Æther: A Journal of Strategic Airpower & Spacepower


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Review & Reply

The journal encourages thoughtful debate in the form of scholarly feedback to our articles. For publication consideration, reviews/commentaries on our articles must range between 1,000 and 2,000 words, be appropriately footnoted (narrative footnotes are not permitted), and upon acceptance, will be sent to the article author for an opportunity to respond to the critique. Once finalized, the resulting review and reply will be featured in an upcoming journal issue.


Senior Leader Perspective

  • Air Superiority: A Renewed Vision
    General James B. Hecker, US Air Force

    In the sunset of America’s 70+ years of unchallenged air superiority, America and its Allies and partners must adapt and innovate with low-cost/high-yield capabilities.

Managing Risk

Technology, Society, and War

Elements of Deterrence

Transforming a Bureaucracy

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