
Parents and Educators

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Prospective Air Force Junior ROTC Family, 

Thank you for considering Air Force Junior ROTC (AFJROTC) for your loved one. AFJROTC is an incredible program and our mission is “To develop citizens of character dedicated to serving their nation and community.”  Our program is completely voluntary, and no student can be forced to take AFJROTC. The support and encouragement you give your student to “try” the program is incredibly important. There are a few important points we want to ensure are clear to our families.

1. If a student takes AFJROTC in high school, there is never any obligation to join the military.
2. AFJROTC emphasizes life skills and leadership which will help students long after high school, no matter what career path they take. 
3. AFJROTC will simply help prepare your student for success following high school. 

It’s important to know all JROTC programs are citizenship programs. They are not military recruiting programs, and the citizenship charter is stated in Title 10 United States Code law. AFJROTC works to teach important skills and reinforce personal traits to help make your student successful in life, no matter what type of career they choose following high school. These life skills are based on the Air Force core values of “integrity first, service before self, and excellence in all we do.” Your student will learn important aspects of leadership, followership, adherence to personal appearance and grooming standards, proper uniform wear and will also have the opportunity to participate in some very exciting Leadership Development Activities, to include the possibly of earning a scholarship to the Chief of Staff of the Air Force’s Flight Academy where they get a chance to earn their private pilot certification. These activities reinforce the lessons they will learn in the classroom and provide them an opportunity to lead and learn among their peers. These activities are our “hands-on” teaching tools and are a fun and exciting way to reinforce the importance of teamwork, service, positive attitude, hard work, and healthy self-image. AFJROTC is a place where students will not only start to grasp important life lessons, but they will also feel a sense of accomplishment, belonging, and pride that comes with teamwork and success.

AFJROTC is a fully (Cognia) academically accredited and inclusive program that is open to all students in the 9th to 12th grades. If your student is eager to learn, has a positive attitude, wants to be part of a team, and is willing to adhere to reasonable personal grooming and uniform wear requirements, then they will be welcome in AFJROTC. The program's excellence is due to the dedication, leadership, teaching, and mentorship of more than 1,600 retired Air Force instructors in partnering high schools across the nation and overseas. Your loved one will be joining approximately 85,000 other AFJROTC cadets! 

Thank you for considering AFJROTC for your loved one and for your potential partnership in working towards our goal to develop citizens of character for America. If you have any questions please contact your school’s AFJROTC instructors or school counselors who can give you more information about their specific corps of cadets. 

Is there a military commitment?
There is absolutely no military commitment. Air Force Junior ROTCs primary mission is to develop better citizens. The Air Force JROTC program has no military recruiting goals.

What does JROTC stand for?
Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps

What is Air Force Junior ROTC?
Air Force Junior ROTC is a congressionally mandated program designed to develop citizens of character dedicated to serving their nation and community. Air Force Junior ROTC will assist your child in being successful in high school and in whatever career path they choose.

How will my child benefit?
Air Force Junior ROTC exposes your child to leadership experiences that can be found in no other activity in high school. Your child will earn high school credit and learn life skills and leadership skills they can use long after they graduate.

What does the Air Force provide?
The Air Force provides schools hosting Air Force Junior ROTC units with curriculum and instructional materials, equipment, uniforms, monetary funds for specified expenditures such as cadet field trips, and instructor salary reimbursement. Instructional materials include textbooks, training aids, and items of equipment such as computers, digital videos, video cameras, and monitors prescribed by the Air Force Junior ROTC curriculum.

Are there any costs for Air Force Junior ROTC?
The only cost to you is routine cleaning of the uniform.  Otherwise, the Air Force will provide your child with what they need to be successful in our program.

How much of my time will be required?
This depends on your child’s level of participation in the program. It can range from just classroom participation to about the same amount of time you put into other high school extracurricular activities (e.g. football, softball, or band).

What curriculum is taught?
The Aerospace Science curriculum includes the history of aviation, principles of flight, meteorology, navigation, flight physiology, and exploration of space. The Leadership Education curriculum includes stress management, leadership styles, communication skills, financial management, training on uniform wear, drill, and military customs and courtesies. Multiple opportunities are provided to enrich the curriculum, including various teams, field trips, parades, Color Guards, and special summer programs.

What type of training do instructors get before they are allowed to teach at the high school?
The Instructor Certification Course curriculum provides student-centered learning experiences that focus on applying basic principles of learning to specific learning situations, planning meaningful instruction, using sound teaching methods, communicating effectively, and evaluating the achievement of learning objectives. This course prepares newly assigned Air Force Junior ROTC faculty to teach in private, public, and DOD dependent high schools worldwide. It is a rigorous, comprehensive, and fast-paced course that requires extensive reading and preparation and moderate research.  Major curricular areas include learning theory, learner-centered instructional activities, setting instructional outcomes through lesson planning, and preparation. Teaching methodologies include formal and informal lecture, guided discussion, teaching interview, group activities, and demonstration performance. The course is organized for maximum participation in learning. A majority of class time is devoted to seminar activities. Students plan and present teaching lessons, develop test items, and participate in specialized labs to meet AFJROTC requirements. Students must effectively plan and present teaching lessons. They are urged to use Air Force Junior ROTC lesson plans to prepare the required teaching lessons. Students also receive Air Force Junior ROTC instruction in curriculum, professional relations, leadership, counseling, twenty-first-century learning standards, classroom performance systems, creative teaching strategies, and diverse learning styles. They are introduced to secondary school challenges and concerns.

Officer instructors are retired officers who have at least a bachelor’s degree. More than 90 percent of them have master’s degrees with backgrounds in teaching and extensive experience working with youth groups.

Enlisted instructors are retired noncommissioned officers (NCOs). More than 86 percent of enlisted instructors have a bachelor’s degree with an additional 32 percent holding a master's degree or higher. Most enlisted instructors have extensive experience in leadership, supply, administration, drill and ceremony, teaching, and experience working with youth groups.

What are the benefits for my child if he/she wants to pursue a military career?
If your child is considering pursuing a career in the U.S. Armed Forces, the Air Force Junior ROTC program will put them ahead of their peers. Success in the program (minimum of 2 years participation) translates into increased military rank (up to two grades), responsibility, and pay.

Are there college scholarship opportunities for cadets who want to go to college and become an officer in the military?
Yes, the Army, Navy, and Air Force ROTC programs offer several competitive scholarships, including partial or fully paid tuition and a monthly stipend towards pre-approved college degrees. A commission in the Air Force is awarded upon graduation from college and successful completion of the ROTC program.

Is my school paying for all of this?
The Air Force provides schools hosting Junior ROTC units with instructional materials, equipment, uniforms, monetary reimbursement for orientation trips, funds for specified expenditures, and instructor salary reimbursement. Instructional materials include textbooks, training aids, and items of equipment such as computers, digital video disc players, digital video discs, video cassette recorders, video cameras, monitors prescribed in the Air Force Junior ROTC curriculum and one-half of an instructor's minimum instructor pay amount.

What are the student enrollment eligibility requirements?
Students must be enrolled in a regular course of instruction in grades 9 through 12 at the school hosting the Air Force JROTC unit. Students must be physically qualified to participate fully in the physical education program of the host school, maintain acceptable standards of conduct and comply with specified personal grooming standards.  Any special equipment or additional staff that may be needed to instruct special Air Force Junior ROTC students is provided by the school.

What is the relationship of the instructors to other members of the faculty?
The Senior Aerospace Science Instructor (SASI) and the Aerospace Science Instructor (ASI) are members of the faculty and teach an integral part of the school’s curriculum. They are subject to the same extracurricular assignments and duties as other teachers, such as monitoring homeroom and study hall, and usually receive the same benefits of sick leave, holidays, and vacations as do the other teachers. Some states/school districts may require the SASI and ASI to be certified as high school teachers above and beyond Air Force Junior ROTC instructor certification. Air Force Junior ROTC recommends that the SASI and ASI work toward teacher certification within the state. In some states, the ASI is permitted to teach military subjects without certification and may serve as a classroom assistant without being teacher certified by the state.

Greetings, thank you for your interest in establishing an Air Force Junior ROTC program!  Please read all of this thoroughly BEFORE you start a unit application. 


HQ Air Force Junior ROTC highly recommends you receive contingent approval from your school board, superintendent, district, etc. to ensure budget, curriculum credit, scheduling type issues are already considered in order to hasten the process once an offer is made.  This is especially important since offers can occur any time during the school year due to late closure notifications and uncertainty of a particular year’s declination rate (i.e. how deep in the alternate pool we select; current declination rate is approximately 25%).  Please remember, the applicant is responsible to let us know if any information on your application has changed.


A:  Yes.  Another service may be expanding faster than the Air Force, and their selection criteria differs in some respects.  Another service may be able to reach your school faster than the Air Force can.  However, once the school accepts another service’s JROTC program, the school will be removed from the Air Force’s waiting list.


A:  The first step is for the school to fill out an application. 


A:   Once an application is received, we evaluate it to determine if the school meets the basic criteria to warrant advancement in the process.  If it is, then a site survey is scheduled. During the site-survey, the Headquarters AFJROTC representative reviews proposed facilities, discusses program support, academics and activities with the school and district leadership.  If the site survey results are favorable, then the school application is approved.  Approved school candidates are added to the waiting list.  Each year, we normally close down a few programs, so we must open a few to offset the numbers.  Our goal is to make offers to schools in October or November so they have time to work budgets, student scheduling, etc.  In non-expansion years when attempting to replace closing units, tendering of offers can occur at any time.


A:  Units are not awarded on a “first-come, first-served” basis.  All applicant schools receive a score on a scale from 1-100.  This score is derived from the following categories:

-  Geographic (State) Location (the closer the state is to the target school authorization, the fewer geographic points are awarded (40% of score).

-  Size of student population and instructor availability in the area (25% of score)

-  Availability and quality of facilities, and support from school district and community (25% of score)

-  Title I eligible school (5% of score)

-  Located in a Metropolitan-area of 150,000 or greater as defined by the U.S. Census Bureau (5% of score).

School rankings fluctuate year-to-year because we consider all new applications along with previously approved candidates. Annually, schools are ranked each summer at the time of submission. We do not release this ranking to the general public due to the annual fluctuation in rankings and in the number of units we can open each year. 


A:  Unknown. Geographic (State) Location score plays a big part in your ranking. However, few under-represented states apply for units; hence, over-represented states may still receive units.


A:  The first time you decline the JROTC program, your school will remain on the waiting list, but it will be re-ranked with any new applications received.  If you decline a second time, your application will be deleted, and you will have to reapply at such time you are ready to open a unit (no earlier than one year from the second declination date). 

Nomination Procedures.  The following are the procedures used in nominating an applicant school for approval to establish a new Air Force Junior ROTC unit:

1.2. 1. The process starts when a school district submits an application for an Air Force Junior ROTC unit via the on-line application process.  Headquarters Air Force Junior ROTC will validate and begin processing the application after receiving the signed signature page from the superintendent of the applying school. Please email the completed application to

1.2.2. The date of application submission shall be considered the initial longevity date of record.

1.2.3. Applications will be screened to determine initial eligibility. Examples of initial eligibility include, but are not limited to, the following. The school must:

1.2.3. 1. Be a public or private secondary educational institution. Not already be hosting a JROTC unit from another service (unless the school is a military institute). Have adequate classroom, storage, instructors office, and drill space identified should an AFJROTC unit be offered to the school. Have a current accreditation unless the school has yet to open. Comply with Title VI of the US Civil Rights Act of 1964. Be able to grant academic credit towards graduation for the completion of AFJROTC courses. Have waited a minimum of 5 years before applying if having previously hosted a JROTC unit. Have waited a minimum of one calendar year before reapplying if having previously declined two offers to host an AFJROTC unit.

1.2.4. If the school does not meet initial eligibility requirements, the Air Force Junior ROTC Chief of Support (HQ AFJROTC/JRS) will return the application stating the reasons for ineligibility.

1.2.5. If the school meets initial eligibility requirements, Air Force Junior ROTC will conduct a site survey prior to recommending it as a candidate for a new unit. HQ AFJROTC/JRO will appoint a Headquarters representative to conduct the site survey. Past, current, or prospective Air Force Junior ROTC instructors will not serve as site survey officers unless waived by the Director, HQ Air Force Junior ROTC and only if the instructor is in a better position to reach a geographically isolated location than any other qualified site survey officer. The Air Force Junior ROTC Director, Deputy Director, Chief of Operations, Chief of Support (HQ AFJROTC/JRS), and Regional Directors are automatically qualified to conduct site surveys by virtue of position. The site survey officer will coordinate the date and time of the site survey with the school' s superintendent and principal. The site survey will be conducted and scored according to the rules established in Holm Center Instruction 36-2010.  Once completed, the site survey officer will electronically submit the site survey score sheet to HQ AFJROTC/JRS within seven calendar days of the completion of the site survey or a suspense date set by HQ AFJROTC/JRO. HQ AFJROTC/JRS will notify the school if a survey results in non-recommendation. The non-recommendation will be documented to include the reasons for the non-recommendation, and the school's application will be properly disposed.  The school may reapply after remedying all reasons for non-recommendation.

1.2.6. Once the site survey is complete, HQ AFJROTC/JRS will determine school ranking on the waiting list according to the process established in Air Force JROTC Instruction 36-2010.

1.2.7.  The Air Force Junior ROTC Director reserves the right to allow schools with special qualifications to submit an application out-of-cycle. These instances will be documented in the remarks section of the school's electronic application.

1.2.8. Schools who have a successful site-survey are placed on the School Candidate List (SCL).  Schools remain on the SCL until they are either offered a program, decline to host a program, or ask to be removed.

To begin the application process, please click the following link to download the application form:

AFJROTC Unit Application

One of the keys in the success of the Air Force Junior ROTC program lies in its academic foundation. The curriculum is divided into three components — Aerospace Science, Leadership Education, and Health and Wellness. Each Air Force Junior ROTC unit balances all three areas to meet the particular needs and abilities of their cadets.

Cadets who complete three years of the Air Force Junior ROTC academic program may earn a certificate of completion and be eligible to enter the military at a higher pay grade compared to most other enlistees. Air Force Junior ROTC cadets are better prepared to enter and work in a highly technical world, whether it be in civilian industry or military service.

Initially on 29 March 2005--accreditation was awarded by the Southern Association of Colleges, and Schools Council on Accreditation and School Improvement by the AdvancEd Commission.  On January 28, 2016 accreditation was awarded with the North Central Association Commission on Accreditation and School Improvement (NCA CASI), the Northwest Accreditation Commission (NWAC) and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Council on Accreditation and School Improvement (SACS CASI), the regional accrediting agencies that span the AdvancED global network. The program is currently certified in the Cognia Accreditation Registry. 


Aerospace Science studies include aviation history, science of flight, global and cultural studies, exploration of space, management of the cadet corps, aviation honors ground school, and survival.

In the study of aviation history, cadets learn about the development of flight and the men and women who contributed throughout the centuries. The science of flight course allows cadets to become acquainted with the aerospace environment, weather, the human requirements of flight, and the principles of navigation. Space exploration equips cadets with the basic concepts of space and cyber.

Both the science of flight and exploration of space courses complement material taught in high school math, physics, and other science-related courses.  These courses support the STEM initiative utilizing 21st Century learning concepts.

Through global and cultural studies, cadets learn to see their world through many different perspectives, introducing them to world affairs, regional studies, and cultural awareness.


Leadership Education includes studies of Air Force tradition, wellness, and foundations of citizenship, communication, awareness, and leadership, life skills and career opportunities, and principles of management.

The leadership education courses offer cadets many opportunities to shape their lives. They’re introduced to the Air Force organizational structure, uniform wear, military customs and courtesies, flag etiquette, civics, and drill.

Cadets also learn to think critically, develop effective communication and leadership skills, build personal awareness, create effective teams, and develop behaviors for becoming a credible and competent leader.

They learn about the importance of charting a career path, how to create a personal budget and financial plan, how to write a resume, how to interview for a job, and how to apply for college.


The objective of the Health and Wellness Program is to motivate cadets to lead healthy, active lifestyles beyond program requirements and into their adult lives. Physical fitness is designed to get cadets up and moving. The program allows cadets to push their personal limits, compete, and earn awards.