
JEMEAA Articles

Tag: Europe
  • Volume 02 Issue 03, Fall 2020

    Volume 02 Issue 03, Fall 2020
  • The Battle Is Almost Lost: China’s Industrial Challenge to European Shipbuilding

    Ships may be the new battleground for the European Union’s willingness to loosen its antitrust rules. Cruise ship builders Fincantieri in Italy and Chantiers de l’Atlantique in France attempt to create an industrial heavyweight to counter China’s rise as a cruise ship builder. These companies argue that if European shipbuilders continue to be constrained by rules protecting competition in Europe, Chinese companies with significant financial resources and with technological capacity comparable to that of Europe will take hold of the European shipbuilding market and outcompete European companies.
  • Trump Is Right about Europe: What Next?

    This article argues that Europe can still be relevant, if the United States views the continent not as a military partner to engage in long-range military power projection but, instead, as an economic, diplomatic, and soft-power proponent that helps bolster world order.
  • Radicalization in Prisons and Mosques in France

    France has the largest Islamic population in Europe and one of the largest percentages of total population. While the Arab Spring and associated conflict in the Middle East have triggered a significant influx of migrants into the country, France has been a destination for immigrants from its former colonies like Morocco and Algeria since the second half of the twentieth century. While many issues regarding radicalization stem from migration stretching back decades, the rapid increase in immigrants from war-torn areas, combined with prevalent Islamist extremism, presents extremely serious issues for the French government.
  • Volume 02 Issue 02, Summer 2020

    Volume 02 Issue 02, Summer 2020

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