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Air University Press Articles

  • Cradle of Airpower

    Cradle of Airpower takes readers through a hundred years of discovery and development, starting when the future runways of Maxwell Air Force Base were still furrowed fields and Orville Wright himself astonished the people of Montgomery, Alabama, as he buzzed overhead in his Flyer performing

  • Radar Contact

    ​The emergence of radar and tactical fighter control is the genesis of today’s air battle managers. Army Signal Corps technicians and Air Corps aircraft operators comprised the aircraft warning service, creating a constant source of frustration to both communities. It is from this mixed

  • Developing Your Full Range of Leadership

    Dr. Fil J. Arenas, Dr. Daniel Connelly, and Maj Michael D. Williams, USAF   Defining leadership is a daunting task because there so many definitions. In fact, if you research the term, you will discover, according to Stogdill, as many definitions of leadership as there are leaders.

  • A Discourse on Winning and Losing

    A Discourse on Winning and Losing is the first book published on John R. Boyd’s famous same-titled briefing. A maverick fighter pilot devoted to the Air Force and its mission, Boyd challenged orthodoxy including fighter tactics and the theory of how wars were to be fought. Inspiring radically

  • Brothers in Berets: The Evolution of Air Force Special Tactics 1953-2003

    Relying largely on oral history interviews, this work explores the evolution and contributions of the Battlefield Airmen assigned to Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC) special tactics units over 50 years. “Their story deserves telling within the US Air Force and to the general

  • Air University Press Audiobooks

    Sharing Success–Owning Failure Preparing to Command in the Twenty–First Century Air Force David L. Goldfein Then-colonel David L. Goldfein discusses several themes central to a successful command tour.* His ideas and questions will spark your imagination as you begin preparing for the task

  • Brown Bag Lessons: The Magic of Bullet Writing

    This author unlocks the “magic” of effective bullet writing through proven techniques.  Following them guarantees immediate improvement for anyone who has struggled with formulating statements for recognition packages and appraisals.  The author emphasizes that the

  • Resilient Effective Adaptable Leadership

      Adaptation is required to stay ahead of the competition or an adversary, remain relevant, or increase effectiveness. Military leaders must self-evaluate and confront any barriers inhibiting their growth in this area. Sawtelle provides opportunities to reflect on leadership in an uncommon context.

  • Air University Press Publications

    Describes currently offered Air University (AU) Press books, journals, research papers, AU texts, and audio books. AU Press is a not-for-profit publisher of air, space, and cyberspace power topics for the development, exchange, and advancement of airpower and national security thought critical to

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