Key Functions of the China Aerospace Studies Institute Published Oct. 24, 2017 China Aerospace Studies Institute, Air University, Maxwell AFB, AL CASI aims to fill a niche in the China research community by providing high quality, unclassified research on Chinese aerospace developments in the context of U.S. strategic imperatives in the Asia-Pacific region. In pursuit of this goal, CASI supports four key functions: Publish Original Research Products on Chinese Aerospace Development CASI's products are composed of long research reports as well as short, readily digestible research briefings based on open-source materials. CASI publications are made available to the public through this website. CASI also draws on the wealth of knowledge of experts within and outside of the USAF or U.S. government through our CASI Associates Program. Engage With the CASI Community of Interest CASI hosts an annual conference on Chinese aerospace developments that showcases the research conducted by CASI analysts. The conference assembles individuals inside both the Air Force and Department of Defense as well as constituents from think tanks and academia to discuss key themes in Chinese aerospace developments. This year's conference is Chinese Aerospace Power Projection Development and Execution. Facilitate Broader Understanding of Chinese Aerospace Issues CASI maintains a physical as well as a virtual library of unclassified written materials in English and Chinese relating to all aspects of Chinese aerospace developments and Chinese military thought. This is available to the CASI COI. Provide Education and Mentoring Opportunities CASI aims to serve as a source of expertise that the USAF can draw upon to increase understanding of Chinese aerospace developments. This includes providing mentorship opportunities for USAF officers and civilians with an interest in Chinese aerospace issues to conduct intensive research and work directly with CASI analysts.