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LEAP Spotlight: SSgt Dainius Milingis

  • Published
  • By AFCLC Outreach Team

“Being a Language Enabled Airman Program (LEAP) scholar has awarded me with multiple opportunities to serve in the United States Air Force beyond my primary career field as a logistician. The most rewarding way has been to share my Lithuanian cultural heritage and language in distinctive capacities. One of the most exceptional experiences was to be selected for an Advanced Language Intensive Training Exercise in Lithuania. During this time, I traveled to my home country of Lithuania and partnered up with United States Army Civil Affairs teams. Being a native speaker not only removed communication differences, but most importantly, I felt I was significantly contributing to strengthen the relations between Lithuanian and United States military forces. Returning to Lithuania was remarkable! During this experience, I made new friends and network with fascinating military professionals that I continue to foster and grow relationships with to this day. LEAP has not only made me a cultural and language scholar, but it serves as the perfect platform for professional and personal growth.”

-LEAP Scholar SSgt Dainius Milingis-

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551 E. Maxwell Blvd, Bldg 500, Maxwell AFB, AL 36112


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