

Air University & Maxwell AFB News

  • AFIT Education Programs Advance the Digital Workforce

    Air Force Institute of Technology faculty participated in the Digital Dayton Roundtable at the University of Dayton Research Institute Curran Place on 4 March. The event focus was “Creating the Digital Materiel Management Workforce We Need: A Digital Transformation Office, Air Force Materiel Command

  • SOS implements new wargame

    Air University instituted a new wargame into Squadron Officer School curriculum during the March 2024 class 24C session.

  • Husband and Wife at OTS

    It’s not common to have two spouses going through military training at the same time, but Jeffrey and Melinda Benson are living out that experience at Air University’s Officer Training School.

  • Distinguished international alumni to be honored at Air University

    Air University plans to host distinguished alumni and guests from past international students for this year’s International Alumni of Distinction Seminar and the 2024 International Honor Roll event, sponsored by the Air Force Chief of Staff and the Chief Master Sgt. of the Air Force during a week of

  • Battle tested

    Applicants overcome numerous barriers during their journey to OTS. It can take several years and multiple OTS boards before an individual is selected for the program. In class 24-07, one Officer Trainee battled more than most when fighting for his commission.