Air University Press


Aerospace Power: A Brazilian Multidimensional Approach

  • Published
  • By Pedro Arthur Linhares Lima, Carlos Eduardo Valle Rosa, Carlos Alberto Leite da Silva, Eduardo Sol Oliveira da Silva, and Gills Vilar Lopes; translated by Marisa Helena de Oliveira Silva
Download Aerospace Power

This collection of studies delves into themes of Brazil’s airpower and space power: protecting territorial sovereignty in the Amazon, developing missile technology in partnership with South Africa, taking a place in global aerospace geopolitics, participating in UN peace operations, among many more. Subject matter experts and officers from the Força Aérea Brasileira (FAB) provide in-depth research not found anywhere else but this anthology.


EditorsPedro Arthur Linhares Lima, Carlos Eduardo Valle Rosa, Carlos Alberto Leite da Silva, Eduardo Sol Oliveira da Silva, and Gills Vilar Lopes
Translator • Marisa Helena de Oliveira Silva
ISBNPrint: 978-1-58566-325-5, Digital: 978-1-58566-326-2
AU Press CodeB-179

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