Air University Press


Resilient Effective Adaptable Leadership

  • Published
  • By Jonathan D. Sawtelle



Adaptation is required to stay ahead of the competition or an adversary, remain relevant, or increase effectiveness. Military leaders must self-evaluate and confront any barriers inhibiting their growth in this area. Sawtelle provides opportunities to reflect on leadership in an uncommon context. Self-reflection—made more credible by a certain level of discomfort — can shed light on personal and cultural blind spots. There are six common blind spots in modern military culture inhibiting the comprehensive development of more advanced leaders to achieve resilient intent: trust, risk, investment of time, ownership, technology dependence, and personal adaptability. These elements can serve as catalysts for reflection and dialogue to aid in the evolution of modern leadership culture to best prepare for surprise, disruption, and crisis. [Jonathan D. Sawtelle / 2016 / 115 pages / ISBN: 9781585662685 / AU Press Code: B-146]



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