Topic Sponsor: CSAF Priority
Diversity and inclusion should be prevalent throughout the DoD. What tangible changes can the DoD make to support the retention of women? How can we retain a diverse 21st-century DAF?
- Abejuela, Lt. col. Myla et al, "Hispanic Serving Institutions and Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps Table Talks (HART)," AU Press Fairchild Paper, 2022, 47 pgs.
- Adams, Lt. Col. Isaac, "Air War College's Faculty Diversity: Potential for Outsized Impact on the Air Force," AWC PSP 2022, 43 pgs.
- Akwalia, Capt. Meshva P. et al, "It's About Time: Convalescent Leave for Elective Abortions," SOS AUAR 2020, 9 pgs.
- Amos, Elizabeth, et al, "Improving Fitness Outcomes for Postpartum Women: Air Force Instructions Update," SOS AUAR 2020, 25 pgs.
- Arceta, Jon A., "From Discrimination to Distinction: The Journey of the 442nd Regimental Combat Team During WWII," SAASS thesis, 2023, 143 pgs.
- Anderson, Hillery N., "Leaning In: Accession & Retention of Female Air Force Intelligence Officers," SAASS Thesis, 2020, 88 pgs.
- Austin, Capt. Christine, "Combating Racial Disparity in Non-Judicial Punishment," SOS AUAR Paper, 2020, 7 pgs.
- Ayivorh, Captain Benjamin, Captain Mark Thompson and Captain Robert Tolossa, "Historically, the USAF Has Lacked Measures to Hold Itself Accountable in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Efforts," SOS AUAR elective paper (Barriers Analysis Working Group/BAWG), 2021, 5 pgs.
- Azab, Stephen K., "The Military Immigrant," Air Force Fellows Paper, 2022, 2 pgs.
- Bailey, Col. Keolani, "The Indispensability of Character Development: An Air National Guard Perspective," AWC PSP, 2021, 36 pgs.
- Baldwin, Maj. Celina M., "Duty, Honor, Country: The Real-Ideal West Point," ACSC elective paper (War and Gender), 2022, 17 pgs.
- Baxter, Brandon, "Overcoming Barriers to Diversity in the Senior Officer Ranks," ACSC elective paper (Leading Difficult Change: Lessons of the Civil Rights Movement), 2022, 8 pgs.
- Bear, Pamela, "Changing the USSTRATCOM Workforce: Age, Sex and Race," ACSC elective paper (Leading Difficult Change: Lessons of the Civil Rights Movement), 2022, 8 pgs.
- Beaty, Kevin, "Military Spouse Education is a Military Readiness Issue," ACSC elective paper (Inclusive Leadership), 2023, 10 pgs.
- Beitz, Lt. Col. Kristin, "Accelerate Change or Lose the Right Leaders: Childcare, a Readiness and Retention Tool for a More Diverse Force," Air Force Fellows paper, 2021, 57 pgs.
- Bermudez, Lt. Col. Kelli M., "Cross-Gender Mentoring and the Benefits to Women in Career Development," AWC PSP, 2020, 23 pgs.
- Biles, Maj Megan, "Protecting Parental Rights of Military Academy Cadets," Air Force Fellows paper, 2022, 3 pgs.
- Bordelon, Major Mary Lea, "Military Childcare: How a Pre-Pandemic Blessing Turned into a Hostage Situation," Air Force Fellows Paper, 2022, 4 pgs.
Carnduff, Lt. Col. Christopher J., "Do Commanders of Flying Wings Need to Be Rated Officers?" Air Force Fellows paper, 2022, 3 pgs.
- Cook, Major Brian, "The Air Force is Still Getting it Wrong on Physical Fitness," Air Force Fellows paper, 2022, 2 pgs.
- Dial, Megan W., "Barriers to Career Development Program Attendance Experienced by Persons with Targeted Disabilities in the U.S. Air Force," SOS AUAR, 2021, 6 pgs.
- Duty, Maj. Laura, "Expert, Equitable, Ethical: The OSTC Opportunity to Increase Public Confidence in the Military Justice System," ACSC elective paper (War and Gender), 2024, 10 pgs.
- Esposito, Lt. Col. Albert M. and Lt. Col. Chong H. Gregory, "Great Power Conflict: Competitive Advantage through Diverse Leadership," Air Force Fellows paper, 2021, 81 pgs.
- Farnham, Nicole E., "Fight Like a Girl: Gender Representation in Military-Based Movies," AWC Strategic Studies Paper, 2024, 44 pgs.
- Feldman, Capt. Ashley and Capt. Nichole Palyok, "Effects of High-G Environments on the Pelvic Floor in Women," SOS AUAR 2021, 11 pgs.
- Garlow, Col. Ryan, "Retaining Diversity and Talent by Increasing Organizational Commitment in the US Air Force," Air Force Fellows Paper, 2021, 38 pgs.
- Gipson, Capt. Damien D., "Implementation of Permanent Shaving Waivers," SOS AUAR paper, 2020, 7 pgs.
- Goodwin, Jeremy, "Impact of Transformational Leader Behaviors on Diverse Team Performance and Persistence", MA Thesis (MIT), 2021, 303 pgs.
- Grider, Lt. Col. Casey M., "The Strategic Centrality of Women, Peace and Security: A Call to Mainstream in Professional Military Education," AWC elective paper, 2020, 12 pgs.
- Henderson, Maj. Corey, "Brave Bessie: Aviation Pioneer and Cultural Icon," ACSC elective paper (Leading Aviation for All), 2023, 8 pgs.
- LaSalle, Joseph, "Balancing Gender Representation: Investigating Strategies for the Retention of Females in the USAF," GCPME thesis, 2022, 33 pgs.
- Lothian, LTC Eric, "A Strategic Weakpoint: The National Guard as an Operational Reserve," AWC PSP, 2021, 33 pgs.
- Lunardi, Lt. Col. Tara R., "General Officer Gender Diversity: How Do We Get from Here to There?" AWC Strategic Studies Paper, 2017, 40 pgs.
- Matherly, Major M. Carter, "Obligatory Discrimination and Implicit Bias: A Longitudinal Study of Implicit Racial and Sexual Orientation Bias in the U.S. Military," eSchool ACSC thesis, 2020, 76 pgs.
- McElheny, Christianna, "The Teleworking Woman: Why Telework May Be a Gamechanger for the Air Force's Recruitment of Women," GCPME/ACSC 2022, 45 pgs.
- McGee, Lt. Col. Ross W., "Navigating through Generations: How Generational Study Can Strengthen Relationships in Preparation for Large Scale Combat operations," AWC Strategic Studies Paper (Resilience Research Task Force), 2024, 32 pgs. Winner of the AWC Culture and Language Center Award
- McGuiness, Krystal, "Sex, Soccer and Soft Power: Femininities and the United States Air Force," AF Fellows Paper, 2024, 20 pgs. Winner of the MCU WPS writing contest (2024).
- Medaglia, Col. Danielle R., "The Security, Socio-Economic Prosperity and WPS Relationship," AWC Elective paper, 2020, 14 pgs.
- Medaglia, Col. Danielle, "Women, Peace and Security in Army Education," AWC Strategic Studies Paper, 2021, 25 pgs.
- Mendoza, Lt. Col. Daniel, "Foreign Blood for American Defense: US Policy on Immigrant Military Service and Naturalization," AWC, Strategic Studies Paper, 2021, 34 pgs.
- Meyer, Capt. Keisha, "Are Non-White or Female Officer Trainees Recycled or Dropped from OTS at Higher Rates than White or Male OTs?" SOS AUAR Paper, 2020, 6 pgs.
- Palacio, Capt. Rachel, "Research to Resolution: Diversity in the Air Force Judge Advocate General Corps," SOS AUAR paper, 2020, 6 pgs., spreadsheet appendix.
- Parilli, Col. Luis (Tony) A., "Underpinning Army Talent Management with An Organizational Culture of Diversity," AWC PSP, 2020, 30 pgs.
- Pazak, Col. Stephen M., "The Recipe for Sustaining The All-Volunteer Army," AWC PSP, 2020, 20 pgs.
- Pecoraro, Maj. Corrie, "Implicit Bias in Squadron Officer School and Its Effect on the Diversity of Air Force Senior Leaders," ACSC paper, 2018, 45 pgs.
- Pecoraro, Lt. Col. Corrie, "Military Childcare as a Readiness Issue," Air War College Strategic Studies Paper, 2024, 46 pgs. Winner of the AWC Human Capital Innovation Award.
- Rane, Capt. Pranav and Capt. Erinika Taliaferro, "Making Uncomfortable Conversations Comfortable," SOS AUAR, 2021, 14 pgs.
- Riley, Maj. Jessica, "Female Aviators: The Myth of the Movies vs. Reality," ACSC elective paper, 2019, 18 pgs.
- Riley, Rose, "2020 Sparked the Momentum to Address Racial Bias—Relentless Accountability Will Keep the Fire Burning," AWC Strategic Studies Paper, 2021, 28 pgs.
- Roldan-Whitaker, CDR Angela M., "Navy Recruitment: An Innovative Approach to Testing," AWC PSP, 2020, 15 pgs.
- Roth, Lt. Col. Jim, "Swipe Right: Tapping into the Unique Chemistry between Generation Z and the Air National Guard," AWC PSP, 2020, 43 pgs. Prize Winner: Reserve Component Award, AWC Commandant's Award
- Rothstein, Rachel and Megan Wilson, "Future of Postpartum PFT: Air Force Improvement Strategy," SOS AUAR paper, 2020, 13 pgs.
- Sanchez Lagares, Capt. Alessandra B., "Identifying Why there is a Lack of Female Mentors in the 21A AFSC in the United States Air Force," SOS AUAR 2021, 8 pgs.
- Sanchez-Perry, Capt. Holly, "Addressing Bias in the JAG Corps," SOS AUAR Paper, 2020, 10 pgs.
- Smith, Maj. Michelle J., "Can Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility Improve Military Service Members' Mission Performance?" GCPME paper, 2024, 41 pgs.
- Sterling, Col. Michelle L., "Leveling Up for Gen Z--The National Security Talent Crisis," AF Fellows Paper (Woodrow Wilson Center), 2024, 3 pgs.
- Stephenson, Capt. Cory P., "Identifying and Evaluating Potential Barriers and Discrimination Resulting from the Use of 'Ma'am' in the United States Air Force," SOS AUAR Paper, 2020, 7 pgs.
- Trujillo, Lt. Col. Maureen A., "American Indian Contributions to the Military," CRS Report, AFF paper, 2022, 22 pgs.
- Villanueva, Capt. Tarra, "Talking Paper on Male Spouse Support Groups," SOS AUAR 2021, 5 pgs.
- Warner, Capt. Lillian, "Female Retention in Cyber," SOS AUAR 2021, 9 pgs.
- Zhu, Lt. Col. Bai Lan, "Generational Differences in the Department of Defense: What Military Leaders Need to Know," AWC PSP, 2022, 38 pgs.