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What is Adjunct Contract Professional (ACP)?

• The program is a CSAF-sponsored collaboration with Air University to leverage the knowledge, skills, and experience of select retired senior leaders and SMEs

• Two general requirement areas:
     1) Assist with the development of Airmen
     2) Assist with Air Force improvement initiatives

• Deliverables focused on research, “red-teaming,” writing, teaching, consulting, curriculum development, and mentoring.

• HAF originated the program in 2017 in collaboration with Air University through a commercial contract with Flatter, Inc. to perform a broad range of Adjunct Professor duties that are within the scope of functions outlined in DoDI 1402.06

Who is ACP?

• Just under 60 senior leaders and SMEs participate.

• Primarily General Officers, but also some 0-6 officers, senior civilians, and non-DoD experts.

• ACPs have expertise in numerous areas, including Joint Staff Strategy, Command and Control, Air Superiority, Cyberspace Superiority, Global Integrated ISR, Global Position Attack, Rapid Global Mobility, Theaters of Operation, Electronic Warfare, Operational Test and Evaluation, Acquisitions, Logistics, etc.

Important to Note:

• HAF annually promotes ACP program to every MAJCOM, HAF directorate, select FOAs, select DRUs, and several Air Force initiatives like Air Force Futures, Chief Data Officer, and Enterprise Capability Collaboration Teams (ECCTs)

• Primary users have been AF/A1, AFIT, ACSC, AWC, Eaker, as well as SeCAF, CSAF, CSO, AF/CC, AF/REG, AFDW, USPACOM, 505 CTS, HQ AF Space Command, A5/7, SAF/IG, USAFWC, HAF/DS, AFRL, IMSC, and AU/SJIOAC.

• ACP is distinct from the “Senior Mentor” program (aka HQE-SM – Highly Qualified Expert-Senior Mentor) run by Air Combat Command, which by public law delineates specific tasks which can only be performed by the Senior Mentors (such as non-Academic wargaming)

• By contract law, participating organizations cannot by-name request a specific person in the requirement specification.

Contact Us:

• For information about the ACP program, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the government contracting officer representative, Col Jeremy Holmes, email: