Arctic, the Antarctic, and the Indo-Pacific
Topic Sponsor: PACAF
Typically, people view the Arctic as a EUCOM issue and not necessarily as an INDOPACOM issue. What is the importance of the Arctic to the Indo-Pacific theater?
- Carroll, Maj. Brieanna C., "Peace in the Arctic: China's Ambition and U.S. Fighters in Alaska," GCPME thesis, 2022, 39 pgs.
- Edlund, Maj. Christopher, "Arctic National Security Investment: Time to Outrun Russia," ACSC paper (Russia Research Task Force), 2024, 25 pgs.
- Fields, CDR Stanley, "Russia's Arctic Strategy: Implications for Great Power Competition," AWC Elective Paper, 2021, 32 pgs.
- Gatti, LCDR John T., "The United States' Frozen Arctic Strategy: Can It Be Thawed Fast Enough to Preserve National Security," GCPME paper, 2022, 37 pgs.
- Hardy, Natalie M., "Tip of the Iceberg: A Lack of Current National Strategy May Be Setting The Department of Defense (DOD) Up For Failure In the Arctic," GCPME, 2019, 51 pgs.
- Ince, Maj. David, "The Cold Reality of Transpolar Shipping: What Does an 'Ice-Free' Arctic Really Mean?" AF Fellows paper (Ted Stevens Arctic Center), 2024, 3 pgs.
- Kelsey, Col. Aaron, "The National Guard's Role in Arctic Security," AWC Strategic Studies Paper, 2022, 33 pgs.
- Levy, Maj. Hila, "Ice, Ice, Maybe: The Value of an Antarctic Security Strategy," SAASS thesis, 2021, 176 pgs.
- Nelson, Maj. Eric, "Arctic Diplomacy—It's Time to 'Normalize' The Process" Air Force Fellows Paper, 2022, 3 pgs.
- Randall, Lt. Col. Ryan L., "The Arctic Security Gambit: How Will the US Struggle for Advantage in the Arctic," AWC Strategic Studies Paper, 2021, 25 pgs.
- Rosario, LTC Jorge A. Rosario, "U.S. Army Arctic Dominance: A Long Way Away," AWC Strategic Studies Paper, 2022, 39 pgs.
- Schneider, Maj. Scott, "Competition in the Arctic: A Three-Way Race for Logistical Dominance," ACSC paper, 2019, 23 pgs. Winner of the Lt Gen John Nowak Award for Logistics
- Schneider, Maj. Scott, "Future of Thule Air Base: When Greenland Gains Independence," ACSC elective paper (Dilemmas of Global Basing), 2020, 10 pgs.
- Semke, LCDR Joseph R., USCG, "Arctic Power: Maintaining Stability in an Uncertain Environment" eSchool thesis, Dec 2019, 57 pgs.