on or after the QR code release please contact either POC provided in this letter. Please note there are two Ask Me Anything Zoom meetings on Thursday, 7 Jan, the first at 1100 - 1200 CST and the second at 1630 - 1730 CST.  The link is found on Canvas under Announcements.


Class of 21B see the SOS Reporting Instructions below.

Eligibility GuardReserve LodgingFinance
Graduation FAQ 42d FSS


Contact us

Squadron Officer School
125 Chennault Circle 

Building 1403
Maxwell AFB, AL 36112