May 9, 2022 Air Force JROTC unit aims high at national drill event Typically referred to as the Air Force Nationals, this capstone event encapsulates a year or more of perseverance, practice and precision to recognize the best drill teams across the AFJROTC enterprise.
April 27, 2022 Bailey takes command of Officer Training School Colonel Keolani Bailey, former vice commandant for Officer Training School, took on his new role as its commandant during a change of command ceremony, April 21, 2022, on Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama.
April 22, 2022 Special Warfare AFROTC weekend provides hands-on career field exposure to cadets The first-ever Special Warfare Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps Weekend, or SWAW, took place April 8-10, 2022, at the U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado, for cadets to gain experience in and exposure to the selection process for the high-demand, low-density 19Z career fields.
April 18, 2022 Air University officer, enlisted alumni inducted into CSAF, CMSAF International Honor Roll Air University international alumni from 30 countries were honored for their military and civilian career achievements at a recognition ceremony, April 13, 2022.
April 14, 2022 Air University stands up Global College of PME, adds enlisted education The activation of the Global College of PME now places the university’s officer and enlisted distance learning programs under one organization. Previously, distance learning programs for officers fell under the eSchool of Graduate PME and the Thomas N. Barnes Center for Enlisted Education for
April 5, 2022 Ramsby takes command of Air Force ROTC U.S. Space Force Col. Corey Ramsby took command of the Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps from Col. Christopher Bennett during a change of command ceremony, April 4, 2022, at Maxwell.
April 4, 2022 Nebraska AFJROTC unit takes part in college STEM-focused food security program The NE-20091 Air Force Junior ROTC unit at Lincoln Northeast has been one of the leaders in blending these learning opportunities with the existing AFJROTC curriculum.
March 24, 2022 Texas Tech ROTC cadets ‘ignite’ USSOCOM’s challenge to innovate The Texas Tech University cadets from Lubbock took part in the kick-off event of the USSOCOM Ignite innovation challenge in September 2021 at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, only to travel east again in January 2022 to Ft. Bragg, N.C., to update U.S. Army Special Operations Command leaders on
March 17, 2022 Air University TLC offers free, virtual conference for educators, students in military education communities The Air University Teaching and Learning Center offers a free, two-day virtual conference for those working with and studying in military learning communities. The Military Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Forum is April 13-14, 2022. The forum is geared toward all educators, educational
March 15, 2022 SNCO Academy’s enhanced curriculum development takes center stage during CSAF inaugural visit Air Force Senior Noncommissioned Officer Academy students took the opportunity to share their enhanced curriculum development with Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. CQ Brown, Jr., March 10, 2022, at Gunter Annex, Alabama.