Online Masters Program

eSchool of Graduate PME - Online Master's Degree Program (OLMP)

Program Application

Military:  Before applying, students must confirm that their official record accurately reflects all degrees earned. Refer to the Air Force Personnel Center (AFPC) website’s education and training link to check official records. Contact AFIT/RRC (DSN 785-6234) to update this information.

If you meet the program eligibility requirements, you must create an AU Portal account before applying. A CAC card is required to create the account using the following method: Go to AF Portal and login. Under QUICK LINKS, scroll down to EDUCATION/TRAINING/FORCE DEVELOPMENT, and click on Air University Portal, go to the silver bar that reads "Click here to login or create a new account," and click on "Create Account." Once you follow the steps, go down to menu bar on the left side of the AU Portal page and hover over "Distance Learning," then hover over "Online Master's Degree Program (OLMP)" and select "Apply." From the AUSRIS page, click on "Create Account."

If you do not have a CAC card or are not able to create an account for any other reason, please submit a help ticket by clicking here.

Civilians:  Applicants must contact the Air Force Civilian Force Development team at AFPC.  Their phone number is DSN 665-2524 or Commercial 210-565-2524.  Additionally, you can find more information on their ACSC-OLMP myPers website.  If you have questions, please contact AFPC or your functional career field team (CFT).

To check your eligibility for each concentration, click here.

eSchool of Graduate PME
51 East Maxwell Boulevard
Maxwell AFB, AL 36112


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