Global Impacts of Militarization and Economic Development of the Arctic
The arctic is increasingly contest and congested. Although many countries are developing strategies and capabilities for use in the Arctic they often fail to assess the global impacts of militarization of the Arctic.
- Edlund, Maj. Christopher, "Arctic National Security Investment: Time to Outrun Russia," ACSC paper (Russia Research Task Force), 2024, 25 pgs.
- Ince, Maj. David, "The Cold Reality of Transpolar Shipping: What Does an 'Ice-Free' Arctic Really Mean?" AF Fellows paper (Ted Stevens Arctic Center), 2024, 3 pgs.
- Johnson, Maj. Gavin H., "Fighting the Environment: Arctic Search and Rescue in a Changing Landscape," GCPME (ACSC) thesis, 2022, 45 pgs.
- Randall, Lt. Col. Ryan L., "The Arctic Security Gambit: How Will the US Struggle for Advantage in the Arctic," AWC Strategic Studies Paper, 2021, 25 pgs.
- Robinson, David, GS-14, U.S. Navy, "Poles Apart: Russia’s Activities To Advance Polar Sovereignty Claims" AWC PSP, 2020, 17 pgs.
- Schneider, Maj. Scott, "Competition in the Arctic: A Three-Way Race for Logistical Dominance," ACSC paper, 2019, 23 pgs. Winner of the Lt Gen John Nowak Award for Logistics
- Schneider, Maj. Scott, "Future of Thule Air Base: When Greenland Gains Independence," ACSC elective paper (Dilemmas of Global Basing), 2020, 10 pgs.
- Watson, Capt. John D., "Russia's Recent Conquests and Long-Term Strategy in the Arctic," SOS AUAR, 2021, 16 pgs. (published in Wild Blue Yonder, 2 July 2021)