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Hot Topic: Leadership

VIDEO | 1:02:40 | Servant Leadership | CSAF Gen David L. Goldfein

AU Press: Books, Papers, and Articles

A Discourse on Winning and Losing
By: Col John R. Boyd; Edited and Compiled by Dr. Grant T. Hammond


A Framework for Military Decision Making under Risks
By: Lt Col James V. Schultz


Airpower Leadership on the Front Line
By: Lt Col Douglas A. Cox


At the Fulcrum of Air Force Identity
By: Lt Col Jonathan Riley


Blunting the Spear
By: Lt Col Brian T. Stahl


Brown Bag Lessons
By: CMSgt Eric R. Jaren


Commanding an Air Force Squadron
By: Timothy T. Timmons


Commanding an Air Force Squadron in the Twenty-First Century
By: Jeffry F. Smith

Developing Your Full Range of Leadership
By: Dr. Fil J. Arenas, Dr. Daniel Connelly, and Maj Michael D. Williams


Guidelines for Command
By: Air Command and Staff College


By: Bob Vasquez


Leading Air Mobility Operations in Complex Humanitarian Emergencies
By: Lieutenant Colonel Eileen M. Isola


Lights, Camera, Action: Getting Back to the Basics
By: SMSgt Leslie Bramlett


Lorenz on Leadership
By: Gen Stephen R. Lorenz


Military Personnel As Innovators
By: Col Michelle E. Ewy


On the Leadership Journey
By: CMSgt José A. LugoSantiago


Resilient Effective Adaptable Leadership
By: Jonathan D. Sawtelle


Rise of the Fighter Generals
By: Col Mike Worden


Sharing Success – Owning Failure
By: Gen David L. Goldfein


Sharing the Journey: A Military Spouse Perspective
By: Dawn A. Goldfein, with Dr. Paul J. Springer and Capt Katelynne Baier


The Air Commanders' Perspectives
By: Dag Henriksen


The Evolution of Airmen
By: Lee E. Hoover Jr., editor


The Harmon Memorial Lectures in Military History, 1988–2017
By: Lt Col Mark E. Grotelueschen


The Military Commander and the Law (Edition Fifteen)
By: The Judge Advocate General's School


The Secret Sauce for Organizational Success: Communications and Leadership on the Same Page
By: Rear Adm Tom Jurkowsky


They Served Here
By: Jeffrey C. Benton


Tough Tommy’s Space Force: General Thomas S. Power and the Air Force Space Program
By: Maj Brent D. Ziarnick


When You Get a Job to Do, Do It: The Airpower Leadership of Lt Gen William H. Tunner
By: Lt Col David S. Hanson


ASPJ Articles on Leadership
By: Various Authors


SSQ Articles on Leadership
By: Various Authors


More AUP Books and Papers
By: Various Authors


Additional AU Resources

Air University News: Leadership
By: Multiple Authors


Air University Research on Leadership
By: Multiple AU authors (Requires NIPR to access some resources)


Leadership 4 Cs
By: Air University Public Affairs

Leadership at Air University
By: Various Authors


Ethics and Military Leadership
By: Air University Library 


Great Warriors/Leaders/Thinkers
By: Air University Library


Toxic Leadership
By: Air University Library 


Transformational Leadership
By: Air University Library 


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