Air University Press


News and Events: April 2022

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Monthly Observance

April is the Month of the Military Child: a time to honor the sacrifices made by military families worldwide, with an emphasis on the experience of the dependent children of military members serving at home and overseas. As the US Air Force celebrates its 75th Birthday this year (1947-2022), we also celebrate the many contributions and sacrifices by both women and men of the United States Air Force. At Air University Press, we honor those women who have and are playing a vital role in our Nation’s history. Come see our selection of books at the AUP Book Store.

Key Dates

  • Apr 01 – April Fool’s Day: Remember, Safety First!
  • Apr 04-10 – National Library Week: A time to celebrate our nation's libraries, library workers' contributions and promote library use and support. 
  • Apr 05 – Gold Star Spouses Day: A day dedicated to those whose spouses gave their lives while serving in the US military or as a result of service-connected injuries or illness.
  • Apr 14 – Air Force Reserve’s 74th Birthday: The Air Force Reserve was formally established on April 14, 1948, by President Harry Truman.
  • Apr 15 – “Purple Up! For Military Kids” : is a day for Department of Defense Education Activity communities to wear purple to show support and thank military children and dependents for their strength, support, and sacrifices.
  • Apr 15 – National Tax Day
  • Apr 17 – Easter Sunday: Hopping into the Spring holidays!
  • Apr 22 – Earth Day: The Earth Day 2022 theme is Invest In Our Planet.
  • Apr 23  – Army Reserve’s 114th Birthday: The Army Reserve celebrates contributions to two World Wars, the Cold War, Korea, Vietnam, Persian Gulf War, and many other missions.

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