
International Alumni of Distinction Seminar 2023

The seminar will be held 7-9 March 2023 and will provide an opportunity for 32 senior leaders from around the world to engage with each other and key officers and senior enlisted leaders within the United States military community.  Topics of discussion include Women, Peace, and Security and the development and empowerment of a professional enlisted force.  Additionally, the seminar will explore integration by design via coalition interoperability, focusing on integrated deterrence strategy, Agile Combat Employment, information sharing, and all-domain command and control integration.  During the seminar, keynote and feature speakers will deliver valuable information for each topic, followed by regional group discussions and collaboration sessions among participants.

*Further information regarding the seminar will be posted on this site as it becomes available.

**For additional information and any questions, contact the IADS staff at 

***Click here for materials presented in this seminar Slide/Presentations