Frequently Asked Questions
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When are the classes?
Please review the Course Schedule available through the "SCHEDULED CLASSES" link on the right side of this webpage.

What is the target audience for DFMC?
DFMC is an advanced level course designed to educate financial managers who already have extensive experience working in DoD financial management and who have completed higher level education. Specifically, students should be DoD GS-12 through GS-15s (or equivalent) with at least ten years of financial management experience (target less than 15 years) and a bachelor’s degree; or financial management officers O-4/O-5s between 10-15 years of time in service (or officers accepted to the Department of the Air Force Financial Management Leadership Program); or financial management enlisted members E-8s with no more than 20 years of service who have a higher level degree.

Are waivers available to allow lower grades/ranks to attend DFMC?
Yes. Each Service/Agency has its own process and with appropriate experience high-performing candidates at the lower grades/ranks may be considered for participation.

Are there education-level or degree requirements?
Yes. Each Service and/or Agency has its own education and experience requirements. In general, each requires a bachelor's degree as a minimum and several years of experience in resource or financial management. In addition, students at the Defense Financial Management & Comptroller School should be prepared and able to participate/think/write at an advanced level.

Are there physical requirements?
There are no physical fitness requirements for admission to DFMC or DDSC. However, military members must meet their respective Service's weight and appearance standards.

How do I receive a nomination to attend one of these classes?
Air Force
-- DFMC: SAF/FME solicits nominations for DFMC from the MAJCOMs who in turn, solicit nominations from the field. Nomination packages should be submitted to MAJCOMs and SAF/FME in accordance with the instructions in the call for nominees. SAF/FME then conducts a central selection board based on MAJCOM-provided nominees and sends selection notification letters to the MAJCOMs after the board meets. Selectees are centrally funded by the Department of the Air Force.
-- DDSC: DDSC classes are hosted at installations around the world. The host organization is responsible for the student roster. As such, nominations for mobile DDSC classes should be forwarded to the host POC. For information on POCs for specific classes, e-mail
Army: Nominations are made through the Army Comptroller Proponency. You can find more information on Army selections at the following link: Army Financial Management.
Navy and Marine Corps: Nominations are submitted through the Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Financial Management and Comptroller) Special Assistant for Human Capital (FMH). Point of contact is FMH at
DoD Agencies: DoD Agencies make selections based on a "best qualified" basis. If interested in attending either DFMC or DDSC, be sure to coordinate with your Agencies' training officials. They should be able to assist you in getting the needed information for you to apply to attend the course.

How do I know if I have been selected?
DFMC: Once enrolled, DFMC students will receive a welcome e-mail from DFM&CS Course Support. This message provides instruction for LMS access, pre-course requirements, and other administrative information.
DDSC: DDSC selection will be confirmed by the host POC.

What is the appropriate attire for the class?
Civilian: Civilian personnel must wear appropriate business attire on class days (Monday – Friday). Blue jeans, collarless shirts (e.g., "t-shirts"), tennis shoes, sandals without heels (e.g., "flip-flops"), sweatpants, sweatshirts, etc., are not considered appropriate attire. Business attire for men is a dress shirt with or without a tie (ties are encouraged). Examples of business attire for women include blouses with sleeves (short or long-sleeve or sleeveless blouse with business coat), dress slacks or dress skirts.
Military: Military members must wear their Service utility uniform (ABUs, ACUs, etc.) on class days (Monday – Friday).

What should I bring to class?
Selected students should review their welcome package for complete details. However, optional items include bowling ball/shoes, covered drink container, and a personal computing device.

What type of computing device do I need?
Although we have laptops available for issue to those who need them, we highly encourage you to bring your own device (i.e., laptop) with word-processing and presentation/brief building capability (preferably MS Office products for format compatibility). You'll likely find wireless access, connectivity speed, etc., to be better with your own device. If you bring a work computer, check at your home station to ensure you are allowed to connect to the internet via Wi-Fi as wireless internet capability is required to access course material and complete exams. Our student-issued laptops cannot be loaded with any commercial software, but can connect to the commercial Internet in the School facility, billeting, hotel, or other Wi-Fi locations. Wireless internet access for your personal devices is also available in these same locations.

Is there Wi-Fi (Wireless) internet connection available on base?
In addition to the School facility, there are multiple locations (including lodging and the AU Library) that provide commercial wireless service. Additionally, those who bring a Wi-Fi enabled work computer should also have access to the AF wireless network while in the School facility.

Who makes my lodging reservation?
Do not make lodging reservations in DTS. However, do included the default lodging cost in your per diem allocation. The Defense Financial Management & Comptroller School will work with Air University and the 42d Force Support Squadron (FSS) to make your lodging reservation. Students will be assigned to on/off base lodging based on on-base lodging availability in accordance with AFMAN 34-135. If lodged off-base, non-availability statements will be provided by the 42d FSS to the DFM&CS staff and will then be issued to students.

Do you have maps of the base?
A base map will be accessible on the Air University Learning Management System, Canvas, after students receive their welcome letter from the Defense Financial Management & Comptroller School.

Will I receive Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credit for DFMC/DDSC?
Yes. We will provide you a CPE letter once you complete the course requirements. The Defense Financial Management and Comptroller School is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE sponsors through its website: Where applicable, DFMC credit may be used toward the DoD FM Certification Program as part of the initial certification process or for Continuing Education requirements when students have already earned their certification.

What if I misplace my graduation certificate?
If you misplace your graduation certificate, the way to obtain official class attendance verification is requesting a school transcript from the Air University (AU) Registrar's Office. To do so, students are required to create an AUServiceDesk account. To access the Service Desk, select the "Academics" drop down option at the top of this page, then select "Registrar," and then select "Transcript Requests" on the right-hand side of the screen. You will then be redirected to the AUServiceDesk homepage where you must click "Accept" on the Warning Statement. From there, you should be able to create your user account.
If required, please reference course MLMDC 503 (DFMC) or MLMDC 504 (DDSC) in the appropriate section.

What if I have another question not covered by this FAQ?
Please contact us at DSN 493-6656, commercial 334-953-6656, e-mail, or the “CONTACT US” link on the right side of this web page.