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LEAP Spotlight: MSgt Alain Mukendi

  • Published
  • By AFCLC Outreach Team

“Last June, AFCLC and LEAP gave me the opportunity to assist the U.S. Army Cadet Command summer program in a six-week training mission to the Republic of Congo as linguistic and cultural regional subject matter expert. I was a team leader and mentor for 12 Army ROTC cadets. As cross-cultural awareness training, the focus was for the cadets to develop cultural competencies, regional expertise, and cultural knowledge without having language proficiency.

During our time in country, we accomplished a week-long Mil-to-Mil exchange training with the Congolese Army, did some community outreach with the U.S. Embassy, as well as cultural events/humanitarian aid projects. I’ll forever be grateful for this awesome opportunity as I got the chance to not only utilize my primary language, French, but also my secondary and national language of the Congo, Lingala.”

-LEAP scholar MSgt Alain Mukendi-

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