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Introduction To Cultural Domains

U.S. Airman has a discussion with Airmen from other countries

This course serves as an introduction to cultural domains through illustration of each real-world examples based on select countries/cultures – Currently the emphasis is on the People's Republic of China and the Russian Federation. This course will equip students with analytical tools essential in the accurate observation, orientation and decision-making process necessary to manage the challenges of cross-cultural interaction. As such, students are exposed to case studies, scenario applications and strategies in order to develop an appreciation of the cultural domains necessary to avoid misunderstandings.

This is a distance learning course. It is worth three semester hours through the Community College of the Air Force (CCAF). It is currently only available to enlisted members of the US Armed Forces (Active Duty, National Guard, and Reserve).


This course is offered by The Air University to enlisted members of the US Armed Forces (Active Duty, National Guard, and Reserve) participating in the Community College of the Air Force (CCAF) Program.
For enrollment directions, see the DOWNLOAD section below.
Program Transcripts
Academic Credit for this course will automatically be recorded by the Air University Student Information System (AUSIS) and be available to CCAF for inclusion in their program.

Visit the CCAF website for information about how to view unofficial transcripts and order official transcripts

This course is an entirely on-line, self-paced 9 module course, which requires you to accomplish short readings, watch associated video clips/presentations, and complete knowledge checks/exercises within the Canvas Learning Management System. There will be formative lesson quizzes, situational judgement exercises, summative Milestone Assignments and a final exam.

Types of Tests
Summative assignments will be used to measure understanding and determine the final grade.
Test Scoring and Feedback
Knowledge check/exercise and formative quiz results are instantaneous. Summative assignment results will typically be posted within 1-2 weeks of submission.
Course Materials
Course materials will be provided via the Canvas Learning Management System. Access to the internet for research assignments is required.

1. Understanding Culture and Cultural Competency
2. China and Russia: History & Myth
3. Family, Sex, and Gender in China
4. Exploring Religion & Spirituality in China and Russia
5. Time, Space, Language and Communication
6. Learning & Knowledge
7. Russian Politics & Social Relations
8. Examining China's Economy & Resources
9. Situational Judgement Test: Navigating Russia and China


Upcoming Course Dates

Spring 2025 Session
Enrollment Window
25 February – 24 March 2025
Class Dates
3 April – 16 July 2025

Course Information

ICD Flyer
(updated July 2024)


Academic Calendar (2023-2024)
(updated January 2024)

Academic Calendar (2024-2025)
(updated July 2024)

Enrollment Directions
(updated September 2024)

(updated July 2024)



AFCLC emblem. Air Force Culture and Language Center. Air Force's Global Classroom.

551 E. Maxwell Blvd, Bldg 500, Maxwell AFB, AL 36112


Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Instagram


Support Hours: 

Monday - Friday: 0800 - 1600 Central Time

For Student Support:
Contact AFCLC Education Support

For Enrollment Support:
Contact AFCLC Enrollment Support

Air Force Culture and Language Center
551 East Maxwell Blvd, Bldg 500
Maxwell AFB, AL 36112

(334) 953-9292
Phone requests for service will require an e-mail confirmation for tracking and recording purposes.

(334) 953-1614
When faxing, please include a fax coversheet identifying the course, yourself, and your contact information.