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China digs deeper to get to aero-engines

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The articles below highlight the continued growth of Chinese entrenchment in Ukraine’s Motor Sich and the historical & potential continued cooperation WRT the Russian Klimov VK-2500-01/02/03 turboshaft helicopter engine (which employs FADEC technology).


Rotorcraft Asia 2019: VK-2500 engine civil-certified in China


1st April 2019 | by Alexander Mladenov


"The VK-2500-01/02/03 family is an increased-rate derivative of the baseline TV3-117VMA engine, designed by ODK Klimov, but produced in the past at Motor Sich in Ukraine.  Now the VK-2500 family is in production in Russia, at Klimov’s newly-built plant in Shuvalovo near St Petersburg in several versions intended for powering both military and civil helicopters in the 11 to 13t maximum take-off weight range.  The main performance-boosting new features in the VK-2500’s design compared to the TV-117VMA included an all-new turbine section and the BARK-78 FADEC/condition monitoring unit."


Supplemental Background on Vk-2500/TV-117VMA: https://irp-cdn.multiscreensite.com/b8845676/files/uploaded/HOF_18.pdf (Pages 21-27)


Chinese to acquire stake in Ukraine’s Motor Sich, sign helicopter deal with Russia


By Jack Laurenson, Feb. 26 2019


“Despite there being an investigation into the attempted takeover by the Ukrainian State Security Service, or SBU, and a court ruling in April 2018 that froze funds and delayed the acquisition, a trade minister in Ukraine confirmed on Feb. 21 that the Chinese will acquire a stake in the company after all.”  …. “On Feb. 19, Russia’s state-owned defense manufacturing conglomerate Rostec announced that their deal with the Chinese, years in the making, would be inked before the end of April.”  [Would love to know more about the details of the deal…]