AFCLC, Air Force Culture and Language Center, Air Force's Global Classroom

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  • Airman returns to home country Bulgaria for joint exercise

    May was a memorable month for U.S. Air Force Tech Sgt. Svetlana Alviar. She celebrated more than a decade of service, embraced a new promotion, and returned to her home country, Bulgaria, for a joint exercise.“I just hit my 11-year mark in the Air Force and I was able to return to Bulgaria and work

  • LEAP: Captain finds use for Russian in Syria

    Over the last decade, the dynamic and multicultural nature of combat operations demonstrated a critical Air Force need to develop Airmen who not only know their job, but are culturally aware and language capable. The Air Force Culture and Language Center stood up the Language Enabled Airman Program

  • Language, Culture and medical knowledge boosts ties for Airman, Bundeswehr

    Language and cultural training, packed in with the right amount of Air Force job proficiency, can culminate into a valuable product. In November 2016, the German military spent four weeks working alongside that product as, 1st Lt Nadine Suh, a health services administrator assigned to 22d Medical

  • LEAP: Experiencing Germany’s largest military hospital

    In October 2016, I received the unique opportunity to spend four weeks at the largest Bundeswehr (Armed Forces of Germany) hospital as part of the Air Force’s Language Enabled Airmen Program (LEAP). This rare opportunity not only allowed me to practice my language skill, but I was also able to learn

AFCLC emblem. Air Force Culture and Language Center. Air Force's Global Classroom.

551 E. Maxwell Blvd, Bldg 500, Maxwell AFB, AL 36112


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