Noncommissioned Officer Academy


Noncommissioned Officer Academy is the second level of enlisted PME and prepares Technical Sergeants selected for promotion for entry to the SNCO Tier. It is a resident Community College of the Air Force affiliated course that consists of 196 classroom hours over 25 academic days. The overall goals of NCOA are to develop the leadership capability of NCOs to successfully lead teams, strengthen their organizations culture, solve problems collaboratively and expand their understanding of the Air Force’s role in joint operations to achieve national strategic objectives.

The mission of the NCOA is to prepare MSgt(selects) for increased responsibilities by developing their leadership capabilities and expanding their understanding of the military profession to achieve national strategic objectives. NCOA is required for promotion to MSgt.

CSAF Action Orders

Action Order A – Airmen-Line of effort: Transform the way we learn across all facets of the USAF Education and Training.

Action Order C – Competition: Ensure PME educates Airmen for competition including the strategy, force design, and warfighting approaches for key adversaries..

Objectives of the faculty of Non-Commissioned Officer Academy are to:

  • Equip students with the skills and knowledge necessary to promote a positive culture within their sphere of influence
  • Develop in the student the ability to assess the factors that influence culture and advocate for actions necessary to strengthen their organization
  • Provide instruction that enables students to translate their Commander’s intent to achieve executable actions
  • Develop the skills needed to lead teams and adapt to uncertainty in a joint environment at the tactical and operational levels of warfare
  • Enable students to understand the Air Force’s role in support of joint all-domain operations
  • Help students understand the relationship between the national defense strategic strategy, the instruments of national power, and military operation

Learning Outcomes:

Graduates of the resident NCOA will be able to:

  • Assess and advocate actions necessary for strengthening organizational culture.
  • Examine the impact of leadership actions and determine proper courses for achieving team goals
  • Collaborate with team members to analyze problems and implement solutions
  • Connect joint knowledge, skills, and abilities to Air Force tactical and operational actions
Course Effective Date 3 January 2023 New Course Effective Date 01 Oct 2023

Module 1 Culture:

  1. Culture Overview
  2. Unconscious Bias
  3. Trust
  4. Commitment
  5. Professional Relations
  6. Equal Opportunity
  7. Integrated Resilience
  8. SAPR
  9. Shaping Organizational Culture

Module 2 Leadership: 

  1. Leadership Overview
  2. Mission Command
  3. Ethical Decision Making
  4. Leadership and Management
  5. Leadership Attributes
  6. Leading Diverse Teams

Module 3 Problem Solving:

  1. Problem Solving Overview
  2. Types of Thinking
  3. Types of Problems
  4. Negotiations
  5. Problem Solving

Module 4 Mission:

  1. Mission Overview
  2. Military Organization
  3. Joint Forces Overview
  4. Joint Operations
  5. National Strategy
  6. Operational Culture
  7. Mission Exercise
  8. Mission Test

Team Leadership:  Upon graduation, each NCOA student will be able to deliberately lead others to achieve positive outcomes in a wide range of contexts. Specifically, graduates should be able to:

  1. Describe how to navigate between SNCO followership, leadership, and management roles and the impact the SNCO has on an organization
  2. Interpret organizational factors, such as culture and structure, that impact the success of organizations.
  3. Describe general practices that lead to effective change management.
  4. Explain the benefits of integrating diverse perspectives into decision making.
  5. Differentiate between the positive and negative impacts of power, influence, and politics in organizational functioning

Joint Warfighting:  Upon graduation, each NCOA student will be able to lead diverse teams in the joint environment to integrate air power into joint operations. Specifically, graduates should be able to:

  1. Explain the principles of Mission Command for translating commander’s intent to guide teams in the application of air power to achieve military objectives.
  2. Identify and articulate the role and value of the Air Force in support of joint operations.
  3. Explain the structure and function of the joint staff.
  4. Identify possible solutions to tactical and operational level challenges and describe the aspects which hinder or contribute to mission success.
  5. Identify the principles of risk assessments and predict mitigation factors to assist in decision making.

Strategic Thinking:  Upon graduation, each NCOA student will be able to articulate the relationships between the instruments of national power and the strategic impact of tactical level actions. Specifically, graduates should be able to:

  1. Explain the military’s role in achieving national strategic objectives.
  2. Describe how the instruments of power influence the pursuit of national security objectives.
  3. Identify the objectives, priorities, and restrictions across Geographic Combatant Commands that influence military operations
  4. Explain the purpose of national strategy and its influence on strategic competition